micah wrote:hobitbob wrote:Re read you posts on this forum. They provide a multitude o'exampla!

Frank has caught most of them. Certainly the Pauline contradictions to Luke and Mark were obvious even to you.
which specific contradictions?
Well, the most flagant ones were in your failure to recognize (as Frank pointed out) that the Christ figure claims to "complete" Torah, where Paul states that Torah need no longer be followed, due to Chrstianity's morphing into a completely different style of faith (a mystery cult) from Judaism.
In additon, you have negelected to take into account probable intended audiences for the gospels. Mark seems to be directed toward the "Jesus movement" in 1st century Palestine. Luke seems directed toward the Roman converts. Matthew was likely directed toward Mediterranean Hellenes more sophisticated than Luke's audience, more "Greek-ified" if you will. John, which is likely the latest text, is likely directed toward a persecuted minority in Asia Minor and other strongly Roman areas. It is interesting that John and Revelation both were the most hotly debated additions to the canon in the 5th century.