Isn't it amazing that before last night all of the Obamanistas in this forum never thought to defend The Expected One by citing his Rose Garden comments?
Now though they are all braying that of course those comments proved Obama was on board with the truth from the git-go, and if someone doesn't agree, they must be an idiot.
The MSM is doing it's best to further Candy's emergency response efforts by reporting that Romney had a great chance and blew it.
Of course they're not reporting that Obama and Crowley were right (How could they when she admitted she was wrong?) but they have to inject some association with the exchange that is negative for Romney as if the American people are as intelligent as a swarm of liver flukes, and only need the reportage version of an electrical shock to point them in a different direction.
Stunned by the audacity of Obama and the willingness of Crowley to discard her last vestige of journalistic integrity, Romney didn't respond as well as so many other people with a lot more time to think about the moment would have like him to, but he didn't blow it.
The headlines after the debate deal primarily with Benghazi. As much as they may have enjoyed the moment last night they can't be happy that people are talking about Benghazi. The tissue thin defense Obama offered last night can't hold up, and Romney will get another shot at it on Monday.
Let's recall that before Crowley egregiously overstepped her role, Obama was pleading with her to move on. He didn't want to discuss Benghazi and he really won't want to do so at the next debate where it is likely to dominate the discussion.
Be prepared as well for some unfortunate band of camel herders in the Libyan desert to get obliterated by Hellfires, before the next debate. If I owned an aspirin factory in Benghazi, I would be sweating bullets right now.