I think it's more targeted than that. Mitt Romney is the clear front-runner -- he doesn't really have any credible competition. Perry seemed to maybe be credible (to some people) for about a week, but that didn't last.
So there has been this ongoing cycle of "not Romney", which as it claims more victims becomes "none of the above" in addition to just "not Romney."
Once one of the not-Romneys start to actually be treated like a front-runner, they're supplanted by a new not-Romney/ none-of-the-above.
Time is running short for a credible new not-Romney though.
I'm not sure if Cain will fall (and this "scandal" will be blamed, though Trump, Bachmann, Perry et al didn't need any scandal), or if the lack of a new not-Romney will mean that people will dig in their heels.
Because of a lot of Republicans really, really don't like Romney.
Either way I think it's more about Romney than about who the current not-Romney happens to be.