look on the dark side Cav;
it's all uphill from here (the walking, i mean)
or you could look on the bright side..............
Wow. I missed all this. Glad to see that you're getting better, Cav. (I wondered where you'd been.) Sounds like it was a scary time for you and your family. Please continue to get healthy again.
I missed all this, too! Sending positive vibrations over a speed of light, so they arrive in the past!
<a gentle hug being sent over the lines to the darlin'Cav>
Well done, cav .... Now just keep getting better 'n' better!
Had the gastroscopy yesterday, and no problems with enlarged, burstable veins. In fact, they were quite small. Did it without sedation, and was cheered for it.
WOO HOO! Cav. Keep it up!
no wonder he's having flatulence problems today
Background: They were an hour late checking me in. There were too many way-more-sick-than-me people waiting. I didn't want to take up a bed for an hour, just lying there, recovering from a drug I don't need. I wanted to be in and out of there, especially because I hate hospitals. My liver doctor was actually there to do the procedure, and beared an uncanny frazzled Asian resemblance to Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein.
He's a good doctor, who is warming up to me, an oddity in a specialist. Couldn't access the link, BBB.
I finally found a photo link that worked; see above edit.---BBB
Ahh, cool! He had a number of gastroscopies that day, and he definitely looked frazzled. I should mention, Young Frankenstein is one of my favourite movies.
Who wouldn't warm up to you--flatulence and all???
Must be my natural charm, I suppose, misanthropic as I am.
Yeah, my eye docs kinda like me. And I like them. They're so different. The surgeon is japanese american, very cool and quiet and meticulous. He drives a very loud rather ancient old diesel mercedes - I know because he picked me up at home one day to take me to the office, back when I was in troubleville. The opthamologist is a middle aged blowsy blond woman whose hobby is ballroom dancing (I hear), a matter that causes my brain to giggle. She has no bedside manner at all, says what she thinks fairly loudly. He mutters information as he reviews things, discusses everything with you.
The opthamologist's husband (a dental surgeon) loves my paintings, and suggested a trade.... but I don't NEED a root canal.
I am glad liv doc likes ya, Cav. What do they call a liver specialist, hepatowhatchacallit?
Good news, cav! Just what we all wanted to hear!
Guess that new diet of yours must be working!
HEPATOLOGIST: Dictionary Entry and Meaning
Medical Dictionary
Definition: physician who specializes in liver diseases.