Hi, Tsar. That's not her photo, that's from google images for czech shepherds.
Katy is stockier (we'll see how long that lasts), not so lengthy or tall. Has wonderful coloring, not that the photo dog doesn't.
It's been a little excruciating for me today in that she didn't want to eat. Well, she didn't want to eat much Friday evening either, but I thought then she might have already been fed. Yesterday she had some kibble in the morning and evening, finally eating it when I added a little broth and a some roast chicken bits.
This morning - 'don't bother me with your food, lady...' , even with a tad of broth and chicken.
Maybe she's used to eating once a day, or that is part of it; more likely, she misses whatever she is used to.
But just now, after our walk, I put her dish down again and she ate.
Yay, the walk went fine, though it's clear heeling isn't her preferred mode. Not a problem so far, she did heel. As the walk gets longer, we'll go to the small park around the bend and I'll give her more leeway.. and by that time the vet and I will have worked out what she wears around her neck and/or nose or trunk..
The weather will be changing over the next month or so to warmer, and the walk will be earlier or later, and then we'll probably run into other dogs.
Do you have any opinion on halters versus that nose thing versus whatever is latest in double chains?