u keep meanin pretendin how u r true quality instead of truth
truth is the superiority that mean freedom and the freedom that mean superiority
then freedom from true superiority is a result but only freedom rights exist as being relatively truly existing so never truth existence rights nor true existence
also superiority from true freedom is a result, but only superior rights are free like being present truly, but relatively so nver present reality nor truth freedom out
one act done dont make someone, any is objective so one is simply itself alone so cant b ever a word nor an object to itself even, it is only evil perspectives that could mean it being a thing
one is from what it does in constant terms so as an absolute result of itself abstraction one, it is not attitudes it is him the constant self abstraction being objectively aware
u keep meanin also others bc u r evil so liars ways
one cant see another ever, one sees objective things and facts done of things absolute present realities abstractions
one is only that, he could know that others exist from realizin itself objectively out of things existence, that is why one to another can only interact presently as new thing
i can go far if it must to prove the evil and lies