InfraBlue wrote:
On Monday The New York Times had reported that the Libyan Islamist militia, Ansar al-Shariah, were prompted by the anti-Islam film to perpetrate the attack on the diplomatic mission in Benghazi.
Yes, the NYT perpetuated the Obama lie.
Do you have information that contradicts what the Times reported that Ansar al-Sariah had said about the video and their attack?
What Ansar al-Sariah said is irrelevant.
Did you follow any of what the Obama administration has said
about the terrorist attack and subsequent murder of for Americans?
Did you notice that their first response was to blame a video that nobody saw?
Did you notice that the Obama administration and Obama himself lied to Americans and the world?
How is it irrelevant what Ansar al-Shariah said in light of the fact that they were the ones that carried out the attack, and used the video as an impetus to do so?
The Obama Administration had initially thought that the attack was a part of the protests that had taken place in Egypt, where the US diplomatic mission in Cairo had also been attacked, and was perpetrated as a response to the video.
They learned later that the attack in Benghazi was entirely coordinated, and that there was no initial protest gathering.
All in all, the video did factor in the attacks at both diplomatic missions in Cairo and Benghazi.

How is it that the Obama cover-up of what he
knew and when he knew it is of no interest to you?
Cover up?
My god squirt, the investigation isn't even close to being done so how can anyone know much of anything about it? The FBI hasn't completed an investigation and yet you are accusing Obama of covering something up? Based on that logic we should be accusing Bush of covering up the attacks on 9/11. It makes as little sense as what you are trying to do here.
As usual tea party followers try to find out the truth by interviewing people that are not knowledgeable about facts. You seem to do that a lot Spurt.
I thought Susan Rice had it all figured out the very next Sunday. It was the video !!!! It was the VIDEO !!!!
Has anyone other than Obama and his administration actually seen this video?
What happened to the guy that allegedly made the video that nobody has seen?
I like to hear words directly from the source. So here you go !!!
"Jake, we’re not impotent. We’re not even less popular, to challenge that assessment. I don’t know on what basis you make that judgment…It’s actually the opposite. First of all, let’s be clear about what transpired this week. In Cairo, in Benghazi, in many other parts of the region, was a direct result of a heinous and offensive video that was widely disseminated, that the U.S. government had nothing to do with, which we have made clear is reprehensible and disgusting."
The attack had nothing to do with any video
According to the Obama administration, the video had everything to do with the attack, until it didn't. But wait, the Administration is investigating this now for almost 4 weeks. Very soon we may know the truth, until we don't.
LOL! OK, you go ahead and trust the Obama administration if it makes you feel better.
The rest of the country knows that Obama and his crew are lying to cover up a much bigger story.
There are two video tapes that are about to surface that prove that there was no demonstration over a video.
I do not believe woiyo is disagreeing with that.
If you wish to take solace in the crumbling rat hole Campaign Obama found before Debate #2 to try and blunt the onslaught they expected re Benghazi (you know, the one absolutely no one brought up before the debate) and you contend Obama identified the attack as an act of terrorists on 9/12, then even you have to ask, why the hell did he wait two weeks before so identifying it again, all the while saying "we don't know," and strongly suggesting, if not stating, that it was part of a spontaneous reaction to the anti-Islam video?
Why did he have Jay Carney take that line for so long?
Why did he send Ambassador Rice to 5 Sunday shows to very explicitly say it was a spontaneous reaction to the video.
Now we have the release today of State Department cables that show the Embassy and the Ambassador himself had been pleading for additional security for months before 9/11, and warning of "discriminate" attacks by Islamist extremists,and specifically not spontaneous mob violence.
And President Obama had the disgraceful nerve during the second debate to sternly declare that no one care more for the safety of American diplomats than him.
I will grant that he, almost assuredly, didn't personally reject the requests for
additional security, but how many diplomatic postings could have been more dangerous in the last 12 months than Libya? Surely Obama had to know that, and if he really cared so much for the safety his Diplomatic Corps, how hard would have been to affirmatively inquire of the security in the half dozen or dozen most dangerous places in the world? Would the State Department have failed to tell him of the requests for beefed up security in Libya? Hard to imagine they would have.
The reality is that for the benefit of his Pacific Pivot foreign policy strategy, and, most importantly, for his re-election campaign, the narrative had to be:
We got binLaden and al-Qaida is on the run (the latter having been conspicuously removed from his stump speeches the day after Debate 2), that "Leading From Behind" in Libya was plenty smart since the nation was stable and we didn't need extra-ordinary security measures to protect our people.
The reality, as we know now, is that the two former Seals who died in Benghazi, were NOT part of the consulate security staff, and attempted to come to the rescue of their overwhelmed fellow Americans and, tragically paid the ultimate price for their heroism. The Admin has either promoted or allowed the notion that they were part of the security staff to cover up it's own failing.
As a result, the narrative includes the notion that the two Seals failed in their charge, when the reality is that they voluntarily and bravely entered a fray that they had to know probably would lead to their deaths.
This act of self-less bravery is completely lost in the country's perception of the incident because of the outrageous and disgraceful efforts of this Admin to protect the president's re-election bid through deliberate obfuscation and outright lying.
Obviously, I have never been a fan of President Obama and his Admin., but even I wouldn't have predicted he could be this callous, this despicable.
It's stunning. Signature
"The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead, and their kids a chance to get ahead, and an economy that continues down the road we're on." David Axelrod 4-15-12