The only fools here are the ones that think we can remain a land of freedom when we allow a select few in our government to determine who lives and dies at whim. You unknowingly make a mockery of all of the families that have lost loved ones in service (myself included) defending our freedom and liberty when you laud and praise the removal of that freedom and liberty in such a way.
Am I glad that Osama is dead? Yes. Am I glad that the President and military can pre-meditate the elimination of any individual they desire without any sort of due-process? No. That scares the **** out of me. It should scare the **** out of you but you're too busy hopping on the DEATH TO THE INFIDELS bandwagon to see what it can mean down the road.
I don't want soldiers to die. I don't want any innocents to die. Yes, SOME people need to be taken out for the simple fact that they pose a very real and immediate threat to us and the security of those soldiers and innocents, and there's no feasible way for us to extradite them. But what I'm willing to admit that you aren't is that once we start going down that road we can end up in some very bad places.
Also, please don't presume that you know jack-**** about how I feel and what I know. You only point out your own ignorance and arrogance when you do so.