jcboy wrote:Are you sure that wasn't a pistol in your pocket?

OmSigDAVID wrote:I 've never carried a pistol there. ( dangerous )
Besides, I prefer revolvers.
Questioner wrote:Always figured you for a 17 on standby, one in the chamber kinda guy.
No. For one thing, I don 't think much of the feeble 9mm, in terms of
and that 's what counts. Its all about
stopping power. I prefer hollowpointed .44 special
W I D E cavities to put the brakes on the target, with optimal energy dump.
For another thing, I distrust automatics.
Thay r not mechanically reliable, unlike revolvers
and thay r unsanitary, spewing brass all over the ground.
Then there is the matter of needing to rotate your magazines
at night to relieve tension on the follower spring.
(That reminds me of the old days, when we had to wind our watches @ night.)
I was at a gun law related assembly, with maybe around
2,OOO people in attendance. My friend, Cliff, seated next to me,
won the door prize: a 9mm Glock 17. We tried it at a gunnery range
(along with some of my older guns). Within the first 15 round magazine,
it jammed 3 times, new out of the box; unimpressive.
( Admittedly, with revolvers u will get the occasional fx firing pin. )
Automatics r too dangerous, in terms of accidental discharges, too.
Even veterans (police, bailiffs, etc.) keep forgetting about the round
in the chamber when thay drop the mag. With revolvers, its obvious,
especially when u swing out the cylinder in a D.A. revolver.
DO own some automatics, but mostly as artifacts of history,
not for defensive purposes.
( We better stop discussing defensive ordnance,
or thay r going to yell at us [again] ).