Republican Senate Nominee: "Legitimate" rape victims don't get pregnant

Mon 27 Aug, 2012 05:30 pm
@cicerone imposter,
What has false charges of rape have anything to do with "justifiable rape?"

You are going to have to ask Firefly that question not me as she the one who got off topic to try to get the claim that false rape claims happen rarely by the rest of us in an opinion piece she reposted.

Studies had indicate that small number of false reports can be up to 40 percents of all non-stranger rapes reports At least that was what one 10 years study in two mid western towns came up with.

Once more see the can a woman ask to be rape thread and the new york newcaster who found his one night strand is charging him with rape to cover up her getting pregnant when her live in boyfriend could not father children.

See below Firefly effect to slip this in to this thread that is indeed off tropic.

No one on the left disagrees that a small number of reported rapes come from women with mental health problems who are prone to fabrications, though it’s worth noting that a false report is not the same thing as a false accusation. But so what? That a small percentage of women claiming to be raped are lying has no bearing on the 5 percent of rape victims who get pregnant from the assault. Bringing up the specter of false rape claims in a discussion about the majority of absolutely true rape claims only makes sense if you don’t accept that the majority of women who “cry rape” are telling the truth.
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Tue 28 Aug, 2012 07:27 am
I know you could not stop yourself Firefly from trying to get false information to ride the wave of rightful outrage over Akin comments.

But false charges of rape is in fact not all that uncommon when it involved non stranger rapes.

You are absolutely clueless. You don't seem to have understood the outrage over Akin's use of the term "legitimate rape" at all.

What on earth do you think he meant by that term?

He was implying, as you are, that a woman's word about whether she has been raped is suspect, with the clear implication that many women who claim to have been raped were not, that they lie about being raped, that their claims are not "legitimate rapes". And, not only is that view highly offensive to rape victims, who often have a difficult enough time getting their claims believed, it is extremely insulting to all women.
Bringing up the specter of false rape claims in a discussion about the majority of absolutely true rape claims only makes sense if you don’t accept that the majority of women who “cry rape” are telling the truth.

And you are now trying to justify Akin's thinking on that score, as well as his use of the term "legitimate rape". You, like Akin, and Ryan, want to consider only "forcible rapes"--where the female is battered, bruised, and bleeding, so you can assure yourself she didn't consent--as "legitimate rapes". And, even then, you'd probably wonder whether she asked for, and wanted, "rough sex"-- because what underlies such thinking is a profound distrust of women, and a belief that they often lie about having been raped.

You have a personal obsession with the issue of false rape allegations, which you have displayed ad nauseum in another thread, as well as a personal obsession with me, that you have displayed in many threads--and neither of those personal obsessions of yours belongs in this thread. Other posters have already asked you to knock it off and you seem unable to control yourself.

Since you are quite clearly trying to support Akin's comment and his views about "legitimate rape", you are also fully deserving of all of the scorn and derision that has been heaped on his head.

Not only do people like you, and Akin, and Ryan, make it difficult for rape victims to seek justice in criminal courts, you now want to try to block their access to abortions as well.

Your comments are just as deserving of the "rightful outrage" that Akin's provoked, because of the similar views about women they reflect. You're just too clueless to understand that.

Tue 28 Aug, 2012 07:52 am
The "forcible rape" language was also an attempt to prevent abortion services for minors. ("Forcible rape" as opposed to "statutory rape")
Tue 28 Aug, 2012 08:58 am
The whole issue just keeps going on and on with republicans making more bizarre statements

Trying to distance himself from the "legitimate rape" comment that Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) made last week, Pennsylvania Senate candidate Tom Smith (R) stirred up further controversy by comparing a pregnancy caused by rape to "having a baby out of wedlock."

Smith said Monday at the Pennsylvania Press Club that although he condemns Akin's comment, he agrees with Akin that abortion should be banned without any exceptions, including for rape and incest victims. Pressed by a reporter on how he would handle a daughter or granddaughter becoming pregnant as a result of rape, Smith said he had already "lived something similar to that" in his family.

"She chose life, and I commend her for that," he said. "She knew my views. But, fortunately for me, I didn't have to ... she chose the way I thought. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't rape."

When a reporter asked Smith to clarify what kind of situation was similar to becoming pregnant from rape, the candidate responded, "Having a baby out of wedlock."

He added, "Put yourself in a father's position. Yes, it is similar."

Smith's comment comes at an inconvenient time for Republicans, who have been scrambling to distract voters from the firestorm of controversy over Akin's comment last week. Addressing the subject of an abortion exception for rape victims, Akin said that victims of "legitimate rape" rarely become pregnant because "the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down."

Smith, who is challenging incumbent Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) in the November election, told reporters that he does not agree with Akin's remark at all. "He should have never said anything like that," Smith said.

UPDATE: 8:45 p.m. --

Megan Piwowar, a spokeswoman for Smith, clarified on Monday evening that the candidate's comments were misunderstood and that the "out of wedlock" pregnancy in his family was not his daughter's.

"Tom Smith is committed to protecting the sanctity of life and believes it begins at conception," she said in a statement. "While his answers to some of the questions he faced at the Pennsylvania Press club may have been less than artful, at no time did he draw the comparison that some have inferred. When questioned if he was drawing that comparison, Tom's answer was clear, 'no, no, no.' Tom was speaking to the difficult decision faced by his family, not the nature of his daughters conception.”


Oh, well, it makes all the difference in his statement since it was not his daughter who had a child out of wedlock. Rolling Eyes
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Tue 28 Aug, 2012 09:05 am
He was implying, as you are, that a woman's word about whether she has been raped is suspect, with the clear implication that many women who claim to have been raped were not

This thread is dealing with the silly statement that a woman can not get pregnant by rape not how common it is for women to falsely charges men with rape.

Here is a link to the matter for anyone whom may wish to go off tropic

color=#FF0000]To sum up however Women are not a difference species then men they are just as likely not to tell the truth as men [/color]are and when it come to date rapes claims there is every indications that a fair numbers/percents of them do not indeed tell the truth.

We had cover that issue already on other threads in great details.

But you could not resist trying to get your position on the subject once more placed on this thread!!!!!!!

Firefly I know you would love to have the word of a woman alone to be able to place any man into prison but that is not how it work.

There had to be proof even for rape beyond a reasonable doubt to label a man a rapist for the rest of his life and to placed him into prison for many years.

We gone over this issue posts after posts with links to studies and examples of it happening to real men who did nothing wrong but date the wrong woman on the "can a woman ask to be rape" thread.

In your dream world any woman should be able to placed any man into prison on her word alone and even in cases where a jury had found a man innocent of such a charge you had claimed that prove nothing and the society as a whole should still consider such a man a rapist.

Sorry you are off tropic big time beating your own drum.
Tue 28 Aug, 2012 09:21 am
The one thing I do like about Akins comments is you sort of have to believe in evolution to follow his 'logic'. CBC radio had a feature the other day that followed up on this research


Females, on the other hand, can impose constraints on males following sperm deposition, by ejecting sperm or manually removing copulatory plugs (Reeder, 2003). Various anatomical and physiological barriers present in the female reproductive tract may also serve to impede sperm deposition, transport, and viability (Dixson, 1998). Following fertilization, females have additional control mechanisms to manipulate pregnancy (Drea and Wallen, 2003). Thus, female primates can potentially select against less viable sperm or less viable embryos.

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Tue 28 Aug, 2012 09:50 am
And how many LGBT can confirm they were breast fed? LOL Cool


Todd Akin Claims Breastmilk Cures Homosexuality

Missouri U.S. senate candidate Todd Akin has stoked more outrage today by claiming that male homosexuality is a disease and that the medical establishment has found the cure.

The Republican congressman, already under fire for his controversial comments regarding rape, told a reporter for Cape Giradeau's KBSI 23 News that "female breastmilk - when fed directly to an adult homosexual male daily for at least four weeks - has a 94% chance of permanently curing homosexual perversions."

"Lesbians can be cured by drinking something else."

Akin made the scientifically dubious statement during an interview that was supposed to mark the "rebirth" of his campaign to defeat incumbant U.S. senator Claire McCaskill.

Akin was leading in the polls until August 19th when he told a local radio host that victims of "legitimate rape" could not become pregnant because "the female body has ways of shutting that whole thing down." In the wake of the ensuing controversey his 11 point lead in the polls has turned into a 10 point deficit, and obeservers have written off his chances at winning the seat.

No Means No

Facing certain defeat, all major figures in the Republican Party have called for Akin to stand aside and allow another candidate to run. The Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee and several important outside groups have also pulled funding for his bid.

Despite the heavy pressure, Akin has refused to step aside saying he is in the race to win.

In the interview Akin explained that he will never back down from his beliefs and he is excited to bring his unique brand of conservatism to the U.S. Senate.

Ducking questions about his viability he proceeded to educate reporter Jeff Raskin on several issues very close to his heart including the global conspiracy to falsify the fossil record in the name of "radical Darwinism", and the plot to turn Michigan into the capital of a new Islamic States of America.

Spray the Gay Away

But the congressman really hit his stride when discussing homosexuality.

"This may surprise you Jeff, but I don't think homosexuality is a choice. We evangelicals, we know that it's a disease. But the good news is - we have the cure."

Akin then explained, "The National Institutes of Health has treated hundreds of young men through clinical trials at their headquarters in Maryland. They don't want the public to know because the secular liberal elites have succeeded in brainwashing the public into believing that homosexuality is a positive thing."

"We now know how to purge men of sin and put them on a path towards god. Why can't every gay man in America have that knowledge? Just 4 weeks of live breastfeeding can cure them of their terrible suffering. Why aren't we talking about this?"

Somewhat dumbfounded by the brazenness of Akin's pronouncement, the reporter then asked if this supposed treatment only worked on men.

"Lesbians can be cured by drinking something else," Akin replied "I'll leave that one to your imagination."

Claire McCaskill has issued a statement denouncing Akin's latest gaffe as "an outrageous and offensive pseudoscientific slander" and called on national Republicans to "respect the choice of Missourians" and allow Akin to continue his campaign.
Tue 28 Aug, 2012 09:53 am
This thread is dealing with the silly statement that a woman can not get pregnant by rape not how common it is for women to falsely charges men with rape.

No, the statement Akin made suggested that women who are "legitimately raped" cannot get pregnant--meaning that those pregnant women who seek abortions, because they were raped, are lying about being raped. His statements, as well as yours, discredit and insult rape victims, as well as all women.

You can't even understand what Akin said.

While Akin, and you, seek to perpetuate the myth that most rape claims are bogus--including when they come from women seeking abortions,--this particular topic thread has absolutely nothing to do with criminal complaints of rape--nothing at all. For one thing, a high percentage of rapes aren't even reported to the police, and whether or not a woman seeks an abortion because of a rape, has nothing to do with whether she files a criminal "charge" of rape. They are completely unrelated issues.
Sorry you are off tropic big time beating your own drum.

No, I'm I'm not off topic at all--you are. I understand what Akin was saying, regarding "legitimate rape" and so does everyone else who was outraged by his remarks. You, on the other hand, have a personal obsession with the issue of false rape allegations, which you have harped on with hundreds of posts in another thread. And you are now trying to use this thread to again harp on the same issue, which illustrates not only your defense of Akin, but your own inability to understand the outrage his remarks provoked.

Sorry, BillRM, when a woman seeks an abortion, based on a claim of rape, she should not be put through some sort of litmus test, by people like you, or Akin, to determine whether she was "legitimately raped". That entire notion is offensive and so are the people who promote it.

Tue 28 Aug, 2012 09:56 am
Ah. He's not just an idiot, he's a complete nutjub.

Too bad for the Republicans; I won't waste any tears for them, though.
Tue 28 Aug, 2012 10:04 am
You know, it's almost hard to parody Akin because his remarks are so absurd they are already humorous.

I hope Akin stays in the race, and continues to shoot his mouth off. It helps to expose the insanity, and the perniciousness, inherent in the anti-LGBT and anti-women positions that many in the GOP espouse, and that they have chosen to put into their party platform. It should wake people up and get them upset--and hopefully cause them to vote Democratic.
cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Aug, 2012 10:05 am
What is more amazing is that they believe a woman can shut down her system to prevent pregnancy.

And this guy, Todd Aiken is on the Science Committee.

How ridiculous has our government become?
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Tue 28 Aug, 2012 10:16 am
Ah. He's not just an idiot, he's a complete nutjub.

But he's not an isolated nut job--his views, regarding homosexuality as "sinful" have considerable support, particularly within the Republican party. That's one reason that jcboy had to travel from Florida to New York to be able to legally marry his partner--people like Akin don't want gays to have the legal right to marry.

These nut jobs, and their "social issues" religious agendas, are all about denying other people their legal rights, whether it's about the right to an abortion or the right to marry legally. And they have considerable influence in the Republican party. Just read the party platform.
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Tue 28 Aug, 2012 10:17 am
LOL, indeed....

I think you should investigate the purpose of the Daily Currant.
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Tue 28 Aug, 2012 10:34 am
The "forcible rape" language was also an attempt to prevent abortion services for minors. ("Forcible rape" as opposed to "statutory rape")

As well as to prevent it for incest victims, victims of acquaintance/date rape, etc.--in other words, to prevent it for the majority of rape victims.

Those that use the "forcible rape" exception really would like to outlaw abortion in all instances.
cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Aug, 2012 10:39 am
Those that use the "forcible rape" exception really would like to outlaw abortion in all instances.

That's the ultimate goal of the GOP. They want to control women's bodies through the pregnancy, but don't care for that baby's health or cost to raise it.

They're not only trying to control their bodies, but their financial future.
Tue 28 Aug, 2012 10:45 am
Yes it is! conservative christians are desperate because the country is inexorably and relentlessly moving towards liberal, progressive values (equality for women, equality of races, equality of gay people, no child labor, etc.). This makes them feel desperate. That's why they are so active, bold and creative in their fight against us. They see themselves as waging a holy war against liberals and progressives.
Tue 28 Aug, 2012 10:57 am
@cicerone imposter,
That's the ultimate goal of the GOP. They want to control women's bodies...

Trying to limit access to abortion is all about shaming and punishing women, and forcing them to live with their "mistakes" for having been sexually active, as well as, of course, denying the reality of rape, including incest.

It's a religious "social issues", basically anti-sex agenda, promoted by those who also favor teaching abstinence, as well as trying to limit women's contraceptive and reproductive choices.

Of course, an unwanted pregnancy can affect a woman's financial future, as well as the quality of life that potential child might have. These alleged "pro-life" advocates are really quite indifferent to the whole issue of life, when it concerns those who are already born--it's all about foisting their religious values on everyone else, including those who don't share their views.

jcboy is quite right when he calls this a "holy war"--that's just what it is. And the anti-gay stance is part of it.
cicerone imposter
Tue 28 Aug, 2012 11:16 am
"Holy War" sounds about right to me! They can't see their own bigotry against women, gays and lesbians, based on their religious' beliefs.

They still haven't proven their god exists; it's all imaginary based on a "holy" book full of errors, omissions, and contradictions.

They're all confused! They don't even know "love thy neighbor." They must all hate themselves.
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Tue 28 Aug, 2012 11:30 am
"Lesbians can be cured by drinking something else."

Sperms perhaps????????? Drunk
0 Replies
Tue 28 Aug, 2012 11:35 am
No, the statement Akin made suggested that women who are "legitimately raped" cannot get pregnant--meaning that those pregnant women who seek abortions, because they were raped, are lying about being raped. His statements, as well as yours, discredit and insult rape victims, as well as all women.

Bullshit only in your sick mind would someone need to think that there are not false rapes claims in order to believe that women can indeed get pregnant if they are rape.

Either position is as crazy and as false as the other position false rape claims do happen and not in small numbers when dealing with date/relationship rape claims and women do get pregnant from being rape.

Nice try but your logic is as weak as always................
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