I've been thinking about this thumbs up & down business again, since participating in this thread & also from my observation of a few other threads.
Yes, I
know we've had these conversations before & everyone ends up saying: "they don't matter
at all to me. It's the quality of the discussion that counts!"
If you can't stand the heat, etc ....
Sticks & stones, etc ....
But ... jeez, I've seen the "thumbing" function used (more?) recently in not exactly positive ways!
I mean: I've seen images of animals to the
Beautiful Animals thread from a particular poster thumbed down constantly because (apparently?) someone doesn't like that poster.
I've seen some posters' contributions thumbed down constantly (& people commenting on the pettiness of it) no matter which thread they've posted on & what they've actually
Kinda pathetic, really.
Despite what many A2Kers say whenever we've discussed this, I believe that people
do get offended, hurt, discouraged, turned off, etc, etc, etc ... when this sort of treatment is applied to them. And why shouldn't they? It's not exactly pleasant to be treated like that, on or off-line ...
I really wish that we could separate the 2 different functions of the "thumbing" option:
*to show appreciation (or otherwise) of a particular post or thread ..
* as an indication that you're not interested in following particular threads.
They are two entirely different things. And when deliberately misused by the malicious or petty to undermine a poster or a thread discussion, things can become very unpleasant & at times not exactly conducive to an interesting discussion .
If those not interested in following this thread of Bear's could simply have indicated that,
without having to thumb the thread down,...well ... that could have been far preferable to what happened to the thread. Bear would not have become so angry & those who weren't interested & they wouldn't even have had to
see the thread again.
I sometimes thumb down threads (like the word games, which there a zillion of & which I have absolutely no interest in) simply to make negotiating
new posts a lot easier & quicker. But I know there are many who really enjoy those threads & their thread "ratings" does not indicate their level of support.
As to an indication of appreciation (or the opposite) I
much prefer a more positive system where there is
only a "like" option. (with no thumbing down type option). I've come across quite a few discussion sites which use this approach. This way, every post initially has a
neutral "rating". If posters approve of, or appreciate a post, they tick the "like" box. So any post can receive any number of positive ratings, or no ratings at all, depending on the reception from the thread participants. At the same time this avoids the situation in which threads could be a "rated" zero, sometimes without a single comment. Very discouraging to a new A2Ker, I'd imagine.
I like the focus on the quality of the
post, rather than subjective responses to
posters, too.
This just seems much fairer & more positive to me.
Sorry to have gone on & on about this (if you're still reading!
) but I've been thinking about this quite a bit recently & not just in response to this thread of Bear's.
This is my two bob's worth at this point in time.
I know there will be people here who'll still disagree. That's OK. But I wanted to share my thoughts with you anyway.