Ceili wrote:
Do you ride your bicycle on gravel roads, sprayed with oil to keep the dust down, or do you ride them on asphalt? Even if you rode them on concrete, they'd have been built with vehicles that run on oil products.
Uh, yes, do you think you are somehow cluing me in to how roads are produced?

I have no control over this whatsoever and it won't change no matter what I do.
So, basically, the rest of the 95% are subsidizing your "clean" lifestyle. They pay the taxes that build the roads you ride on and ship your food over and other goods you buy.
Wrong - road production is not based solely on gasoline taxes. If only it were!
Quote: They subsidized the container ships and the docks that bring in the products you buy. You live a clean lifestyle while the rest of dirty, dirty people make your "clean" lifestyle possible.
I buy everything that I possibly can from sources that are as close to my home as I can possibly and reasonably afford. Sure, I can't get a DVD player made in California; but the vast, vast majority of the food I buy does in fact come from less than a hundred miles from my house. Many of my vegetables come from my yard, my eggs come from a source two miles away and the guy who delivers them rides, you guessed it, a bicycle.
So, I can't agree with what you've written above. I cannot change the way the world works and I can't reasonably live in the hills as a hermit; I can, however, reduce my usage of pollutants and fossil fuels as much as possible, which is what I have done. I feel perfectly comfortable saying that I use less of these negative things than most people do, because I have taken steps to do so.
Quote:Imagine if you really had to be self sufficient without the oil industry. Or any industry. Are you capable of growing your own food?
I grow quite a bit of my food.
Quote: Or storing it with out petroleum made electricity?
Ever heard of a jar? Jeez, I feel like you're intentionally being obtuse.
Quote:How many solar panels do you own, or use? where does the toilet paper you use come from, how is it made?
I rent a house, so I don't own any solar panels. But we use almost no electricity as it is - we have no central air conditioning and don't use appliances that use a lot of energy. We spend extra money to buy things that use less energy.
My toilet paper is recycled. I pay extra money for it, and it's scratchy on my ass. Happy?
Quote:If you think, you're saving the planet by not driving... Congratulations hero. Be honest enough to admit the rest of the stuff in your life is trucked, shipped, stored and made using oil.
You're simply incorrect. This is probably because you don't have any frame of reference to understand why or how other people would take steps to reduce their usage of fossil fuels.
I'm also not claiming that I am 'saving the planet' by not driving. I don't drive, and use as little fossil fuels as reasonably possible, for two reasons:
1, it's the right thing to do.
2, it's not hard to do.
Quote:You say bullshit, that the oil industry is trying to get clean. So, in your mind it is what it is, there is no room or possible way to improve.
Show me the evidence that they are doing so, and the results. I'll wait.
I don't know where you live now, but the rest of us who don't live in Shangri-la, need to make a living. The pipeline, was to be built so people could have jobs, on both sides of the border.
Bull ****! You are totally and completely wrong. The pipeline is NOT being built 'so that people could have jobs.' It is being built so that some rich folks who control oil companies can have
money. The jobs are a side effect and if the owners of these companies could figure out how to get rid of those jobs, they would. If they can figure out a way to cut corners to save money - they will. I say this with confidence as this is exactly what they have done time and time again.
The idea that this is a jobs issue is a sad joke. You've bought into stupid propaganda.
Quote:If the end product ends up in China, so be it... It would have made a difference to drivers in Texas, as they then could afford to drive a damn car and or pay for groceries. Instead of lining up at the food bank...
You're totally wrong. The pipeline will not lower the price of gasoline one single cent for drivers in Texas. Can you provide any evidence at all that it would?
Quote:As for the environment. I think it's rich you telling me what I believe in. Believe me, we are very concerned and very much on top of the problem. It's an issue that is very important to everyone living here.
Oh, you believe in it and are very concerned with it, but just don't give a **** about things that actually negatively harm it? You are for those things, even though they are EXTREMELY bad for the environment? Tar Sand oil extraction is, by a long shot, the worst fuel extraction for the environment possible. The oil that comes out is terrible stuff, it makes Light Sweet crude look like a renewable resource! I simply don't understand the cognitive dissonance that allows you to claim you are concerned about these things while simultaneously promoting the same things as much as possible.
Quote: I ride a bike too, but I'm not holier than thou about... and this is an issue my kids and grandkids will have to deal with, if we don't get it right. At the same time, that dirty stuff pays for a roof over my head, and heats my house and at the moment it`s -40. Thank-you very much.
I think I just figured out why you don't have enough human capital in Canada.
Look, you're allowed to have whatever opinion you like on this matter, but you're simply wrong on the facts in several ways (regarding the steps I take in my personal life to lower my pollution load, the fact that it will not lower prices for gasoline in America one whit, and the environmental damage caused by the pipeline), and I can't take your castigating attitude seriously in the face of that. The fact is that nothing in this deal will help American drivers one bit, and it is extremely destructive to the environment. I am not sad in the slightest that we refuse to sign on to it; you want to sell the oil to China, fine, do it.