Well every once in a while is better that virtually every time I post.
I stand corrected on your origins, but that means you write posts as if you were the cynical child of affluent parents. You need to take hold of your Working Class roots more.
I am a baby boomer and was a hippie, but I gave up that indulgence when I had kids. Of course I generalize, and sometimes foolishly, but clearly so do you or I would not engage with you, so spare me the high horse riding.
You've misjudged me:
My motto isn't "**** you Jack, I'm OK," it's "**** you Jack if you want what I have but are not prepared to work as hard as me."
You object to "Occupiers" and yet employ "Teabaggers." Pretty rich.
Scroll back in this thread and you will see that I have acknowledged that some of the concerns expressed by Occupy are legitimate. Some of them are simply expressions of selfishness and ignorance, and it wouldn't matter if they had establishment supporters for them, they would remain the same.
Surely many if not most of the Occupiers would describe themselves as Progressives or Liberals --- some will call themselves radicals, and yet what you are describing is a reactionary response to change.
I too am a product of the working class, and my generation really took it in the neck. When we were young we were promised one result, and after we worked our asses off to obtain that result the rules got changed. That's life though. I could have stomped my feet and insisted on the benefits that I had been tacitly promised or I could adapt and thrive. I chose the latter approach and it has served me well.
Do I have a lot of sympathy for folks who make stupid decisions for selfish reasons, and then find themselves fucked? No I do not.
If you take out huge loans to attend an Ivy League school so you can get a Sociology degree, and find yourself without a job and in debt...Wow, what a surprise!
And...if you are not prepared to adapt and thrive, then take actions that have some chance of changing the scenario. Camping out in public parks, beating tribal drums, and throwing paper airplanes at the executive offices of banks ain't going to do it.
This is why I have such ill regard for Occupy: Babies wail because they are hungry or their diapers are filled with ****. Adults affect change.