OK, I'll have a go before heading off, otherwise it'll bug me while I'm trying to get to sleep.
Don't misunderstand. It's not like I don't ever swear. I have been known swear like a trouper (trooper?
) when inspired to!
But .... I would never use the word "****" as an insult because of the connotations of the word to
me. Like you, I just hate it.
I think, if I was
seriously outraged by what someone had said or done, I would be more likely to let them know, in no uncertain terms (!),
what it was about what they'd said or done which had so offended me. I might throw in some swear words, too, if sufficiently motivated, but I don't think that sort of name-calling achieves very much, really ... or
I wouldn't feel at all comfortable using the word as an insult. It's as simple as that for me, really.
That's the best I can do at this hour, chai.
I hope this makes sense.