maxdancona wrote:
The fact is that men value romantic contact more than women do.
I question this.
I think it might be arguable that men have, in aggregate, a higher sex drive than women. But a) there are a lot of variations there, and b) I think women place just as much or more of a premium on having a romantic partner of some sort.
Personally, I think that having the man pay is holdover from when a man's earning potential had a lot to do with his suitability as a husband. Dating was a way for him to demonstrate some of his wealth, as well as other more personal attributes.
Plus it was just much more likely that the guy would have disposable income and a means of transportation, at all.
Then once it was entrenched, it works out pretty well for women and it's not uncommon enough that men are willing to take the social/romantic risk of being the guy who won't pay.
Now, I think it makes a lot more sense for everything to be split equally.
I do get the person-who-asks-pays thing. If it's not going to be split equally, that makes the most sense I guess. As in, if I'm going to take someone on an expensive dolphin-watching tour (say), I'd rather just say "my treat" than "Let's go on this fun thing that will expensive even if split in half -- hope you can afford it!"
I think that should be gender-neutral though, including that if the woman asks the guy out on an expensive date, she should pay.
Personally, I really disliked the sense of obligation that I had if my date paid. I think there were a few situations where that came up, and I refused (paid my half even though the guy expected to pay). I think they were happy about it though, not offended.