GracieGirl wrote:So, how do boys know when they get puberty?

OmSigDAVID wrote:At age 1O, pubic hair grows on your groin.
GracieGirl wrote:Hair didn't grow when I was 10 David.
So that's not true; that's too young.
(I was answering your question: "So, how do boys know when they get puberty?")
Anyway, it sure was too young, when it happened to
me. I did not like that.
That hair
never did me any good; looks bad. I never wanted it; still don 't.
Another bad aspect of puberty (male aspect, that u asked about) was discoloration,
darkening of the sexual organ; looks bad. I did
not like
that. I do not like being discolored.
On the other hand, a fellow mentioned to me that his 14 year old son
was upset that he did not have pubic hair, tho some of his younger
friends had it; so people have different opinions.