The censorship of racial identifications in crime stories

Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2011 08:33 pm

Black rapist. Race of victim censored.


A jury found Jesse Samuel Jr. guilty of rape, burglary, robbery and other crimes.

Prosecutors said during his trial that on October 7, 2010, Samuel waited on the victim’s balcony. When she opened the door, he hit her in the face with a gun, forced her back inside and raped her with the gun.

Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2011 10:07 am
A good example of how the Corrupt Liberal Media tries to hide black race hatred of whites its reporting is in the news coverage of the trials of the black DC Beltway Snipers.

Even though one of them confessed that their plan was to try to kill six white victims a day, that testimony was barely reported, or even censored to read to kill six victims a day with the racist motivations completely deleted.

For instance:

Malvo testified that Muhammad, driven by hatred of America because of its "slavery, hypocrisy and foreign policy" and his belief that "the white man is the devil", planned to kill six whites a day for 30 days.


Notice how the racist motive has be sanitized from the Wikipedia site. And Wikipedia is supposed to be the authoritative, objective, encyclopedia of the internet. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Sroll down to "Malvo Testimony"

Muhammad's goal in Phase One was to kill 6 people a day for 30 days. Malvo went on to describe how Phase One did not go as planned due to heavy traffic and the lack of a clear shot and/or getaway at different locations.

Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2011 10:43 am


CBS News video sanitizes sniper testimony with the racist motive censored and quotes Malvo as testifying "Killing 6 people a day" instead of the "killing 6 white people a day" that Malvo actually said in trial testimony.


The True Story of the Beltway Snipers, an NBC "documentary" that totally censors their racist motives and instead that the ten people murdered was an elaborate rouse to eventually to kill the ex wife of one of the snipers.

BTW, the motive of murdering all those people so when he was finally able to murder his ex wife, he would not be a likely suspect, was ruled inadmissible evidence at his trial.

No matter, NBC made that the central point of this "documentary" and totally censored the testimony of one of the shooters that their motive for murdering their white victims was racist.
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2011 11:05 am
via press release:
MSNBC Films presents “I Married The Beltway Sniper,” a chilling account of John Allen Muhammad’s assault on the D.C. area—Monday, September 6, at 10 PM ET

Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2011 12:32 pm
One very big problem with your angle....of the nine killed two were black and one appears to be mexican.


I do notice however that victim lists do not talk about race, and that the pics are difficult to find...which does support your and my overall argument that reporting is politically scrubbed before distribution.
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2011 07:12 pm
One very big problem with your angle....of the nine killed two were black and one appears to be mexican.


Actually one of the victims who appears black(Welekar) is actually of middle eastern ancestry.

I think Malvo said that their "goal" was to kill 6 whites a day. Of course they never even came close to that goal.

That they also murdered a black man doesnt necessarily mean that they weren't motivated by race hatred to kill whites. The Klan after all, murdered dozens of whites in the South in their hay day. That fact alone doesnt make the Klan any less racist against blacks. And Muhammed was a Black Muslim, and they are virulently racist against whites.

Remember the snipers were profiled as white before they were caught so they knew that the cops were looking for a white shooter so if they only killed whites then the cops might figure that they were black. Plus they killed a black store clerk in Alabama in a robbery months before they started their killing in the DC area which showed that they would kill blacks when they thought they needed to.

The Corrupt Liberal Media media should have reported Malvos testimony about killing 6 whites a day exactly as he said it. They could have later tried to spin it away as not credible if they wanted to.

Instead, they deleted the race angle from his quote.
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2011 11:12 pm
The Corrupt Liberal Media media should have reported Malvos testimony about killing 6 whites a day exactly as he said it. They could have later tried to spin it away as not credible if they wanted to.

Instead, they deleted the race angle from his quote

Everything is warped according to the political needs of the day...in the run up to the invasion of Iraq it was warped towards painting Saddam as a villain and America as the righteous, when the state goes after a person for sex crimes the person is painted as pure evil even if all they have done "wrong" is have pics on their computer of girls in bathing suits posed "wrong", and when the racial truth of America is inconvenient it is ignored. The fourth estate is not just corrupt, it is non functioning....propaganda is not the reporting of truth.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 12:19 am
when the racial truth of America is inconvenient it is ignored. The fourth estate is not just corrupt, it is non functioning....propaganda is not the reporting of truth. 0 Replies

Racist truth Hawkeye?

How about the Jews controlling the news and the banks?

What odd roads you are walking down with this nut case.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 12:37 am
What odd roads you are walking down with this nut case.
I have no idea, as I dont know what he/she is about, not having read anything from them other than this thread. But as a rule I will walk with anyone so long as they are going my way....
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 12:46 am
Hawkeye by the way speaking of racist truth do you or your white power friend had a theory of what level of a person having black "blood" will cause him to had the overwhelming desire to rape white women?

As I had three grandkids with roughly 1/4 level of black blood in their veins so is that enough to trigger this behavior that the news fear to report?

Sadly if they do turn into rapists their mug shots will be somewhat confusing to the power power websites as they show like indication of the evil seed within them and look white.

Damn mixed breeds....................
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 01:01 am
An your way is also the way of trying to drumming up racist hate and fear out of whole cloths?

That every time a crime is committed both the skin color of the criminal and the victim should be reported?

Not to do so is a cover up of some kind on it face even if there seem no racial element to the crime being reported?

Every time a conman cheat someone out of funds and is Jewish that should be reported in large type?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 01:08 am
Hawkeye by the way speaking of racist truth do you or your white power friend had a theory of what level of a person having black "blood" will cause him to had the overwhelming desire to rape white women?
Dont know, and if that is what he/she thinks I also dont know that they are wrong. Our black brothers and sisters got to be black when we got to be white, that their brains would develop in a different way then ours is no less unusual. Moral offense is not evidence.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 01:55 am
Hawkeye you in fact believe that humans brains between the races are not the same?


My friend is a 1920s to 1930s era racist himself.

Oh well I guess I need to stop reading this thread as it is too upsetting to think of you that way.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 02:22 am
Hawkeye you in fact believe that humans brains between the races are not the same?
That is what science tells me

Among white Americans, the average IQ, as of a decade or so ago, was 103. Among Asian-Americans, it was 106. Among Jewish Americans, it was 113. Among Latino Americans, it was 89. Among African-Americans, it was 85. Around the world, studies find the same general pattern: whites 100, East Asians 106, sub-Sarahan Africans 70. One IQ table shows 113 in Hong Kong, 110 in Japan, and 100 in Britain. White populations in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States score closer to one another than to the worldwide black average. It's been that way for at least a century.
Remember, these are averages, and all groups overlap. You can't deduce an individual's intelligence from her ethnicity. The only thing you can reasonably infer is that anyone who presumes to rate your IQ based on the color of your skin is probably dumber than you are.
So, what should we make of the difference in averages?
We don't like to think IQ is mostly inherited. But we've all known families who are smarter than others. Twin and sibling studies, which can sort genetic from environmental factors, suggest more than half the variation in IQ scores is genetic. A task force report from the American Psychological Association indicates it might be even higher. The report doesn't conclude that genes explain racial gaps in IQ. But the tests on which racial gaps are biggest happen to be the tests on which genes, as measured by comparative sibling performance, exert the biggest influence.
How could genes cause an IQ advantage? The simplest pathway is head size. I thought head measurement had been discredited as Eurocentric pseudoscience. I was wrong. In fact, it's been bolstered by MRI. On average, Asian-American kids have bigger brains than white American kids, who in turn have bigger brains than black American kids. This is true even though the order of body size and weight runs in the other direction. The pattern holds true throughout the world and persists at death, as measured by brain weight.
According to twin studies, 50 percent to 90 percent of variation in head size and brain volume is genetic. And when it comes to IQ, size matters. The old science of head measurements found a 20 percent correlation of head size with IQ. The new science of MRI finds at least a 40 percent correlation of brain size with IQ. One analysis calculates that brain size could easily account for five points of the black-white IQ gap.
I know, it sounds crazy. But if you approach the data from other directions, you get the same results. The more black and white scores differ on a test, the more performance on that test correlates with head size and "g," a measure of the test's emphasis on general intelligence. You can debate the reality of g, but you can't debate the reality of head size. And when you compare black and white kids who score the same on IQ tests, their average difference in head circumference is zero.


But actually I have not taken a position, I have only said that it would be consistent with other differences which took place in the gene pool during low levels of mixing.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 02:24 am
I have only said that it would be consistent with other differences to took place in the gene pool during low levels of mixing.

Low level of mixing in the US!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since when had there been low level of mixing from the first black full slave ship to yesterday.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 02:30 am
Everyone agrees that the three populations separated 40,000 to 100,000 years ago. Even critics of racial IQ genetics accept the idea that through natural selection, environmental differences may have caused abilities such as distance running to become more common in some populations than in others. Possibly, genes for cognitive complexity became so crucial in some places that nature favored them over genes for developmental speed and vision. If so, fitness for today's world is mostly dumb luck. If we lived in a savannah, kids programmed to mature slowly and grow big brains would be toast. Instead, we live in a world of zoos, supermarkets, pediatricians, pharmaceuticals, and information technology. Genetic advantages, in other words, are culturally created.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 02:36 am
The simplest pathway is head size.

LOL the 1930s had return and I never taken note that super geniuses had been known for large heads or hat sizes.

Junk science live on...........................
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 02:39 am
Once more white genes and black genes had been mixed for hundred of years on a large scale in the US.

The same white gentlemen who would hang a black man for looking at a white woman had no problem is producing offsprings with black women.

See our third president for an example.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 03:20 am

The Head Size/Race/IQ Trainwreck
Repost from the old site.

Average cranial capacities of indigenous populations, sex-combined means. Black: 1450 cc. and over; checkerboard: 1400-1449; crosshatching: 1350-1399; horizontal striping: 1300-1349; diagonal striping: 1250-1299; dots: 1200-1249. From Beals et al., 1984.

Click to enlarge.

White racists like to make a big deal about the supposed correlation between head size and intelligence and race. A nice little chart showing the basically dishonest portrayal they attempt based on cherry-picking data is below. I’ve already dealt with this before, but it’s time to add some new evidence to the theory.

As you can see, in the Americas, there is no good evidence whatsoever for head size and IQ. I am not aware that Amerindian IQ varies in the Americas. The average is apparently 87 across the continent. If anyone can show me that it varies by latitude, please do.

The biggest heads of all are in Northern Chinese (Manchurians), Eskimos, Alaskan natives, Siberians and Mongolians. The Northern Chinese IQ is 105, the Mongolian IQ is 100, the Eskimo IQ is 91, the Alaska native IQ is 87 and the Siberian native IQ is not known.

Note that Amerindians in Canada, Alaska, Mexico (!) and Tierra Del Fuego have larger heads (1400-1449 cc.) than any Europeans, yet Europeans have higher IQ’s than any of these Amerindians, who have IQ’s of 87. In addition, Uralics and Northeast Asians also have very large heads. Northeast Asians have median IQ’s of 105, Uralics have IQ’s of 96 and Amerindians have IQ’s of 87.

Amerindians in most of the US and in most of Latin America, Egyptians, Ugandans and Oceanians (Polynesians, Melanesians and Micronesians) have the same sized heads (1350-1399 cc.) as Northern and Central Europeans.

Northern and Central Europeans have median IQ’s of 98, Amerindians are at 87, Oceanians have median IQ’s of 84.5, and Ugandans have IQ’s of 73.

Some Amerindians, North Africans and Sahelians, Central Indians and Arabs, SE Asian Islanders (Indonesians, Bruneians, Malays and Filipinos), South Africans, New Guineans, and Middle Easterners have the same head sizes (1300-1349 cc.) as Southern Europeans.

Southern Europeans have a median IQ of 93. Amerindians again have IQ’s of 87. SE Asian Islanders have median IQ’s of 89.5, Arabs, North Africans and Middle Easterners have median IQ’s of 83.5. Central Indians and Central Asians have median IQ’s of 82. South Africans have median IQ’s of 70.5. Sahelians and West Africans have median IQ’s of 67.5.

It is true that most Africans have small heads, at 1250-1299 cc. However, southern Indians and some Amerindians have the same sized heads. These Africans have median IQ’s of 68.5, the Indians have IQ’s of 81.5 and the Amerindians have IQ’s of 87.

The smallest heads in the world (1200-1249 cc.) are actually not found in Africa. They are found in SE Asia and South India and Sri Lanka (we will also include the Seychelles and the Comoros). South Indians have a median IQ of 81 and SE Asians have median IQ’s of 90.

Does any of this make much sense? Not really.

Race realists, for the most part Northern European racists, often use a subset of these figures to demonstrate a link between IQ and head size. The subset looks something like this.

Misleading Racist Head Size/IQ Chart

Head Size
Asians Europeans Africans
Largest Intermediate Smallest
1400-1449cc. 1350-1399 cc. 1250-1299 cc.

Asians Europeans Africans
106 100 67This is misleading. Let’s do it the right way.

Proper Head Size/IQ Chart

Largest heads 1450 cc.+
Variable IQ

North Chinese* 105
Mongolians 99.5
Eskimos 91
Amerindians** 87
Siberians*** unknown

Median 95.5

***AboriginalsLarge heads 1400-1449 cc.
Variable IQ

NE Asians* 105
Russians** 96
Amerindians** 87

Median 96

*incl. S. Chinese
**Canada, Alaska, Mexico, FuegiansMedium-large heads 1350-1399 cc.
Variable IQ

Nor./Cent. Europeans 98
Amerindians* 87
Oceanians** 84.5
Ugandans 73

Median 86

*Most Amerindians
**Polynesia, Micronesia, MelanesiaMedium-small heads 1300-1349 cc.
Variable IQ

S. Europeans 93
SE Asian Islanders* 89.5
Amerindians** 87
Middle Easterners*** 83.5
Central Asians**** 82
South Africans 70.5
Sahelians/W. Africans 67.5
Papuans 65

Median 82.5

*Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines
***Arabs, North Africans and SW Asians
****Incl. Central IndiansSmall heads 1250-1299 cc.
Variable IQ

Amerindians* 87
South Indians 81.5
Africans** 68.5

Median 81.5

**MostSmallest heads 1200-1249 cc.
Variable IQ

SE Asians 90
Far South Indians* 81

Median 85.5

*Incl. Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Comoros
This looks like a complete wreck to me. There’s just not much there, once you sit down and really do the map.

People with large heads have very high (Several European countries = 101) and very low IQ’s (Ugandans = 73). Some people with the smallest heads have very high IQ’s (Vietnamese = 99.5). There’s sort of a general trend, but the data is all over the place, like a drunk throwing darts at a dartboard.

I wish people would quit talking about this race = head size = IQ thing already.

Beals, K.L., Smith, C.L. & Dodd, S.M. 1984. Brain Size, Cranial Morphology, Climate, and Time Machines. Current Anthropology, 25:301-330.

Lynn, R. and Vanhanen, T. 2006. IQ and Global Inequality. Augusta, GA: Washington Summit Publishers.

Meisenberg, Gerhard. Winter 2003. IQ Population Genetics: It’s Not as Simple as You Think. Washington, DC: Mankind Quarterly, Volume XLIV, Number 2, pp.185-210.

Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 07:29 am
By the way, Bill, when are you going to condemn the hate speech of the black racist, Mohammed Khallid , a black Hitler wanabee, that I challenged you to condemn quite a while back?


Do you have the integrity to condemn the glaring race hatred of this black leader shown in this speech to a cheering black audience in California?

I bet you cant do it.

Here again is his vile call for racial mass murder of whites to a cheering and applauding black audience in California to refresh your memory.



Try to muster a shred of courage and intellectual honesty and condemn a racist hate talker who (gasp!) happens to be black.

Why would you even hesitate, much less refuse, to condemn this man's call for racist mass murder of whites? Because he is black?

You appear to be quite the racist.

Like a neo Nazi who cant condemn the Holocaust or a white racist who cant condemn racist Klan murders of blacks.

Why am I not surprised? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes


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