I'm a complete strange mess.
I cry in a millisecond.
I expect her to be around the corner.
She's not here.
I can't stand it.
I can stand it.
I'm glad I did it now.
I can't stand it.
Even cleaning the refrigerator, some stuff (the chicken stock/soup she wouldn't touch on sunday is still there. I'm being sentimental about soup.
There are things I can give away.
There are things I can't stand to give away.
Her leash is up there on the wall with Pacco's. The harness is in a drawer, maybe I will donate that, someone can use it.
I have a dog ramp that I bought for Pacco that he didn't like, and I kept because it was expensive. Didn't use it for Katy either. And besides, it's too hot here much of the time, making the ramp hot.
I don't believe she's not here.
I believe it.
I've appreciated RP's thread on old photos, they take me away from myself.
Eva, thank you for asking. I feel like an attention whore but this place helps.
Thank you to everyone who expressed sympathy. I know you all know how it can be.
Which reminds me, how is Liam???????