Quote:There may not be a moral high ground for protecting whales,
As long as you allow that there is nothing else to say about Olga.
On the pragmatic approach I think experts are all we have.
Quote:"Rabbitiesis" was a way to restore a land that was overrun with rabbits
The land has a way. Your statement implies that myxomatosis is justified in terms of human use and land values in money terms.
Quote: They were usully an action b well intentioned but stupid (usually) govt agents.
The use of "stupid" frees you from the discipline of logical discussion. And "(usually)" frees you from being definite.
Quote:Whale killing will be leading to the extinction of a species that is perfectly adapted to its environment and the critical mass and environmental carrying capacity does NOT need harvesting by mans that are totlly bogus an artificlly justified.
Of course whale killing will lead to extinction if it continues until whales are extinct. Your statement is meaningless. There is not the slightest chance of whales becoming extinct by man hunting them.
A far as I looked Japan killed 267 whales in the least season. How many whales are there? Whales are in far more danger from the activities in high-level consumer societies through poison, sea temperature rises and maybe underwater sonar activity.
An evolutionist knows that no mammal species is perfectly adapted to its environment. That is implicit in evolutionary theory. Obviously. I suppose the house fly comes pretty close though but that is only based upon external appearances in human terms. A mammalian species perfectly adapted to its environment must cease to evolve unless the evolution process it is subjected to is directed towards extinction.
What is "environment" anyway. Is mankind not part of the whale's environment and has dominion over them?
Quote: but I can see over your head and your silly makeshift arguments
I can see through yours. You're a scaremonger who is using doomsday scenarios to get attention and you can't back up anything you say which causes you to blurt ad-homs like that on those occasions you take me off Ignore.
Olga has put A2K on Ignore it seems. And she deployed ad-homs as well.
My impression is that there is a large number of species in danger of extinction due the our activities. There is the Abolokopatrika Madagascar Frog for example which I think you are not bothered about because it doesn't lend itself to you consuming a large and inordinate volume of scarce resources in order to bring back pictures of you viewing them to bore the arse of whoever you can find to bore. Can you not imagine how boring it is to listen to someone preening about having been to see whales blowing off as if it is a superior form of human behaviour. Probably frightening them. From your own argument the couch potato is a superior being.
And that is a name I picked out of the first page of the alphabetical list under "A" which I got fed up of scrolling through.
And there is the Coelacanth which the scientists said was extinct and turned out not to be.
The fact that you never mention Norway seems to me to indicate a prejudice against Japan. I have known a few people with such a prejudice. Not all of them deriving it from movies.