Re: truth
micah wrote:JLNobody wrote:Micah, do you realize that you are confessing that if you were not externally restrained you would rape women and kill babies?
We are not externally restrained, but you don't see us killing babies or raping women. Doesn't this create some cognitive dissonance for you?
"i feel like i'm explaining that the sun is light" ----------portal star------
it's not a matter of restraint....
normal people would not do deplorable things....but, some poeple do deplorable things.....viewing this fact through the lense of 'nature' (with no external GUIDELINE) "right' and 'wrong' lose relevence and those deplorable acts bceome 'natural'.....
You are right - to a certain extent.
Deplorable acts are natural - but this may be difficult for you to understand.
Are you familiar with the works of Charles Darwin? (Origin of Species, etc.) If not, I suggest you read the book, as it is the basis for much of modern science.
I will try to paraphrase this as best I can:
To allow for adaptation to different environments, nature is not heterogeneous. People have different traits, genes, values, etc. (So do animals - we are animals.) In order to be able to adapt, there is a flux of genes and patterns. -Most- humans in a society are moral, but some deviate from morality. This is because there are advantages to deviation.
For example, if you lived in a totalitarian society, or as a slave, acting against a prevailing system (acting with self-interest) might be to your benefit. Then you would reproduce and also teach others how to be deviant, etc. Immorality is a form of deviancy from society (morality codes are taylored to a society.)
So, in summary, deviancy can be good for humanity in certain situations. In others it is bad for society. But there have to always exist deviant/variants of a type to allow for adaptation (to change.)
I'm sorry, that was me trying to sum up a 300 page book and the work of sociologists/psychologists for decades afterwards. If you want the straight dope, read about Darwin's voyage on the Beagle and his observations, "Origin of Species."
You may also want to take a peek into a standard biology textbook - Biology is the study of life, and I have found many answers through it.