sorry ed.
I even made myself chuckle with that one...
maybe we should submit it to tsar's urban dictionary...
@Joe Nation,
That was the best shot in this thread so far . . . i also laughed aloud . . . spooked the little dogs, who had been sleeping soundly . . .
Aw, I guffawed. No harm done. But you can see why I refuse to eat unicorns.
It is my belief that there is no such a thing as an atheist. Today there are any number of people who consider themselves to be atheists. It’s become quite fashionable, especially in Europe. But, in most cases, if one asks them what they mean by that, they’ll tell you that they don’t believe any of the nonsense in the Bible (including the Torah, or Old Testament) or the Quran or any other so-called ’holy’ tract. They’ll tell you that they think the priests, ministers, rabbis, imams and other clergy persons are deluded or insane or fraudulent con men. They may well be right, but that is not what the word ‘atheist’ means.
An atheist is one who denies the existence of any power or force which goes beyond human understanding. An unbeliever in the teachings of the religious is not necessarily an atheist.
When someone tells me that they do not believe in the existence of God, I always ask them to explain what they mean by ‘god.’ When they’ve explained what it is they do not believe in, I invariably have to agree with them. I don’t believe in any of that, either, except as an allegory or a metaphor. That is Aesop’s version of God.
But I do accept Spinoza’s and al-Kindi’s definitions of a deity.
I believe that there is a force operating in the universe which we not only do not understand but which is well beyond our human ability to understand or fruitfully investigate. Think about this: it is not only impossible to teach a dog to read words on a printed page, it is quite impossible to get the dog to understand the concept of the written word. Our relationship to God is much like the dog’s relationship to the printed page. Those ’atheists’ who claim that nothing in the universe is beyond man’s ability to explore, investigate and, finally, comprehend are guilty of the same kind of hubris as the Medieval clerics who postulated a great chain of being with God and the angels at the top, mankind next in line, and so on down to the lowliest insects. Those ’scientists’ still see man as being at the top of the food chain. And this is exactly the same as saying that mankind is God’s highest achievement.
Talk about chutzpah.
@Lustig Andrei,
Thanks, Boss, for pissing all over the thread. You really didn't get it, did you?
Prob'ly not. I'll have to go back and read more carefully. Sorry.
No snacks, the intermediates are looking for oreos.
I am a Hydrox man, myself.
@Lustig Andrei,
Yeah, well, this is the kind of **** you post when you haven't read the rest of the posts, just the thread title. Apologies. (But I meant what I said.)
edgarblythe wrote:
rockhead stole my thunder.
Well - make him give it back, then!
Quote:Sorry folks, there ain't no soul.
What? Huh? She's here? OMG did my name change?
Can't tell you were I found it, it would be x rated, so I better leave.
@Lustig Andrei,
Quote:I believe that there is a force operating in the universe which we not only do not understand but which is well beyond our human ability to understand or fruitfully investigate.
Regardless of the Title, intent, (other pants I is wearing, Set I am a Gemini
) Kind of agree.
Foofie wrote:
Rockhead wrote:
what about zombies?
I do not think anyone would want a soul to have immortality as a zombie.
The person controlling the zombies would.
Foofie wrote:
You get to watch Seinfeld in Australia?
Wash yore mouf out wit sope!
Wotchew think wees is? Hillbillies?!!!!
Foofie wrote:
Joe Nation wrote:
Don't worry, Foof, when we smash you into smithereens, your atoms of carbon, molecules of water and sprinkly bits of all the others members of the Periodic Table will spread out all over the Universe.
Joe(and that's a long, long time)Nation
Do not call me Foof. That is reserved for native New Yorkers, not transplants.
Gasp! Primitive xenophobia, Foofles?
I ain't had a Hydrox cookie since Bush was in short pants . . .
Which Bush, and do you dunk the Hydrox?
The Shrub . . .
I dunk oreos and hydrox, as a part of a religious ritual . . .
. . . so to speak . . .