Quote:In any case a man in the middle of a park that have parents and others all around sitting openly at a park brench is not a danger to children to anyone but a sick SOB mind like your Firefly.
But I wasn't in that park, BillRM. I wasn't the one who asked you to leave the park. So, don't blame me because your inappropriate behavior with children alarmed other people who actually saw you and what you were doing.
And you don't know any other men who have been asked to leave parks either--you're just too dumb to realize how inappropriate your behavior was.
This isn't about all men, BillRM, it's about
you and about how other people regard
Poor BillRM, he claims he didn't physically abuse his first wife, he just never bothered to show up in court to defend himself when she requested, and got, a restraining order against him. Poor BillRM, he was unfairly profiled just for being male, simply because he sat in a park with kittens enticing strange children to interact with him, even though that's a classic pedophile lure. Poor BillRM, he wasn't trying to be helpful to pedophiles when he posted, in a thread about child pornography, hints on how to conceal your ISP, and how to encrypt your computer so the government can't access your hard drive. Poor BillRM was just performing an educational service when he told us all about the "dark net" or "deep web"--a treasure trove of child pornography, and a haven for all sorts of criminal activities--where one can move around anonymously without fear of detection--a place where he feels right at home.
Poor misunderstood BillRM.
The problem is, he's understood only too well.