It was funny, and I got a kick out of watching it. However Both Chris and you apparently remain ignorant of (or simply unwilling to believe) the rather obvious fact that there are many serious reasons out there to prefer a candidatea other than Barac Obama in this election.
Continuing changes in our demographic patterns have already made our social security system literally unsustainable. We now have about 20 years before the system becomes insolvent, requiring grossly increased taxes ftom a relatively smaller number of workers to support benefits to a relatively much larger number of beneficiaries. Every year thiat we delay taking action to this problem, makes the required solution even more drastic. The situation is something like an aircraft in a steep dive - at at 500 KTS in a vertical dive at 5,000 ft altitude, its too late to pull out: the aircraft will hit the ground no matter what the pilot attempts. George Bush made some (rather feeble) efforts to address the problem, but finally gave up. Obama hasn't even tried. Indeed he has proposed huge additions to entitlement programs at a time in which the existing ones are headed for disaster, and the public unwilling to accept a solution.
The ongoing crisis in the European Union is an object lesson in the calamatous combination of the accumulated consequences of progressive governments and their rigid labor laws and excessive welfare programs (often creaded to buy the votes of powerful constituencies) which, when combined with excessive government debt, leads to social and financial paralysis. The Germans appear to be able to make this stuff work, but we aren't Germans. While the European system is unraveling before our eyes, Obama is attempting to imitate it , and he's accelerating the already high growthof our debt as he does so .
Public sector labor unions have put the finances of numerous states, counties and cities in dire straits. Collapses in local government finances are multiplying. The problem affects the Federal government as well. The teachers Unions are the principal impediment to meaningful reform of our public education system. Despite all this evidence these self-serving unions are among Obama's chief political supporters, and he has amply demonstrated that he will support them doand using public money to do so.wn to our last dollar.
You may not agree with my take on these issues (as is your right) , but many serious people do - including some with African American ancestry. It is seriously offensive for you to prejudge their motives and intentions.
It may be that I don't understand what you really mean when you refer to (so called) Black people. It is interesting that Rep. Alan West, a Republican from Florida, who happens to be black, was denied admission to the Congressionsl Black Caucous, apparently because of his political views. Is it then the case that to b e truly "black" one must embrace progressive, left wing politics?? There is some logic in the proposition in that one who takes a different view must necessarily be "anti black". By that standard Rep. Alan West (and many others) aren 't really black at all.