Quote:These are not the only choices. Edgar, the initiator of this thread, is considering others.
During the height of the Cold War, we often saw bumper stickers that said:
I'd Rather Be Dead Than Red.
Many people used to ask: Aren't there any other choices?
In that case, YES...there were other choices, and many of those choices were reasonable and made sense.
As regard the election in November, however, I cannot conceive of a scenario that results in anything other than the Democratic or Republican candidate winning.
The chances of a Third Party winning are astronomical against...so while you are correct that a person can choose some alternative other than the Democrat or the Republican...that is where it is going to end up.
A vote withheld by a liberal...is, in effect, a vote for the Republican. A vote for a Third Party by a liberal...is, in effect, a vote for the Republican.
Obviously, votes withheld or given to a Third Party by a conservative...are, in effect, votes for the Democrat.
Edgar, the originator of this thread, identifies himself in his opening remarks as a “liberal.” Any option he makes other than voting for the Democrat will, in effect, be a vote for the Republican.
He lives in Texas…and chances are his lost vote will not matter much. Obama has as much chance of carrying Texas as he has of traveling to Alpha Centauri before leaving office.
Liberals from closely contested states, however, ought to think twice before doing this.