"Denigrating msO"
I didn't, however you obviously believe that denigrating Foxfyre was oh so classy.
Who are you Rockhead? Does anyone in your world give a **** about what you say?
Maybe you live in a Liberal cocoon where all of your **** is thought to be so so funny. Do you work for an Acorn offshoot?
My guess is that you are an employee of the State, some faceless drone pushing paper at the DMV of whatever state in which you reside.
Or maybe you are some low level employee of a branch of a large corporation which you despise, but which you think has to pay you wages every two weeks.
Your job requires you to be online but your company hasn't imposed sufficent internet controls, and so you have A2K in the background, and whenever you get bored or would rather not work, you reply in A2K with what you think is a signature smart ass response.
Pathetic = Rockhead