Right, that's part of what I was curious about -- how much data we could get to indicate whether there are trends, and if so, what they are.
My own experience is most in line with Thomas' of those who have responded so far, for example.... I think that's probably mostly a function of age (he's just a bit older than me) and general social milieu (academic types). That despite the fact that we're talking about different countries.
Max, there are two different levels to look at re: whether this custom makes sense. I already addressed the individual level, you're just reiterating what I said there.
However there's a larger social level too, and that's the one I mean when I say it doesn't really make sense in this day and age (though it may have made some sense in the past).
Take foot-binding. It made sense for a Chinese woman in the 19th century who wanted to marry well to bind her feet. That's the individual level. However, the custom itself didn't make sense, and made less and less sense as time went on. It eventually disappeared.