one day....every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord....even you...
micah wrote:one day....every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord....even you...
It will be a cold day... :wink:
Terry wrote:micah, please quote a passage from the Bible where Jesus says that he IS God, not that he is the SON of God.
if you understood the bible as you purport to, you would know the significance of Jesus interrogation with the Jewish leaders....
the fact that Jesus said "I AM" is exactly the same as Him saying I am God. anyone familar with the old testament would know this....why can you not grasp this?
do you not understand this is why he was crucified?????????????????????
because he claimed to be God.
Jesus is CONSTANTLY worshipped AND accepted it.
Matt. 2:2, 8, 11 Wisemen at Jesus' birth
Matt. 8:2 - the leper He healed
Matt. 9:18 - the ruler
Matt. 14:33 the apostles after He walked on water.
Matt. 15:25 - Canaanite woman
Matt. 20:20 - mother of James & John
Matt. 28:9 - the disciples
Matt. 28:17 - the apostles
Luke 24:51-52 - the Apostles at the ascension.
John 9:38 - the blind man he healed
Angels are NOT to be worshipped -
And I, John, saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. (9) Then saith he unto me, See thou do it no; for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren, the prophets, and of them who keep the words of this book. Worship God. - Revelation 22:8-9
Men are NOT to be worshipped -
Peter refused - Acts 10:25-26
Paul refused - Acts 14:11-15
Only God can receive worship. Jesus is worshipped. Jesus is God.
Micah is a mind frozen shut, folks.
There can be no interesting discussion with him, because he is too terrified to dare question his "god."
At best, he will offer a rationalization or two that are a tad different than the rationalizations other terrified theists offer.
Better to just let him be!
Thanks, Frank. I was wondering when someone would "tell it like it is". It seems to me Micah, if you can't quote chapter and verse, apparently you have no ideas of your own to offer. I'm outta here!
phoenix, you're exaggerating!
i have presented many of my own must not have read all my posts.....
For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted - Luke: 18:14.
Humility is a virtue only when you have no others - Dyslexia: 666
For all who request extra cheese, will also receive extra Pepperoni, sayeth the lord, your god! -Testamaentia Contra Pizzana nudam
hobitbob wrote:For all who request extra cheese, will also receive extra Pepperoni, sayeth the lord, your god! -Testamaentia Contra Pizzana nudam

Sign me up for this religion. I like veggies too.
Portal Star wrote:hobitbob wrote:For all who request extra cheese, will also receive extra Pepperoni, sayeth the lord, your god! -Testamaentia Contra Pizzana nudam

Sign me up for this religion. I like veggies too.
Hey all, I'm a newbie just reading all this discussion caused by Bro.

Micah and I just have to say "You go, Bro!"
Ps Portal Star, it's a really good thing you like veggies since it sounds like you are one.
And with that comment, we see the quality of your rhetorical skills.
in cheese's name we prey (YEAH VELVEETA)
uhuh dys,, we say;
jaaah helvetiah
and that's it.
In nomine Cheddare, Briae, et Spiritu Stiltus, amen!
the cheddar, the colby, and the holy Gouda (Swiss?)
Cheddaramus vobiscum!
Et cum stiltonus tuo!
"And I say to you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who after He has killed, has power to cast into Hell: yes, I say to you, fear Him!" Luke 12:4-5
To him who hath ears to hear!
Quote:To him who hath ears to hear!
Which may have been a coded message to the "Jesus Movement" community that a political message followed in the passage. Another common one was "let him who has eyes, see."
Robert Eisenmann has done some wonderful work on the ties between Q'umran and the Jesus movement in Jerusalem.