<Indeed, blacks support President Obama for similar reasons to those stated in the New Yorker magazine's endorsement: "[He] has achieved a run of ambitious legislative, social and foreign-policy successes that relieved a large measure of the human suffering and national shame inflicted by the Bush Administration. Obama has renewed the honor of the office he holds."
That he happens to be African American, of course, is an added value of pride for African Americans.>
This is true that Obama has given African Americans a strong sense of pride, a feeling they hitherto had never felt....The same could be said of the Irish and Catholics when JFK because the first Catholic president. Many African Americans thought of Bill Clinton as the first "black" president.
<Are whites voting against Obama chiefly because he's black?>
Yes. Although there are moderate/liberal whites voting for Obama, along with Gays, Asians, Latinos, women and African Americans.