Us is a net EXPORTER of oil and we have a surplus of nat gas (most all of which was drilled and verified during Obama's first term). We have more nat gas than we have market. Were you smart enough (HAHAHAHA) to change over to nat gas a few years ago, you would be realizing heat costs actually GOING DOWN.
NOW, because the market glut is operating, THE FREE MARKET (not any politician) has decided to quit drilling and to cap existing wells in N Dakota, La, Texas WVa, Ohio, ARk, and Pa.
several other gas basins exist and the gas industry is trying to get more customers so they dont have to sit on a resource with declining value.
Howver, I imagine that such concepts are waay over your head.
You need to post cartoons because your English is mostly grunts.
I nominate you as the all time dumbest douche bag on A2K. I may be wrong but if you aint the dumbest, youre in the top 3.