Irishk wrote:
That's crazy and smacks of censorship. They should let her speak her mind. I hope she has figured that out.
You have to realize that they are on the bleeding edge in virgin territory.
They are living experiments for organizational semiotics establishing new social modalities with each task a given Committee takes upon itself to complete.
Paradigms are shifting around and through them in the manner of a sudden rockslide rather than a centuries old glacier, and they're struggling with defining a global cultural schema that can synthesize static communication, dynamic apathy and anarchic imperatives.
They are composing their generation's metanarrative while attempting to reconcile the incommensurable and reweaving the tattered communal network that they've inherited.
With this much on their plates and with so much at stake, they can't afford to allow the message to morph through undisciplined gibberish masquerading as personal expression.