Dono wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:Dono wrote:Ps Like I said before, Frank, your blinded by your fear, anger, mistrust and stubborness.
What a laugh you are.
You made a statement and you cannot back it up -- and you don't have the integrity, honor, or honesty to acknowledge that you cannot...
...and you dare to presume to give lectures on devotion to gods.
What a hypocritical position!
How very typical of big-mouthed Christians who come on the Internet to proclaim their moral superiority.
In any case -- you wrote:
Quote:Go back and read it again, Frank. The Bible clearly says the only way you will go to hell is by denouncing Jesus the Christ...
I say that is a bunch of **** -- and that the Bible does not say anything of the sort.
You can't do it!
I answered your question to the best of my knowledge, this is what I beleive and how I interpreet the Bible. What gives you the right to call me dishonest and lackinging integrity and honor. Nothing about what I said is hypocritical! You throw those words around alot and you swear and huff and puff; are you sure you know the definition of the wordsyou use or is your vocabulary that limited? You're going to get the site shut down again just because of your unchecked anger. Again. I predicted you couldn't stay on an even keel very long and you prove it over and over. I've never once heard you say anything of value except that you know that no one knows whether there is a God of not. You deny being an angry guy but listen to you?!?!?!?!? What is your background, your history with religion? I have NEVER claimed moral superiority! Or superiority of any kind. Cool your jets and just tell me what your past is. Please! :wink:
Why can't we be friends who choose to disagree? I don't go ballistic everytime you say something I disagree with! There is absolutely no point in conversing this way. Are you capable of laying aside your fears and anger and just having a conversation without all of the sarcasm and insults?
If so, prove it!!! I DEFY YOU TO PROVE IT!!!!!
(Sorry, that was me having a laugh at you)

That was a very roundabout way of telling us that you are unable to produce on your comment that the Bible clearly says that the only way anyone will go to Hell is by denouncing Jesus.
But we all knew you couldn't produce it, because the Bible simply does not say that.
I have no problem with discussing things with you in a civil and respectful way, Bono.
But you must show respect also.
You really should acknowledge that the Bible does not say (clearly or otherwise) that the only way one will end up in Hell is if one rejects Jesus.
Read the passages YOU furnished again. You will see that I am correct.
Better yet, type them out and post them in this thread. We can all discuss them and see if in fact they come even close to saying what you say they say.
Nancy and I are going out for a walk right now. Gorgeous day. I truly hope you are having a good day also, Bono.