snood wrote:
I shouldn't, because the evidence is manifest for all to see and only those too stupid or ignorant can't see it, but I feel I need to say for the record: Voter suppression is real, and it is being perpetrated entirely by one side - the Republicans.
History isn't with you on this point. The champions of voter suppression were for several generations the southern Democrats. In addition, voter suppression isn't the only kind of mischief thast can be applied in elections. Voter fraud is also a serious problem, and history amply confirms that as well. Just what is the divide between what was euphamistically called "overzealous voter registration" as was verified in the case of Acorn, and outright voter fraud? We now have a fairly reliable historical verification that voter fraud, organized by both the Democrat machiue in Chicago and likely by the Mafia, was what gave JFK the 1960 election. Both sides have in the past been guilty of various forms of voter fraud and manipulation, and the Democrats more than the Republicans.
snood wrote:I say this not because I don't think Obama is going to win - I believe he's going to win reelection and I believe we will see that result of this election before midnight tonight.
I feel I need to say it because of the twisted, lowdown scumbags who keep saying its just some figment of imagination, or some attempt at a preemptive excuse.
How do you feel about the "twisted lowdown scumbags" who insist that voter fraud including voting by non registered voters, multiple voting usinfg stolen identity, etc. is a figment of the imagination? WE know for example that fraudulent voter registration leads directly to fradulent voting and both Acorn and Labor Unions have been doing this for a very long time.
snood wrote:Voter suppression is real; it's being perpetrated openly by The governor of florida and the secretary of state of Ohio, and not so openly by rightwing crazies like True the Vote and other paid lackies of the rabid rightwing. And maybe the only thing that's lower than those actually doing it are those who live and promote the lie that it doesn't exist.
Illegal voting and vote manipulation is real as well, though you apparently ignore its existence. Some of the actions you describe as voter suppression are entirely justifiable in view of past experience of voter fraud and manipulation.
I'm not saying that all of these are free of self-serving taint - far from it. Rather that self-serving rationalizations in this area are common to all political parties. You appear to believe that all of the stink is on the other side and that your's is the sweetest perfume. That's simply not a realistic view.