Quote:The fact is, Japan refused to surrender, so we nuked them until they surrendered. Once they surrendered we stopped nuking them.
The facts are always more complicated than the flimsy propaganda you so willingly swallow, Oralboy. [There's still some on your chin, by the way.]
You didn't nuke them until they surrendered. You nuked them until you ran out of bombs. There's a substantial difference there. Had they continued, you would have been in the same position you were before you committed these horrendous war crimes.
The bombs were dropped because the US held highly racist views of the Japanese and the US wanted to impress upon the USSR just what a powerful weapon they had.
They didn't want the USSR invading Japan. They wanted it and all of SE Asia for themselves to pillage. Just as they had been pillaging it before the war. Now the big difference was that all the European colonial powers were too damaged by the war to maintain their colonies. As it always has been, the US wanted to steal wealth from the poorer countries of the world and it was, as it always has been, more than willing to slaughter millions to line its pockets.
How immoral could you possibly be? The short answer - as immoral as the US has been since its inception. The greed just accelerated during the latter part of the 19th century.
A small aside - one has to wonder just where the US would be if they had had to make it on their own, ie. if they hadn't stolen so much from so many.