H2O MAN wrote:
That's one of the problems with the Occutards, they have never clearly identified their mark.
The Obama liberal media had no problem with this and the Occutards were embraced and blessed.
The T.E.A. Party clearly identified their mark and then hit their mark.
The Obama liberal media payed little attention to them and demonized them.
The dumbmasses are taught that doing it all wrong has its rewards and that doing it 100% correct is wrong.
H2; they are angry, and they are peacably expressing their anger....
They are angry about what they see going on, no less than the tea party... In the one sense they think government should get out of its pocket and leave people alone... In the case of the resisters; they want government to do its job and earn its money, and protect us from the predations of Free enterprise... But; according to the principals upon which government was founded, =for enterprise to be free, it must be free of government restraint... And so there is no prior restraint no matter how often business abuses the people...
Property is always considered innocent umtil proven guilty, but it does not succeed because it sneeeks around in the night... Free enterprise sneaks around all the time, like a wolf incognito, selecting victims by chance, but bleeding all the people... Government is bound up and broke in the process of keeping peace between people, but because it never demands justice of all people, it makes certain law and punishment will always be needed and never in short supply...
H2... Admit that you are angry, and forget the usual target, and consider the source... A lot of people are angry and as likely to hit the correct reason for it as hit a fly buzzing their nose... We've lost the dream... For some to live as kings on a Leutenant's budget, they bought imported labor, and imported the third world at the same time... What is the cost of living in Mexico??? About what the cost of life is in Mexico -is the answer... Life is cheap, but because you are suporting life there your wages are forced down to the level of his- because he who works cheap and hard gets the job, and he is a long way from home without alternatives... So what will you do, but be angry at him, and because- IF you stand by the notion of free enterprise, then people must be free to pursue their own self interest... What if one man's self interest today becomes a whole society's resident alien tomorrow???...
Could we not anticipate it, and correct it in advance??? Are we not as intelligent beings able to perturb the future with our gaze??? Instead we let the future run all over us when we could have it eating out of our hands... We let some stupid, failed principal from the high middle ages run our lives, and honor it as if it were a God, and sacrifice to it the living and the dead, even our children, and finally our dreams- to see free enterprise free and ourselves slaves.... NO WONDER this people is angry...
Democracy would have forced freedom on us and it would have kept us free... What can we do but express ourselves at this point, one and all, Idiots and Saints, every point of view, and let the people decide for themselves and take the consequences of their actions... If you have power over your self you learn your limits... The government can no longer protect us from the consequences of outlaw capitalism... The profit margin is so slight that the rich can no longer support all the human garbage it has tossed aside, and you blame the garbage for being tossed aside, and they blame those who have tossed them... This society is a form of relationship so long as its cost does not exceed its benefit...
You have reached that point... Many have not because they have hope... When hope is gone anger and despair appear... It is not by choice that any healthy person feels such emotions... They would not live in hope if possibility could bear a good reality, and they would never seek out the council of anger and dispair...This people is feeling their society crashing down on their ears... They secretly damn the dead for getting them into this mess and many aloud rail against the living, the helpless, and the hopeless...The disease they entertain is immorality...
Morality which seems so much an obligation is really a dream... No people is enslaved except out of immorality, nor is any people empoverished but in the same fashion...What would we be if we everywhere was allowed the public plunder of every weak by every strong as today we allow the plunder of poor by rich???...
What would our world be like if we could stand by while one is beat to death because our principals denied prior restraint??? If at some point you do not anticipate injury where injury is obvious and ongoing, then you too would have blood on your hands...Some people in this country celebrate what they take as fact, that there are only goats and butchers, and it is better to be a butcher...
What usually happens is superficially more benign... It is when people suffering their own issues based in part upon choices they made out of misunderstanding and false hope find they cannot help others in like condition. and can barely feel for them... They can not feel for themselves, cannot acknowledge their own pain, cannot spare sympathy for themselves- let alone for others...
Such people though they want to be good will not dare risk being evil for a total good and moral society... The good ness of life and of moral living will not come to people who sit passively bemoaning their fate... Those who are willing to act, if they are in sufficient numbers can turn a coin from head to tails in a heartbeat...A demoralized people, wishing the evils they suffer upon others if not immoral will still never act, nor change anything, but mired in the gut of a dying society will die too, and never act...Morals are not passive... For what they give they add obligations....Change when it comes for the better will be driven...