firefly wrote:
Why do you feel embarrassed? It's a perfectly normal bodily function.
I don't know why, I guess. It's just that, I don't want people to know when it's my time. It makes me uncomfortable and it's nobody's business, ya know? I get self conscious and stuff.
Quote:I remember how awful the cramps could be when I was in my teens, and I often felt nauseous as well. But I think I preferred going to school because then I was somewhat distracted from the discomfort--if I stayed home in bed I actually felt more miserable because I was more focused on what was bothering me.
No, when I'm in school I'm not distracted from the pain. I get distracted from work because of the pain though. Sometimes its really sharp (I guess that's the word) cramps and I feel like laying down and rubbing my belly until it stops. I know it doesn't help the cramps stop but it makes me feel better. Lol
Quote:If you use both a tampon and a pad, and change the tampon throughout the day, you really don't have to be too concerned about leaks, even if your flow is heavy.
Or treat yourself to a pair of panties designed to prevent leaks if that will help you to feel more confident.
I don't really use pads. Mostly tampons. I use pads at night because the tampon box say that you could get Toxic Shock from leaving them in too long and that doesn't sound fun lol. That's a good idea though, wearing both! Thanks! And I didn't even know that there was underwear that stops you from leaking!
Quote:Do OTC pain relievers, like Midol or Pamprin, help you with your cramps and headaches? They both come in several different formulations and people often find that one formulation works better for them than the others do, so sometimes it takes some experimenting to find the one that works best.
I'm really bad with taking pills, like, I think my throats too small or something. Pills are hard for me to swallow and they make me nauseous sometimes but I'd totally try those to stop the headaches and cramps. Thing is, I have Type 1 diabetes and some medicines can affect my blood sugar. Ive been having trouble with my diabetes lately too. This past month or soo I've had hypoglycemia, fainting and I had to go to the hospital for DKA. So, I'm being super careful about EVERYTHING lately. LOL. I think Midol will be okay, but I'm gonna ask my doctor first. Thanks for the suggestions!
Thats awesome! I'll try it!
Yea. I have dance and gymnastics and I'm never really into when my time comes. I'm always lazy. I'll try Yoga though. Might be fun.
Quote:Some forms of extended cycle birth control pills can reduce the number of times a year you get your period or stop menstruation.
Personally, I don't think that's something you should consider right now--these drugs can have serious side effects. I'd try other remedies first and see if you can find something that helps to relieve your symptoms without creating potential other problems.
I didn't know birth control can make you get less periods AND stop you from getting pregnant! Haha! That's awesome! There's no way I can get on birth control now though. My dad would go nuts if I asked him and then he'd get all suspicious and think I was thinking about doing stuff with boys. That's how he is about stuff like that.

There's no way. Lol. But when I turn 18 I'm soo getting on birth control!
Those are awesome links! Thanks firefly!