Bad news ehbeth.....apparently Frank has a tea party or a tee time or somethine like that and I can't find Gus, it looks like someone tore down his house, but I can't really tell because it always looks like that and my wife says that I'm busy this Saturday.... so enjoy the concert.......
i get the place ready, and get stood up. Again!
mmmmmm, i think we need a prayer circle for Montana!
SIX YEARS!!! Good God, woman! You best get on your tight dress and go whorin' it up tonight!
Montana, too bad we don't live closer. We could have both ended our dry spell together. Although mine is only a couple weeks old. But in man years that's a lot longer!
Kinda like six inches being a foot... men measurements are funny that way.
Ceili wrote:Kinda like six inches being a foot... men measurements are funny that way.
Even a pipe organ looks small in the middle of the sistine chapel
Sorry kickycan, this morning I got some from squinney for Valentines Day, and tonight she's going to get some from me......sigh.......ain't love grand......
Today is also my female cubs' 15th. birthday. She won't be getting any though, if she knows what's good for her......
I'm going out on a first date

with a beautiful Brazilian woman tonight. Looks promising. :wink: I'm going to follow Chris Rock's advice and "try not to say anything too stupid".
Does Canada have that dismal of an inventory of decent men? Or are you girls just too classy for ordinary blokes like me? (Those of you who've seen my Costa Rica Pros &Cons thread know I'm shopping for another countryÂ…Canada's looking better all the time :wink: )
A first date on Valentine's day. Sounds like a lot of pressure . . . but then again, I had a first date on New Year's Eve this year and that worked out surprisingly well. Good luck with the Brazilian babe!
Thanks Kicky... what time do you suppose the candy will go on sale? :wink:
This latest bit of news from Bill should fill you with hope, kickycan. If a man who staggers through life with a wedge of cheese on his head is capable of attaining feminine company for an evening, well, I guess there's a woman out there for everyone.
If you still can't find one, give me a holler. I'll loan you Matilda for the night. She still owes me a favor for when I chased that pesky possum out of her kitchen cupboard.
Gus, thanks for the offer, but I already have a date lined up for tomorrow night. So I guess you and Matilda will be having a hot time at the ol' swamp tonight!
There isn't a woman out there for everyone, there are
many women out there for everyone!
There you are Gus... I wrote one up special for you. And I wouldn't want you to miss it!
OCCOM BILL wrote:I'm going out on a first date

with a beautiful Brazilian woman tonight. Looks promising. :wink:
I've heard Brazilian chicks are VERY hairy, and very sexually advanced....So bring a razor and an open mind on the date and things should go great!
Child, I think you should change your avatar. I've noticed as I journey around the site that a lot of people think you're a woman, causing them to make lewd remarks and such. Lots of whistling and that sort of thing.
Of course, you might like the deception and find a certain amount of humor in it. If that's the case, by all means, keep your current avatar.
I guess I shouldn't preach. Most people here believe I'm a crusty old farmer who lives by the swamp, when in actuality I am a rather attractive young woman, nun by profession, who has a fair amount of spare time between prayers and pew-cleaning and choose to use aforementioned time to guide people on their choice of avatars on various sites around the internet.
I enjoyed this little talk, Child.
I think we are both better people because of it.
I went out and bought myself some flowers today, so can we just say I got some?
the pet supplies guy gave me a long-stemmed rose this afternoon and i'm going out for a bookstore visit, hot cocoa and a concert with my best friend. i shouldn't complain.
Sounds nice Beth. Have a great time :-)
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Child, I think you should change your avatar. I've noticed as I journey around the site that a lot of people think you're a woman, causing them to make lewd remarks and such. Lots of whistling and that sort of thing.
Of course, you might like the deception and find a certain amount of humor in it. If that's the case, by all means, keep your current avatar.
I guess I shouldn't preach. Most people here believe I'm a crusty old farmer who lives by the swamp, when in actuality I am a rather attractive young woman, nun by profession, who has a fair amount of spare time between prayers and pew-cleaning and choose to use aforementioned time to guide people on their choice of avatars on various sites around the internet.
I enjoyed this little talk, Child.
I think we are both better people because of it.
Hehe, I would change the avatar, but the chick is hot....Jenny Mcarthy I think.
Yes, but you do realize that most people think you're a she ;-)