(I'm certain Justine knows for sure).
I wonder if PDiddle would be able to post a picture of Bill Clinton's face on Janet Jackson's boob. And I wonder what Bill Clinton, would have thinking if he saw that halftime show.
Setanta wrote:I think the ladies who disagree with kjvt sould put their money where their . . . uhm . . . well you know, and change their avatars to piccies of their breasts . . .
are you absolutely, positively, sure that's what you want me to do? sure? absolutely? really? you better mean it.
Interesting idea, that. You ready, Craven? I haven't read all the posts in context but have been agreeing with kickycan more than usual here.
Me, I think the routine was arguably placed, re tv time schedules and unprepared viewers who could be appalled, but also have some qualms about under-rehearsal. If this was all planned it should have been more gleeful, done with more flair, instead of mistake-o-dummies.
On the left breast, it looked a tad aerated.
And squeamish as it might make lots of people, I bet many seventy year old breasts are still interesting. I think there should be documentation..
I am not seventy, for a while anyway. But I do know that as I have gotten older the faces that I find interesting are not those of 22 year olds so much as those with aging changes - much more piquance, much more nuance. Could be similar for breasts, believe it or not. And faces age much faster than breasts generally.
Maybe it's a good time to link to Piffka's Breast Stamp thread, back with a link later.
Oh boy! This is laying down the gauntlet!!!!
I am, of course, immune from the challenge, since a photograph of my breasts is already here - they are, of course, covered (because of my inordinate self respect) in a thick and tasteful layer of bubbles (for all of our protection - we know just how damned dangerous mammaries are if given an inch of freedom).
What next from Beth?
(bated breath...)
For what it is worth, I think the stunt a dumb idea, that would have died a natural death in a less up-tight country.....the fuss is infinitely dumber.
The Ozzies stickin' together!
No immunity, bunny.
I see Setanta's challenge a variant on the old Aiden, Aiden, Aiden thread on Abuzz.
I've got boobs and I'm not afraid to use 'em.
caprice, I told Setanta earlier today that you were very sensitive, and that my goal for the evening was to make you have 'a visual'

. I think I may have surpassed my dreams! :wink:
ehBeth wrote:No immunity, bunny.
I see Setanta's challenge a variant on the old Aiden, Aiden, Aiden thread on Abuzz.
I've got boobs and I'm not afraid to use 'em.
Er - you will have to elucidate further, Bethie.........
Dang! I think "ehBeth" is some form of ancient canajun for "devil woman"!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's something in that, you know.....
Channel surfin' and what do I see at 8:04 p.m. on the CBC? An animated (as in cartoon) black woman topless, except for an elaborate gold necklace and two nipple shield-like things. (Actually more like a solitary gold ring circling around each areola.) You can see the nipples clearly and everything.
Good thing this is Canada.
Some sort of animation of an African tale. Looks like a "kiss the frog kinda story". She just kissed a small boy (nekkid as the day he wuz born!) and he suddenly grew into a man.
Oh, now there are other topless women. *LMAO* Very realistic. The uh, older woman of the tribe has saggin' boobs.
Strangely enough men kissed by topless women start to act like boys!!
Well this was the opposite.
Mr Stillwater wrote:Strangely enough men kissed by topless women start to act like boys!!
Wot? They cry if you tell them it's bedtime?
Not in my experience............????????
Of course, things may well be different in Sydney....
Puzzled in the Antipodes
um, lookee, total avoidance of talking about seventy year old breasts. Do we have a conspiracy afoot?