Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Thu 1 Dec, 2011 02:29 pm
Hawkeye had you taken note that Firefly "debating style" seems to had gone downhill of late?

"Debating style"??!! She has always been more interested in bullying tactics and condensation. I dont think that she has much experience in debate, because she is not often forced to win a clear path for her ideas on the merits, aggression against her adversaries usually does the job . She is plenty good at aggression, but not good enough for the likes of me as I have lived a great deal of my life around abusers, I know how to deal with them.
Thu 1 Dec, 2011 02:43 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

"Debating style"??!! She has always been more interested in bullying tactics and condensation.

Surely you mean evaporation?
Thu 1 Dec, 2011 02:58 pm
Surely you mean evaporation?


Condescension.... I am pretty busy these days getting my restaurant opened so I am rushing my postings....but that was funny.
0 Replies
Thu 1 Dec, 2011 04:06 pm
You are so desperate to back up your claims you grab at anything you think will do that--even if it does nothing to support your views.

Dr. Milton Diamond from the University of Hawaii shows ample evidence that "Legalizing child pornography is linked to lower rates of child sex abuse".

Except Dr Diamond's claims prove no such thing. Since child pornography is not legal, Diamond offers nothing more than hypothetical speculation based on the alleged sublimating effects of adult pornography. But adult pornography is not viewed only by sexual deviates, whereas those who view child pornography are considered pedophiles, whether or not they have ever molested a child, and even Dr. Diamond regards them as pedophiles. And even the alleged sublimating effects of adult pornography do not always hold true for adult violent pornography, and there is considerable research to back that up.

And Diamond is referring to the possible sublimating effects of artificially created child pornography, where the images are not of an actual child. That's not what that man on the plane was viewing--he was looking at real images of real children. And he would be considered a pedophile. You are still advocating a pro-pedophile position. Sex offenders can always count on having you in their corner, can't they?

And it must be noted that the page you took the Diamond info from contains mainly research, actual research and not just hypothetical speculation, that documents quite different findings about child pornography that you are choosing to ignore. Read that page again. Have your friend Hawkeye read it too.

Instead of harping about your rights to privacy, try considering the right to privacy of those children in the images that man was viewing on the plane. And each time he exploitively viewed their naked and posed bodies he violated their right to privacy anew. Where was their right to privacy in your scheme of things?

You and Hawkeye aren't championing anything other than the alleged "rights" of pedophiles to view exploitive sexual images of children for their own sexual gratification and masturbatory use. If no one else joins you in that advocacy, don't be surprised.

Thu 1 Dec, 2011 07:18 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
"Debating style"??!! She has always been more interested in bullying tactics and condensation. I dont think that she has much experience in debate, because she is not often forced to win a clear path for her ideas on the merits, aggression against her adversaries usually does the job . She is plenty good at aggression, but not good enough for the likes of me as I have lived a great deal of my life around abusers, I know how to deal with them.

She just mopped the floor with you. You are a pugnacious pismire.
Thu 1 Dec, 2011 08:39 pm
She just mopped the floor with you. You are a pugnacious pismire.

A claim so broad as to be meaningless.

List the points that you think she won on, and why.
0 Replies
Thu 1 Dec, 2011 09:07 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Hawkeye had you taken note that Firefly "debating style" seems to had gone downhill of late?

"Debating style"??!! She has always been more interested in bullying tactics and condensation. I dont think that she has much experience in debate, because she is not often forced to win a clear path for her ideas on the merits, aggression against her adversaries usually does the job . She is plenty good at aggression, but not good enough for the likes of me as I have lived a great deal of my life around abusers, I know how to deal with them.
HOW ??
0 Replies
Thu 1 Dec, 2011 09:09 pm

Tell us about your restaurant.

What cuisine have u chosen??

In which city is it??

Elegant, restful decor ?

Show us a menu !
Thu 1 Dec, 2011 10:00 pm
No thanks, too many people think that they hate me around here, and a few have threatened to kick my ass if they catch up to me in real life. I was going back and forth on whether to even mention that I was opening, but decided that I could say that much. I dont want the haters to think that they have chased me away when the truth is that I have better things to do now than to hang out at A2K learning from and arguing with many of the smart people here.

Somebody said in a thread about a year ago (sozobe?) that they found A2K to be a lifesaver during an extended down time in employment, and while I have not been employed by choice as I have worked to come up with a business plan that will for sure work in this tough economy I have likewise come to highly value the ability to keep my mind active here. It has been the experience that I thought that I was going to have as I set out for Michigan State to be a Electrical Engineering major so many years ago....... long bull sessions with smart people and lots of learning all around. I never found it at university, where almost everyone was more interested in partying and ******* than talking about important topics and the rest were just deadly dull or strange.

It has been a joy, and I am not going to miss this joy completely in future months and years, but I do need to drastically cut back my time here soon.

Thu 1 Dec, 2011 10:15 pm
I c.
U will not even identify the cuisine ?

nor the State ?
Thu 1 Dec, 2011 10:28 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

I c.
U will not even identify the cuisine ?

nor the State ?

I live in Olympia Wa, I am currently opening my first store on a plan that is expected to have two stores and at least two food trucks by year five between Olympia and Tacoma. I am funded by a bank, and as most people are aware it is VERY hard to get a bank to bite on a first timer in the restaurant industry for a start-up, but the banker loves my concept, my thorough planning and my hospitality management background.

I wont tell what the food is, as that would make it too easy to find me and stalk my business facebook.
Fri 2 Dec, 2011 04:03 am
Sorry dear but the issue is clearly up in the air and as far as adding punishment for a crime to an individual for what future crimes he might or might not be more likely to do there is one hell of a moral problem for so doing.

I am sure there are studies that if you happen to be a members of a lot of subgroups that you chance of going on and doing other crimes is larger then the general population.

It you are a member of a group with a lower level of education or it you are black or it you are.........whatever you are more likely to kill or rob then non members of such groups.

So if you can not justify the level of punishment for the given crime and need to reach for future group crime statistics you are standing on very weak moral grounds indeed.

Yes pot smoking is not all that bad however it can lead to other more serous drugs and or crimes argument that had in the past placed such smokers in prison for years.
Fri 2 Dec, 2011 08:27 am
a few have threatened to kick my ass if they catch up to me in real life

I would not lost sleep over the likelihood of any of those assholes being brave enough to face you in person.

I remember when BillO was stating I should be beaten up and I teased him about using his GPS position given in his profile to visit him in the Chicago area.

He seems not to had any desire at all to have such a meeting.

Of course I can see them annoying you and your business on facebook that they would be brave enough to do.

Wish you the best on your new business.
0 Replies
Fri 2 Dec, 2011 08:33 am
I wish u great success with your new restaurant!
I hope that the food will taste good.
( U will not serve hawk, right ? )

0 Replies
Fri 2 Dec, 2011 10:43 am
Sorry dear but the issue is clearly up in the air

What issue is clearly up in the air?

Whether child pornography is harmful, and whether it's production, distribution, and possession should be illegal?

The issue may be "up in the air" in your mind, but nowhere else on earth. It is regarded as harmful, and unacceptable, and illegal, in just about every civilized country on this planet, with very good reasons for doing so.

That you have an enormous blind spot in recognizing that the main reason child pornography is illegal is because of the abuse and exploitation of the children involved in it's production is just incredible. Your indifference to the abuse of these innocent victims is staggering. You are far more concerned with gratifying the sexual urges and masturbatory needs of pedophiles, and lowering the sentences they receive for their possession and distribution of child pornography, than you are with the welfare of the children who are being harmed and exploited to satisfy those pedophiles.
you are standing on very weak moral ground...

On the contrary, it is your moral sensibilities which appear to be deficient. You stand on no recognized ground, and give every indication that you have sunk into a dark cess pool where no glimmer of morality or human decency shines.

Both the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court have criminalized the sending of messages which offer, or even seek to obtain, child pornography. The issue isn't "up in the air" for them.
Child porn messages not protected
Offering, asking for images illegal, high court rules
May 20, 2008|
By David G. Savage

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday gave prosecutors a powerful tool to attack the spread of child pornography online, ruling that people who send messages over the computer offering or seeking sexual images of children can be sent to prison, even when no such pornography exists.

The 7-2 ruling, which upheld a 5-year-old law, rejected the claim that such messages are protected as free speech.

Monday's ruling goes a long way toward overturning the effect of a 2002 decision that shielded computer-generated pornography. The justices said then that because no real children were involved in producing these images, this material deserved protection as a form of free speech.

In response, Congress passed a law in 2003 making it a crime to exchange online messages about "any material or purported material" that would cause "another to believe" it depicts a minor engaged in sex, whether "actual or simulated." Violations call for at least 5 years in prison.

Two years ago, a U.S. appeals court in Atlanta ruled the law unconstitutional as overly broad. It could apply, in theory, to a grandfather who sends an e-mail entitled "Good pics of kids in bed," the appellate judges said. Other critics said the law could ensnare people who tout a Hollywood movie with simulated sex scenes.

In Monday's opinion, the Supreme Court dismissed those objections.

"Child pornography harms and debases the most defenseless of our citizens," Justice Antonin Scalia said. "We hold that offers to provide or requests to obtain child pornography are categorically excluded from the 1st Amendment."

No prosecutor or jury would believe that a grandfather was offering children engaged in "sexually explicit conduct" when he sends an e-mail describing "kids in bed," Scalia said.

People who advertise or sell movies are not in danger either.

"We think it is implausible that a reputable distributor of Hollywood movies, such as Amazon.com, believes that one of these films contains actual children engaging in actual or simulated sex on camera," Scalia said.

Justices David Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented. They questioned the court's retreat from the ruling that protected "fake" child pornography from prosecution.

Monday's decision restores the conviction of a Florida man who told an FBI agent online that he had photos of his 4-year-old daughter engaged in sex.

I just did a Google news search for child porn in Florida, your home state. The following articles are what's current in today's news. Some pertain to arrests, some to convictions. The higher sentences are for possession and distribution. Most of these people had some sort of involvement with actual children in addition to their possession of child pornography.

50,000 child porn images lands Florida man in jail
Nov 30, 2011

FORT LAUDERDALE (CBSMiami) - A $1.5 million bond has been set for a South Florida retiree charged with 100 counts of child pornography.

Court records show 66-year-old John Jefferson Field, of Coral Springs, was arrested Monday, November 28th and booked into the Broward County Main Jail.

He appeared in bond court before Broward Circuit Judge John "Jay" Hurley Tuesday morning.

According to a Broward Sheriff's Office report read in open court by Judge Hurley, Field was arrested near SE 21st Avenue for allegedly taking photographs of young girls who were showering on Deerfield Beach.

Lifeguard Brian Bencin said he and two other lifeguards spotted Field photographing young girls at the shower and red flags went up.

"He was getting excited over little kids," said Bencin. "He couldn't take his eyes off them, actually hid behind a tractor focused on the children in the shower."

When Broward Sheriff's deputy Fernando Padron questioned Field, he reportedly referred to himself as a pedophile.

"He said his biggest fetish was buttocks, he fantasizes, it started back in Virginia when he took kids in the woods and played with them," said Padron.

"You told police you have something much worse than a fetish," said Judge Hurley as he outlined the charges against him.

Field told the judge he cares for his elderly mother and had no private assets.

"You said you did this because this is the only place young girls take their clothes off. When police searched your computer at your Coral Springs home, they found 50-thosand of these images," said Judge Hurley.

BSO deputy Fernando Padron questioned Field and said that Field called himself a pedophile and, "his biggest fetish is buttock. It started back in Virginia where he says he took kids in the woods and had them undress and played with him.

When investigators went to Field's home in Coral Springs, they said they found a hard drive with 50,000 images of child porn. Most of the porn was of girls between the ages of one and twelve.

Field's neighbors can't believe the charges.

"They're sick. They're totally sick," said neighbor Karen Bossert. "They need some psychiatric help or something. Why would anybody do that"

The judge told Field he would like to hold him with no bond but that the law would not allow him to do so. Instead, he set a steep bond of one and a half million dollars.

"Parents need to be aware this is going on and he was adding it to his personal collection," said Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti.

The South Florida Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force helped worked on the case along with the Broward Sheriff's Office.

North Lauderdale man amused by images of child pornography, authorities say
By Danielle A. Alvarez, Sun Sentinel
November 30, 2011

A North Lauderdale man accused of possessing 25 child pornography images had a shocking answer while being questioned by authorities.

Alvin Grullon Bueno said he found the lewd pictures humorous.

"You allegedly made certain admissions…telling police that you were doing this because you thought it was fun or funny to view such images," Judge John "Jay" Hurley said while reading from an arrest affidavit during Bueno's first appearance hearing on Wednesday.

Bueno, 30, was targeted by the South Florida Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, according to officials.

In October, a detective began investigating an IP address that was sharing pornographic images, the affidavit filed in the case said. The address was later traced to Bueno's home.

While carrying out a search warrant at Bueno's home on Tuesday, members of the task force found 25 images depicting female children, all under the age of 13, in lewd situations, including bondage, the affidavit said.

According to the document, a portable flash drive found in Bueno's bedroom computer revealed that he saved images on Microsoft PowerPoint slides. About 15 PowerPoint presentations were found, with each slide or image containing its own caption.

Authorities said Bueno admitted he created the presentations, telling investigators it was "easier to view the images in PowerPoint format."

Bueno was charged with 25 counts of possession of child pornography. At Wednesday's hearing, Hurley ordered that he be held on $250,000 bond.

Should Bueno post bond, Hurley ordered that he be placed on house arrest and not have private contact with anyone under 18 or use the Internet.

Bueno's was at least the second person in Broward this week to face child pornography charges.

On Monday, John Jefferson Field, 66, of Coral Springs was arrested after investigators said they found 100 files of child pornography on his external computer hard drive. Deerfield Beach lifeguards alerted authorities to Field after he was seen videotaping children showering at the beach.

Field is being held on $1.5 million bond.


Friday, 12.02.11
Fla. man gets 27 years in prison for child porn
The Associated Press

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A Florida man has been sentenced to 27 years in federal prison for possessing child pornography and distributing it over the Internet.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that after his relase, 44-year-old Robert J. Harnois will spend the rest of his life on probation.

The east Orange County man was arrested in April and pleaded guilty Aug. 11. Prosecutors say he posted 77 images and two videos of child porn. The newspaper says he posted the items on a child-pornography website for an undercover FBI agent.

The U.S. Attorney's Office says the images were of infants, toddlers and preadolescent girls.

When agents seized Harnois' computer, they found 85 images and 10 videos. Officials say he used his work computer to transfer the files.

Dale Chisena Jr.: Ocoee man gets 3 years in prison for child porn
November 30, 2011
By Anthony Colarossi, Orlando Sentinel

The Ocoee man arrested last year on child-porn possession charges with his father, a long-time Orange County teacher, was sentenced today to three years in prison.

Dale Chisena Jr., 23, will serve the prison sentence and then five years of sex-offender probation after pleading no contest to three counts of possessing child pornography.

Dale Chisena Jr., and his father Dale Chisena Sr., then a second-grade teacher at Lovell Elementary, were arrested in late March 2010.

Both men were accused of using a file-sharing program to download the images. Investigators said the men had more than 1,000 pornographic images on their computer.

The child porn possession case against Dale Chisena Sr., who spent 33 years at Lovell Elementary, is still pending. He resigned from his teaching position.

He was arrested again, early this year, after authorities said he arranged to have sex with someone he thought was a child in Kentucky. He actually had contacted a cybercrimes investigator posing as a child.

Kentucky investigators contacted Florida Department of Law Enforcement officials about a Florida man who was soliciting sex with minors. FDLE said that man turned out to be Dale Chisena Sr.

South Florida man arrested in child-porn case

A South Florida man is in the Miami-Dade County jail Friday after police say they discovered images of naked children engaging in sex acts on his computer hard drive.

Jerome Michael Hanks, 39, is charged with 10 counts of possession of child pornography.

According to the arrest form, police executed a search warrant on Hanks’ home on the 11000 block of SW 130 Avenue. Inside Hanks’ bedroom they seized an external hard drive with 10 images children performing sex acts on other children and adults.

Hanks was also charged with possession of marijuana and possession of a controlled substance after police allegedly found weed and Xanax, an anti-anxiety medication, in the bedroom.

And those articles are just the most current news in Florida. And the perpetrators run the gamet.

The man who viewed his child porn on a plane, the story that sparked this thread, really is not very remarkable or all that different from the other pedophiles who collect and view child pornography. And the investigation of his case has already turned up evidence that he destributed child pornography to others, and who knows what else they might uncover as the investigation continues. He likely will face a substantial sentence, as he should. If the sexual exploitation and abuse of children through child pornography is deemed unacceptable in our society, we must significantly punish those involved in continuing to do it--to do otherwise would be to make these crimes seem more trivial than they are, and it would make them seem more permissible.

Your failure to grasp even the most basic issues involved with this topic is the reason you cannot understand the outrage of the community that stands behind the child pornography laws and the punishments for violating those laws--outrage at the abuse of the children used in those pornographic images, and it is abuse which is perpetuated by those who simply possess and view those images.

Being both ignorant, and morally challenged, you are doubly disabled as a human being, and to such an extent that it is meaningless to even attempt further serious discussion of this topic with you. Prattle on, but do not delude yourself that your garbled prose is worthy of any real respect or consideration.

Fri 2 Dec, 2011 10:46 am
Sweet - you are correct of course.

One thing I noticed that a reason this man (the one who witnessed and then reported this crime) is considered a hero is because of the opposite cowardly act of the Penn state coach that witnessed a boy being raped and did nothing but call his dad for advice. Now this "hero" that reported the airplane crime to me was acting like a normal person should - report a crime to the proper authorities when you witness one. The sad state of affairs is that many do not - thus why he is a hero.
Fri 2 Dec, 2011 10:52 am
I was approached several times by a pedophile when I was a young teen that must have lived some where in my neighborhood - I didn't know where, but he was around alot. These creeps are not harmless and although I was lucky enough to only see him and have him speak with me (with lots of creepy suggestions) when I was on a public street so I wasn't actually sexually abused. He did abuse me - verbally and for a young naivee child it can be harmful.
Fri 2 Dec, 2011 10:58 am
Someone tried to abduct one of my high school friends while she was walking home from school.
Fri 2 Dec, 2011 11:01 am
I hope she kicked him in the balls.

I was very young and naivee and didn't realize I could do anything about it. So I was terrified that I would walk into him and have to listen to his requests of these sexual acts - one time I was outside of a corner store, he walked out and saw me and gave me a big smile and started to come over to me. I freaked out and screamed - stay away from me, just stay away from me. This woman turned around and looked at him - I never had him approach me again after that.

But he did approach one of my friends. Then one day - we never saw him again.
Fri 2 Dec, 2011 11:08 am
Unfortunately not. He was in a car, and asked her for directions. When she refused to approach the car, he brandished a gun. She ran and got away, but it was pretty traumatic.
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