Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Thu 4 Oct, 2012 06:05 am
Poor baby being a mean old woman is a role that you are playing as if you was indeed a mean old woman.

Your main weakness is pretending to be such a character that she believe that anyone who disagree with her is doing so due to evil motivations.

That you are over doing this in my opinion given that the some of the positions I had taken is supported by over 70 percents of the federal bench, that some of the software I am not suppose to talk about was created by the federal government and is still being given support by them and that tens of millions had taken steps to protected their computers with encryption and even Microsoft had build in to some versions of their OS the ability to do such hard drive encrypting.

Perhaps the role you are playing demand that you are that irrational and that would go along with your claims that I should be concern over the big bad FBI for daring to post public informations concerning software some of which once more was created and then released to the public by the federal government itself.
Thu 4 Oct, 2012 08:45 am
it shows up on Google searches for child pornography. As far as I can tell, almost no one at A2K has any respect for you

As a minor footnote please give the search terms that cause this thread to show up in a general google search on the subject of child pornography.

Have not run into that happening myself and any general google search on the subject that would pull up this thread up must be bury on page 5o or so of the results.

So it is your claim so please back it up............

0 Replies
Thu 4 Oct, 2012 10:40 am
Your dishonesty I could do without.

Hawkeye I been holding my breathe waiting for Firefly to come up with general google seach terms concerning CP that would bring up this thread in the first ten pages or so of results or even the first 50 pages of results for that matter.

All that happen so far is that I am turning blue.

She sometimes happen to be very very stupid in what she try to lied about on this website.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Oct, 2012 12:18 pm
I'm not pretending anything. I am more than convinced you are a semi-literate dimwit who thinks like a sociopath, identifies primarily with the criminal element in any discussion of any law, and who is too cognitively limited to absorb and integrate new or conflicting information, too concrete to handle any degree of abstraction, and who consequently has nothing of substance or interest to add to any thread. You endlessly repeat yourself, in post, after post, after post, because you really have nothing to say, seem to be starved for some sort of attention and recognition, and simply lack the insight and intelligence to know when to shut up.

Thu 4 Oct, 2012 12:30 pm
Hello Firefly well it look like you do not have those general search terms concerning CP for google that you are claiming will bring up this thread so evil CP collectors will learn all the 'secrets' I been shameful disclosing in this thread.

Informations/secrets that is in the public domain all over the net.
0 Replies
Fri 5 Oct, 2012 09:46 pm
I love the fact that every time it is shown that Firefly is lying on a thread she disappear from that thread for a time.

The poor little old thing as no matter how long that she will go into hiding from this thread whenever she will reappear I will challenge her and keep challenging her over this last lie of hers.

This thread can be found using general keywords concerning CP in any search results that is not bury in the tenth or even fifty page of results.

0 Replies
Sat 6 Oct, 2012 07:03 am
Here is a federal judge that Firefly might wish to have the FBI keep an eye on as for my having similar feelings that our current levels of punishments is way out of line for CP she had claimed I am or at least likely am a pedophile that the Federal government should waste it money on keeping an eye on.

Of course there are polls that are showing that by her logic over 70 percents of Federal judges are likely pedophiles.

I guess the males judges...........


Updated: August 13, 2012 1:56PM

HAMMOND — A federal judge expressed concern Wednesday afternoon that the sentencing guidelines overseeing certain child pornography crimes are too harsh.

“(The guidelines) go from a sentence of two to three years to a sentence of seven to 10 years very, very quickly,” U.S. District Judge Philip Simon said during a sentencing hearing for Hammond resident Hugh Payne, 64. “I’m very troubled by that.”

Payne pleaded guilty earlier this year to one count of possession of child pornography, and federal sentencing guidelines say that the base range of imprisonment should have been about two to three years.

However, Payne’s range was increased to six to eight years because he used a computer for the crime, the pictures included children younger than 12 years old and some children were shown being constrained. A U.S. Supreme Court ruling, often referred to as Booker, made the guidelines advisory instead of mandatory for federal judges.

Payne’s attorney, Paul Stracci, argued Wednesday that all of those enhancements show up in the vast majority of other child pornography possession crimes and that defendants are essentially punished twice.

“I think it’s unfair; I think it’s unfortunate,” Stracci said.

He also argued that studies show none of those are strong factors in predicting recidivism and asked that Payne, a Vietnam War veteran who has a number of health problems, receive no imprisonment.

Simon, who said that this is the first such case he has overseen, rejected that, saying he thought the crime was serious enough to warrant a significant jail sentence. However, he said was concerned about the additions of those enhancements, noting that the computer and young children enhancements are found in more than 90 percent of the cases.

“It’s the length of imprisonment that bothers me in this case,” Simon said.

He also said that he factored in Payne’s 42 years of work history, his medical problems and the fact that he was injured while fighting in the Vietnam War before sentencing Payne to 31/2 years in prison, about half of what the federal guidelines called for.

“We greatly appreciate Judge Simon taking a close look at the guidelines and using Booker as the Supreme Court hoped judges would to get to what the judge believes to be a fair sentence in the case,” Stracci said after the hearing.

Sat 6 Oct, 2012 11:12 am
That judge's objection was to some of the sentencing enhancements and not to the guidelines per se. The judge actually sentenced that man within the guidelines.

And that judge really does not agree with you.
Simon, who said that this is the first such case he has overseen, rejected that, saying he thought the crime was serious enough to warrant a significant jail sentence.

Judges who don't want to sentence within the guidelines simply ignore them and use their discretion--but they do not disregard the seriousness of the offense, or try to minimize it, as you do.

And hearings on the matter of the guidelines have already been held earlier this year, so you are rather meaninglessly, and compulsively, re-posting the same material over, and over, and over, to no conceivable logical end. Everyone, including Congress, who controls the matter, is well aware of the issue. Your continuing to obsessively harp on it is meaningless.

And the fact remains that the sentencing guidelines only effect those who have already been convicted of violating the laws. If they didn't break these laws, they wouldn't have to worry about the penalties they faced, would they? That simple fact eludes your pea-sized brain.
she had claimed I am or at least likely am a pedophile...

You're the one who told us you were asked to leave a public park because other adults were nervous about the way you were interacting with young children, and your use of a well known pedophile animal lure to engage youngsters.

So, in real life, and not just in this thread, and not just by me, people have questioned your behavior with children--and you've chosen to tell us that.

And your main reaction to stories of people arrested for possession and sharing of child pornography has not been to decry the continuing sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation of children these people support, but rather to smugly suggest they should have been smarter about not getting caught--so you post helpful hints on how they can avoid detection of their ISP address, how they can better encrypt their computers so the government can't access their hard drive, etc.

At the very least, you are a pedophile's best friend.

Maybe you should get yourself a subscription to this magazine. You've already had your ex-wife get a restraining order against you, and you've used "come see my kittens" instead of puppies...

Sat 6 Oct, 2012 12:22 pm
My my I am a rapist, a drunk and a drunk driver and all of course a pedophile as anyone who dare to disagree with you must be doing do for evil reasons.

You are in need of one hell of a lot of mental help it would seems Firefly.

An yes like a black person shopping in a mall being profile as a shoplifter for the condition of being black I was profile as a pedophile for trying to find homes for some kittens in a park while being a male.

If my wife had either been with me or by herself doing the same thing no one would had given it a second through just as if that black person in the mall would had a white person with him or her.

Odd feeling being so profile as a middle class white guy I am not use to running into profiling and this was the first time in my life it ever happen to me.

However being black and profile as a likely shoplifter or being male and being profile as a likely pedophile said nothing bad about the black person in the mall or the guy trying to find homes for kittens in a park.

I will admit to being a long term cat lover however and that is my worst crime in relationship to being in that park that day.

Footnote I did a google search and could not find one case of anyone in real life trying to kidnapped children in parks by using animals not one case reported in any newspapers in a 20 years period of time.

Warnings about such a dangers but no cases of it happening once more in real life. Perhaps Firefly you could come up with such a case as I could not after spending hours looking for one.

So that fear said something about society but not real people trying to adopt out animals in parks or anywhere else.

All I know for sure is no matter how many pedophiles might had been in that park that day as a parent or as a coach or whatever the one person who was not a pedophile was little old me.

]Ok next I am still waiting for you to give the general search terms that would pull up this thread with all the secrets I am revealing about maintaining privacy on the net and thereby aiding pedophiles.

Come on dear give those search terms.

Anything else to cover oh the judge did disagree with elements of the sentencing guidelines and therefore like me must be a pedophile by your logic along with 70 percents of the rest of the federal bench.

Ok off hand I guess that cover everything my sick friend.
Sat 6 Oct, 2012 12:32 pm
Oh yes not only am I a rapist, a drunk, a drunk driver, a pedophiles but I am a wife beater.............forgot that last part.

No court need to declare me as such all that is needed is a woman willing to lied under oath to get an order.

But women never lied and my statement about the fact that the only one who was hit in that marriage was me by her could not be true as women never never never lied.

At least in your strange world firefly

Once more talking about women willing to be a liar where are those search terms you claimed would bring up this thread from google? Another case of a female willing to lied to win an argument it would seems.
0 Replies
Sat 6 Oct, 2012 01:52 pm
Over here there's an ongoing scandal about recently deceased Radio 1 DJ Jimmy Saville who is accused of countless rapes and sexual assaults on a lot of underage girls.

The scandal is that the girls who spoke out weren't believed by their teachers, and a powerful man was allowed to act with impunity.

That is the reality, not the bullshit BillRM peddles.
Sat 6 Oct, 2012 03:15 pm
so you post helpful hints on how they can avoid detection of their ISP address, how they can better encrypt their computers so the government can't access their hard drive, etc.

Once more who am I posting helpful hints to as, unless you can back your claim up that this thread can be found with general search terms from google on the subject of CP, it just the sub-set of the memberships of this website that is reading my postings and the odds that there are any great number of pedophiles in this group is near zero.

Beside which anyone who is bright enough to do in depth research on computer and internet security would not find any likely new information from my postings.

All to you remarkable information is well known to anyone interest in the subject and all is in the public domain.

There is not an at all small sub community of people who are interested in computer and internet security for both profession reasons and as a hobby that have as must or far more information then I do.

When I do read about people such as a IT guy who work for the FBI of all people who got hung for having CP on his personal computer I do shake my head in amazement as with such a background he should had known the steps to take to secure his computers.

Human nature is interesting in that there are only a very few cases so far where the FBI and or law enforcement had run into real computer security and that say something about human nature that I frankly do not understand.

It also must mean those hundreds of thousands or more people who are into computer security must be very very law abiding as if not law enforcement would had been hitting a brick wall must more often then they are doing now when they seized computers looking for criminal misdeeds.

Sat 6 Oct, 2012 03:47 pm
0 Replies
Sat 6 Oct, 2012 04:30 pm
Ok next I am still waiting for you to give the general search terms that would pull up this thread with all the secrets I am revealing about maintaining privacy on the net and thereby aiding pedophiles.

Come on dear give those search terms.

hiding child pornography on your computer

You also fit the typology for someone known as a secure collector of child pornography.
Secure collectors: Offenders who are members of a closed newsgroup or other secret pedophile ring. They engage in high levels of networking and employ sophisticated security measures to protect their activities from detection. Their collecting behavior is an indirect abuse of children. Because they occupy hidden levels of the Internet, they have access to a wide range of images. They may engage in obsessive levels of collecting, which not only involves amassing huge numbers of images, but also carefully cataloging and cross referencing them. As with other types of collections, they may expend considerable effort in obtaining rare and highly prized images. The collection may become an end in itself.

And, you've told us all about the "dark net"--which you're quite familiar with.
Not many of you will have heard of the site called Hidden Wiki. It is not a site that will shown in a search engine or that can be accessed without special software designed for that purpose. It is a portal to the underworld of the web and exists within a largely unknown realm called the “deep web” which is a vast vault of information that is more than 500 times larger than that available to the uninitiated browser of the public, or “surface” web. It is the place where criminals develop and discuss their plans. A haven for anyone with a need for anonymity, from Police and Government Agencies to terrorists, drug dealers, paedophiles and cyber-criminals.

The attraction of the site is the anonymity that is available to users of the software used to access it. Once configured, a users connection to the site is only completed after it is bounced around a global network of computers which has the effect of hiding the identity and geographical origin of the user. This has legitimate uses for those attempting to get information out of countries where such activity would risk the life of the author, but also has a darker side.

One of the users of the Hidden Wiki is a company who hosts a website call Lolita City. This site advertises on Hidden Wiki and hosts a massive archive of child pornography which is available to paedophiles who subscribe to it.

How come no one else at A2K has told us they've had a restraining order gotten against them, been asked to leave a public park because other adults were nervous about their interactions with young children, has considerable knowledge of, and familiarity with, the "dark net" or "deep web", conceals their ISP so it cannot be traced, and has a computer so heavily encrypted they brag that the government couldn't access their hard drive to find what's hidden there?

Sure, BillRM, you're always the innocent, poor misunderstood victim. People always jump to the wrong conclusions about you. I can't imagine why.

And, the more you try to defend yourself, the guiltier you sound.
Sat 6 Oct, 2012 04:48 pm
That is the reality, not the bullshit BillRM peddles.

Yes, that is too often the unfortunate reality.

BillRM clearly has a vested interest in not having victims believed. He's almost maniacal on the subject.

He also calls laws--covering things such as rape, child pornography, and drunk driving--"silly" or "insane". Normal intelligent adults do not call such laws "silly"--that's more bullshit, meant to trivialize the nature of such crimes.

He should really have very little doubt why he is regarded as a lowlife creep--except he's also dumb, quite dumb, and quite out of touch with how normal people think and view him.
Sun 7 Oct, 2012 06:40 am
I love you thinking as the logic have holes in it you could drive a 16 wheeler through with room to spare.

First I did nothing wrong in that park other then to be a male instead of a female when trying to find homes for kittens.

Just as a black person who is shopping in a mall and is profile as a likely shoplifter did not do anything wrong for going shopping while wearing a black skin.

It is a sad reflection on our society but not a reflection on a person shopping while in black skin or trying to find homes for kittens while in a male body.

Footnote once more I could not find one reported case in the news of anyone in real life using puppies or kittens as a children lure in a park over a 20 years period. It a danger that exist only in the sick minds of people like you Firefly.

Pedophiles are the fathers, mothers boyfriends ,grandfather, brothers, uncles, coaches, priests of the children in 99 percents of the cases and not some guy who is trying to give some poor kittens a chance on having a long and happy life instead of a short and unhappy one.

As you had already agree with me it was not my actions that day but my actions combine with being a male and not a female such as my wife.

Nor did I do anything wrong in my first marriage other then picked the wrong woman to married and live in a society where they hand out such orders like candy to women with no showing of proof needed.

Next subject I know too must about the internet and security and anyone who have that knowledge must be up to no good is your position.

Sorry there is nothing special about the depth of my knowledge on that subject as millions of non-pedophiles and for that matter non-criminals in any sense have that or far more knowledge in that area of human knowledge.

In fact it would seems that such knowledge does not exist in the pedophile community to any degree or the numbers of arrests would drop to near zero instead of the current situation where all a bore police officer need to do is to boot up any of the common p2p software to get a list of the next homes he will be raiding.

All those decades in prison sentences at a direct cost of 40,000 or so a year seems not to be cutting into CP trading in any manner as if it was doing so the US would have almost none compare to such countries as England.

Sun 7 Oct, 2012 06:51 am

Oh good try you placed keywords in your own posting and then search for those keywords good try but no cigar.
0 Replies
Sun 7 Oct, 2012 08:03 am
At least in the UK he only got a warning not years in prison as one professor did who was doing acadmemy research on the subject in an open manner but it still did not matter. If memory serve me correctly after talking about the legal barriers for doing such research with Colleagues he ended the research and delete the images however some technicains for some strange reason undelete the images and reported them.

No common sense allow.

Also no research allow in this area.....and...........no way of even applying for premission to do such research legally in the US.


Townshend speaks out about child porn arrest

Print Story Published: 9/29 9:17 am Share Updated: 9/29 9:18 amThe Who rocker Pete Townshend was so distraught when he was branded a pedophile following his 2003 arrest he contemplated suicide.

The star was investigated by police after he used a credit card to access a website that allegedly advertised child pornography.

Townshend decided not to fight the charges against him and accepted a police caution, although he is adamant he only searched the site as part of research into the horrors of the child porn industry.

He has now written about the turbulent time following his arrest in his new book, Who I Am, revealing he sank so low, he considered taking his own life.

Townshend writes, "If I had a gun I would have shot myself. It really did feel like a lynching."

In an interview with Britain's The Times newspaper, he says, "What I did was insane... (I didn't speak out to defend myself) because there was no sense of 'the truth will out'. I've had the misfortune to read online comments where I'm judged as a pedophile because I've got a big nose.''

He also reveals he wanted to help victims of child porn because of his own experiences, adding, "It's White Knight Syndrome. You want to be the one that's seen to be helping.... I had experienced something creepy as a child, so you imagine, what if I was a girl of nine or 10 and my uncle had raped me every week? I felt I had an understanding, and I could help.''

0 Replies
Sun 7 Oct, 2012 08:49 am
He also calls laws--covering things such as rape, child pornography, and drunk driving

Having a law on the book to send citizens to prison for years for downloading cartoons/drawings is indeed silly to say the least.

To declare rape happen when a woman who had been drinking and then regret her consenting to having sex a day or a week or more later as rape due to invalid consent claims is also insane. It is not the actions of the man but the regret of the woman and her own voluntary drinking that turn a consensus sex act into rape and that is insane.

To have a law who punishment level for breaking that deal with images on a computer that can be greater then the punishment for rape or child molesting is also silly and shocking.

To set the limit on BAC for drunk driving so low that a driver that have anywhere near that lower limit is not drunk by any normal understanding to the term is silly and bad public policy.
Sun 7 Oct, 2012 09:50 am
Firefly it is interesting that you have the nerve to claimed my positions on issues are outside the mainstream even those 70 percents of all federal judges agree with me that the punishments level under federal law is too harsh for CP.

That the founder of MADD agree with me that .08 BAC liimit is too low.

The congress after pressuring the military to apply defining rape in the manner you are supporting now have a conviction rate of somewhere of around 20 percents so a large percent of military officers who serve on rape court martials seems to share my opinion on that subject.

So good luck in convicting anyone with working brains that my positions is out of the mainstream.
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