Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 9 May, 2013 09:46 pm
You consider cynically lying to the American people for political reasons as a matter of quibbling?

In any case, it's not that issue alone. Did the Administration set the stage for the calamity by failing to respond to requests for increased security? Did the Administration abandon Americans to the tender mercies of Islamist enemies?

It may be that the Administration is not guilty of any negilence or misdeed, but why should we not be interested in fairly and accurately determing if that is the case?

The "Blue Ribbon" panel Hillary appointed to "investigate" the matter is now being investigated by the Inspector General's office. This doesn't make you, at the very least, curious?

All of the arguments Democrats are making against these hearings were made by Republicans against the Watergate hearings.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 9 May, 2013 09:48 pm
And this means what?

That the Obama Administration should get a free pass?

Didn't your mother ever tell you that two wrongs don't make a right?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 May, 2013 08:58 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
You consider cynically lying to the American people for political reasons as a matter of quibbling?

I don't agree with the wording of your question since it has not by any means been proven they "lied" at all. What I consider quibbling is all this argument over Rice's statements shortly after the attack. Rice was given talking points by the CIA. Moreoever, Obama called the attack an act of terror two days after the attack and two week later an Obama official referred to it as a terrorist act.

In any case, it's not that issue alone. Did the Administration set the stage for the calamity by failing to respond to requests for increased security? Did the Administration abandon Americans to the tender mercies of Islamist enemies?

Hyperbole much?

The following is a pretty good article which answers much of your "questions."

The months leading up to the attacks. Should the State Department have approved more security for both the Tripoli embassy and the Benghazi compound? Were they incompetent not to?

Quite possibly. Certainly, the State Department's own investigation was scathing on this score ("Systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels…resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place"). But there was nothing new about this in yesterday's hearing, and certainly no evidence of cover-up or scandal. At worst, it was misjudgment that reflects badly on State's security operations. At the same time, it's worth keeping in mind that hindsight is always 20-20. There were also plenty of legitimate resource constraints, budget shortfalls, and deliberate policy choices that contributed to this.

The night of the attacks. Was the military response to the Benghazi attacks incompetent and chaotic? That's possible, but like everyone else, I've read through the timelines and the evidence is thin. Republican investigators have continually dug up examples of things they think the military should have done (scrambled F-16s, dispatched FAST teams, etc.) and in every case the military has explained why they made the decisions they did. Gregory Hicks repeated many of these charges yesterday, and he's obviously angry about what happened that night. But the fact that he's angry doesn't make him right. So far, anyway, the military's explanations have always struck me as pretty reasonable. They certainly sound as though they understand the military realities better than Hicks and the other Monday morning quarterbacks do.

It's also worth noting that there was simply no conceivable motive for the military not to respond forcefully to the Benghazi attacks. Maybe there was confusion and maybe there were bad decisions, but nothing more.

The months after the September 11 attacks. Did the Obama administration try to cover up what really happened in Benghazi? This is the deepest rabbit hole of all, and the conspiracy theories have flown faster and thicker than I can keep track of. But after eight months of throwing mud against the walls, nothing has stuck yet. For several days after September 11, the intelligence community said that the attacks were preceded by protests, and that turned out to be wrong. But it was just wrong, not a cover-up. The intelligence community also believed—and still does—that the attacks were essentially opportunistic, not the results of weeks or months of planning. And Susan Rice, in her Sunday interviews, infamously mentioned the role of the "Innocence of Muslims" video that had sparked the Cairo protests earlier that day, and it's fair to say that she probably put too much emphasis on that. But only a little. There was, and maybe still is, evidence that the video played a supporting role.

And of course there are the notorious talking points, which have been subject to a deconstruction effort that would make Jacques Derrida proud. Did the interagency process sand them down a bit too much before the intelligence community released a public version? Perhaps. Were they wrong not to mention the role of Ansar al-Sharia? Perhaps. Should they have been more forthright about calling the attackers "terrorists" rather than just "extremists"? Perhaps.

But again: At most, this is evidence of misjudgment, not cover-up or scandal. And frankly, there's not much evidence even of serious misjudgment. Nor any motive for it. The Republican theory has always been that Obama didn't want to admit terrorist involvement because this would reflect badly on him, but this has never made any sense, either politically or practically. There's just no there there.

more at the source

The "Blue Ribbon" panel Hillary appointed to "investigate" the matter is now being investigated by the Inspector General's office. This doesn't make you, at the very least, curious?

Actually this is the first I heard of it, it is a little curious.

All of the arguments Democrats are making against these hearings were made by Republicans against the Watergate hearings.

I was pretty young then, haven't really got too much into the details of Watergate. I know that republicans have been wanting to do a watergate since it happened though. If it makes you feel good, you can think this is going to reach that level. It may turn out the state department might have might of made some policy decisions based on budget restraints which was caused by budget cuts which contributed to the security situation on that unfortunate day but I doubt very seriously there is going to be an impeachment or anything like that. I know Issa was expecting a huge break but early into the hearing with the whistle blowers, he knew he was let down.

This week, several top Republicans have claimed that a supposed White House administration cover-up of the September 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, would soon bring down the Obama administration, and on Wednesday, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House oversight committee, held a much-ballyhooed hearing featuring testimony from three witnesses whom he said would "expose the full truth of what happened both before and after the attacks." Yet while the hearing was underway, Issa tweeted a link to a Washington Post story that undercut his own claim.

As he chaired the hearing, Issa sent out this tweet: "MUST READ: @WashingtonPost breaks down @GOPoversight's #Benghazi hearing" and linked to a Post story filed as the hearing was happening. The article reported what was under way in the hearing room, but it also noted, "the witnesses' prepared testimonies do not include major revelations about the attacks." Major revelations were what the Benghazi critics were breathlessly awaiting.


Reply Fri 10 May, 2013 09:30 am

So many democrats... so many lies.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 10 May, 2013 05:57 pm
If Obama identified the attack as terrorist on 9/13 why didn't Rice on 9/15?

There is a State Department memo from 9/12 identifying the terrorist group responsible for the attack. The UN Ambassador and designated spokesperson for the Administration on 9/15 didn't know this?

Check out this report by CBS

The talking points were changed for political reasons.

Your offering a Mother Jones article has a credible source of unbiased news?

In any case the author state that "quite possibly" the State Department should have provided more security. He then goes on to back-pedal and defend.

You find it only a little curious that the Inspector General is investigating Hillary's Blue Ribbon Panel?

As for the comparison to Watergate, I limited it to to the reaction of Obama supporters to those of Nixon supporters. Same dismissal and denial.

Oh please don't toss out that canard about budget restraints. Whatever funding restraints were imposed they weren't embassy specific. Only an idiot would cut security expense across all embassies. Are you suggesting Hillary is an idiot?

NSFW (view)
NSFW (view)
Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 11:00 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Not Hillary, you. Where were you when Bush lied us into a war in Iraq.
Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 01:44 pm
Speaking at the Iowa GOP’s annual Lincoln Dinner, Paul questioned the initial response to the attacks and asked, "First question to Hillary Clinton: Where in the hell were the Marines?"
"It was inexcusable, it was a dereliction of duty, and it should preclude her from holding higher office," the Kentucky Republican added to loud applause.

the lies after the fact as well.

Hillary as commander and chief?? God help us.
Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 07:56 pm
You would rather have Bush to start two or three unfunded wars again you idiot.
Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 09:47 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

You would rather have Bush to start two or three unfunded wars again you idiot.

If you paid attention you would know that I am in the "**** them all camp" you idiot.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 May, 2013 06:29 am
RABEL222 wrote:

You would rather have Bush to start two or three unfunded wars again you idiot.

Well, Bush is gone and Obama is funding/arming the Islamic Brotherhood - change that should scare the hell out of you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 May, 2013 06:42 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 May, 2013 06:54 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
In any case, it's not that issue alone. Did the Administration set the stage for the calamity by failing to respond to requests for increased security? Did the Administration abandon Americans to the tender mercies of Islamist enemies?...

There is a better question which you are ignoring:

Did Bork Obunga and his puppet-master George Soros generate an immense reservoir of hatred against Americans in Libya in 2011 by taking down what amounted to the best government in the slammite world for motives amounting to little if anything other than pure greed, and THEN set the stage for a US ambassador to be tortured, raped, and then killed by sheer fecklessness with no meaningful response in the picture even eight months later?

Ellen Brown noed (2011) that:


Another anomaly involves the official justification for taking up arms against Libya. Supposedly it's about human rights violations, but the evidence is contradictory. According to an article on the Fox News website on February 28:
As the United Nations works feverishly to condemn Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi for cracking down on protesters, the body's Human Rights Council is poised to adopt a report chock-full of praise for Libya's human rights record.

The review commends Libya for improving educational opportunities, for making human rights a "priority" and for bettering its "constitutional" framework. Several countries, including Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia but also Canada, give Libya positive marks for the legal protections afforded to its citizens - who are now revolting against the regime and facing bloody reprisal.

Whatever might be said of Gaddafi's personal crimes, the Libyan people seem to be thriving. A delegation of medical professionals from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus wrote in an appeal to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin that after becoming acquainted with Libyan life, it was their view that in few nations did people live in such comfort:
[Libyans] are entitled to free treatment, and their hospitals provide the best in the world of medical equipment. Education in Libya is free, capable young people have the opportunity to study abroad at government expense. When marrying, young couples receive 60,000 Libyan dinars (about 50,000 US dollars) of financial assistance. Non-interest state loans, and as practice shows, undated. Due to government subsidies the price of cars is much lower than in Europe, and they are affordable for every family. Gasoline and bread cost a penny, no taxes for those who are engaged in agriculture. The Libyan people are quiet and peaceful, are not inclined to drink, and are very religious.

They maintained that the international community had been misinformed about the struggle against the regime. "Tell us," they said, "who would not like such a regime?" .....

Khadaffi apparently was on the verge of pulling all of Africa out of the greedy webs of the international banking cartels (IMF, BIS etc.) and apparently Soros, the true ruler of today's demoKKKrat party, was not able to deal with that.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 May, 2013 07:29 am
Another way to look at the picture which Ellen Brown and others have painted:

Is there any reason why a Libyan WOULDN'T want to torture and kill an ambassador of a nation which just took down a government like Khadaffi's and put Libya under the thumb of the slammite brotherhood??
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 May, 2013 07:32 am
I assume the two or three little dorks and dweebs who keep voting these posts down simply lack the intellectual wherewithal to attempt any sort of a more meaningful reply to them....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 May, 2013 07:36 am
George W. Bush never "lied us into" any sort of a war.

Saddam Hussein was provably involved in the anthrax attacks which followed 9-11. That means that George Bush had very few options unless you call letting somebody poison the US senate office building with anthrax and just skate an option, which is brain-dead. He could do what he did, which was try to take the high road, eliminate the Hussein regime, and try to construct a rational regime in Iraq both to prevent further attacks and to provide an example of rational government in the region, or he could do what I would have done, which would have been to level both Mecca and Medina, and ban the practice of I-slam not just in the US but throughout the world.

Most people would probably want to try what W. did first.

Oh, yeah, I know, most of you guys don't believe Hussein had anything to do with 9-11 or the anthrax attacks which followed...

The first case of anthrax after 9-11 (Bob Stevens) showed up about ten miles from where Mohammed Atta himself had been living, i.e. the short drive from Coral Springs to Boca Raton.

The last previous case of anthrax in a human in the United States prior to 9-11 had been about 30 years prior to that.

There are other coincidences. For instance, the wife of the editor of the sun (where Stevens worked) also had contact with the hijackers in that she rented them the place they stayed.

Atta and the hijackers flew planes out of an airport in the vicinity and asked about crop dusters on more than one occasion. Indeed, Atta sought a loan to try to buy and and modify a crop duster.

Atta and several of the hijackers in this group also sought medical aid just prior to 9/11 for skin lesions that the doctors who saw them now say looked like anthrax lesions.

Basically, you either believe in the laws of probability or you don't. Anybody claiming that all these things were coincidences is either totally in denial or does not believe in modern mathematics and probability theory.

While the anthrax in question originally came from a US strain, it isn't too surprising that Iraq might have that strain since that strain was mailed to laboratories around the world years earlier. That is, it wsa mailed out for the purpose of allowing other nations to develop medicines to cure it, not to make weapons out of it...

Nonetheless, it was highly sophisticated, and went through envelope paper as if it weren't even there; many thought it to be not only beyond the capabilities of Hussein but of anybody else on the planet as well including us. Nonetheless, later information showed Husseins programs to be capable of such feats:


In a major development, potentially as significant as the capture of Saddam Hussein, investigative journalist Richard Miniter says there is evidence to indicate Saddam’s anthrax program was capable of producing the kind of anthrax that hit America shortly after 9/11. Miniter, author of Losing bin Laden, told Accuracy in Media that during November he interviewed U.S. weapons inspector Dr. David Kay in Baghdad and that he was "absolutely shocked and astonished" at the sophistication of the Iraqi program.

Miniter said that Kay told him that, "the Iraqis had developed new techniques for drying and milling anthrax—techniques that were superior to anything the United States or the old Soviet Union had. That would make the former regime of Saddam Hussein the most sophisticated manufacturer of anthrax in the world." Miniter said there are "intriguing similarities" between the nature of the anthrax that could be produced by Saddam and what hit America after 9/11. The key similarity is that the anthrax is produced in such a way that "hangs in the air much longer than anthrax normally would" and is therefore more lethal.

Basically, the anthrax attack which followed 9/11 had Saddam Hussein's fingerprints all over it. It was particalized so finely it went right through envelop paper and yet was not weaponized (not hardened against antibiotics). It was basically a warning, saying as much as:


"Hey, fools, some of my friends just knocked your two towers down and if you try to do anything about it, this is what could happen. F*** you, and have a nice day!!"

There is no way an American who had had anything to do with that would not be behind bars by now. In fact the one American they originally suspected told investigators that if he'd had anything to do with that stuff, he would either have anthrax or have the antibodies from the preventive medicine in his blood and offered to take a blood test on the spot. That of course was unanswerable.

The basic American notion of a presumption of innocence is not meaningful or useful in cases like that of Saddam Hussein. Even the Japanese had the decency to have their own markings on their aircraft at Pearl Harbor; Nobody had to guess who did it. Saddam Hussein, on the other hand, is like the kid in school who was always standing around snickering when things went bad, but who could never be shown to have had a hand in anything directly. At some point, guys would start to kick that guy's ass periodically on general principles. Likewise, in the case of Saddam Hussein, the reasonable assumption is that he's guilty unless he somehow or other manages to prove himself innocent and, obviously, that did not happen.

At the time, the US military was in such disarray from the eight years of the Clinton regime that there was nothing we could do about it. Even such basic items as machinegun barrels, which we should have warehouses full of, were simply not there. Nonetheless, nobody should think they would get away with such a thing and, apparently, Hussein and his baathists didn't.

Bob Woodward's book "Bush at War" documents some of this:


'Cheney?s chief of staff, Scooter Libby, quickly questions the wisdom of mentioning state sponsorship. Tenet, sensitive to the politics of Capitol Hill and the news media, terminates any discussion of state sponsorship
with the clear statement:

"I'm not going to talk about a state sponsor."

'Vice President Cheney further drives the point home:


"It's good that we don't, because we're not ready to do anything about it."

I mean, we didn't even have fricking machinegun barrels anymore. A friend of mine called up several barrelmakers about a barrel for a target rifle in the early spring of 02 and was told they were working 24/7 making machinegun barrels and didn't have time for any sort of civiliam firearm business.

A country with any sort of a military at all has to have warehouses full of that sort of thing and we had ******* none. We basically needed to go into Iraq the day after 9-11 and we were not able to due to the state Slick KKKlinton had left the military in, it took two years of building.

In the case of nuclear weaponry there appears to have been a three-way deal between Saddam Hussein, North Korea, and Libya in which raw materials from NK ended up in Libya to be transmogrified into missiles pointed at Europe and America by Saddam Hussein's technical people and with Iraqi financial backing (your oil-for-terrorism dollars at work), while Kofi Annan and his highly intelligent and efficient staff kept the west believing that their interests were being protected:

Muammar Khadaffi has since given the **** up and renounced the whole business.

The Czech government is sticking with its story of Mohammed Atta having met with one of Saddam Hussein's top spies prior to 9-11 and there are even pictures of the two together on the internet now:

Then again as I mentioned, there's the question of the anthrax attack which followed 9-11. Saddam Hussein's the only person on this planet who ever had that kind of weaponized anthraxs powder.

Moreover it does not take hundreds of tons of anthrax powder to create havoc.

The sum total which was used was a few teaspoons full. In other words, a lifetime supply of that sort of thing for a guy like Saddam Hussein could easily amount to a hundred pounds worth, and I guarantee that I could hide that in a country the size of Iraq so that it would not be found.

The question of whether or not Hussein had 1000 tons of anthrax powder is simply the wrong question. The right questions are, did the guy have the motive, the technical resources, the financial wherewithal, the facilities, and the intel apparatus to play that sort of game, and the answers to all of those questions are obvious.

Reply Sun 12 May, 2013 08:28 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

No one really cares?

Obviously not true, as much as you would like it to be.

No one cares as evidenced by the satire on SNL last night.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 May, 2013 08:29 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Well I can't make you interested in what they have said, and so what point is there in providing you with additional citations?

You're not interested because you can't be. To do so might shake your foundational belief in the rightness of the Obama Administration.

And meanwhile you can't answer the question so you pretend I won't be interested in your answer.
I am very interested in what new information was provided so please enlighten me as to what it was.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 May, 2013 08:33 am
Can't you at least give the authors of "your" opinion credit rather than plagiarizing ?
0 Replies

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