OmSigDAVID wrote:No; I 'm only conflating 1 word. Just 1; count it.
DrewDad wrote:Conflation occurs when the identities of two or more individuals, concepts, or places,
sharing some characteristics of one another, become confused until there seems to be only
a single identity — the differences appear to become lost. (Credit wikipedia for that text, emphasis mine)
I already know that.
The fact remains that u tried,
to show that there is a difference between being conservative
and being a conserver. He who conserves anything is conservative
qua whatever he is conserving. Its almost a synonymous tautology.
DrewDad wrote:You seem to believe that having or conserving your values is what makes you politically conservative.
That is true
BECAUSE my values
mirror those of the Founders
of this Republic, as set forth in the Constitution, as amended.
Conservatism inheres in
NOT deviating from those principles,
but rather remaining rigidly orthodox, regardless of any sob stories.
DrewDad wrote:While you may be a conservative in addition to conserving your values,
there are also politically progressive people
"Progress" toward
DrewDad wrote: who conserve their values as well.
They conserve, but should not be identified as "conservative."
Your analysis is faulty.
Thay are indeed conservative,
in regard to their own point of vu,
IF thay do
not deviate therefrom.
Mao was a conservative communist because he did not deviate
from communist ideology. Boris Yeltsin was a liberal commie,
or even a radical commie, because he rejected communism.
In 1941, Rudolf Hess was
a liberal nazi, in that he
from Hitler's war policy by flying to Scotland to meet the Duke of Hamilton
to bring peace with England.