Two weeks into Occupy Wall Street protests, movement is at a crossroads

Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 02:10 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

Cyclo, the would-be thrasher of the idle rich, is whistling in the dark with even greater energy these days. Obama's days are numbered.

Your response to my post had nothing to do with the content of my post at all.

Are you seriously not going to address the several analysts I linked to who predicted that it won't be long at all before solar eclipses all other forms of energy in terms of low cost per KwH? Yaknow, the ones you said I was 'making up?'

You're smoking something if you think any one of the crop of losers your side has put forward has a chance of beating Obama, who not only is far more intelligent than any of them, he's far more LIKED and has far more MONEY. That's not a recipe for a GOP victory.

failures art
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 02:17 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:


Because you Liberals place such a high value on victimhood

Oh, please. A persistent culture of victimhood is THE defining factor for the right-wing mentality these days.


Exactly. That's why phrases like "tax burden" and "tax relief" are so popular with the right-wing.

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 02:17 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

As I've written on more than one occasion in this forum, I would like to see these individuals organize around a political strategy that had even a small chance of influencing current events.

They have already done so. Or perhaps you haven't noticed the fact that they are the center of national attention and THE political topic of the day, currently?

And it's only just beginning.

The real problem for you is that the approval ratings, in national polls, for what's going on, are far, far higher than anything the Tea Party ever saw. If this thing manages to keep going, you should expect the GOP to have a very rough time in what is already going to be a difficult election for them. Americans as a whole, across many different polls, support the ideas that Obama is putting forth for job creation; filibustering these things in the senate is reprehensible and your candidates are going to suffer for doing it.


I could make the front page of every newspaper in the country if I set fire to myself on the White House lawn, but I doubt anyone would suggest that I had done much to influence current events (other than the scheduling of White House visitor tours).

And, by no means is all of the attention they are receiving positive.

As long as they obey the law and do not disrupt local residents and businesses, I don't have any problem with them ("real" or otherwise).

I'm certainly not interested in any sort of competition between OWS and the Tea Party. OWS has not been in existence long enough to have had the political influence the Tea Party has demonstrated, and so while a comparison is heavily lopsided in the favor of the Tea Party, it's of little value at this time.

I'm glad to see that you have been able to maintain a cheery optimism in the face of all the problems your guy has, but then you're the only one in this forum who seems to think that your "public" display of confidence in the Democrats means anything to anyone.
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 02:22 pm
It looks like the people are going to be very upset!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 02:23 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

As I've written on more than one occasion in this forum, I would like to see these individuals organize around a political strategy that had even a small chance of influencing current events.

They have already done so. Or perhaps you haven't noticed the fact that they are the center of national attention and THE political topic of the day, currently?

And it's only just beginning.

The real problem for you is that the approval ratings, in national polls, for what's going on, are far, far higher than anything the Tea Party ever saw. If this thing manages to keep going, you should expect the GOP to have a very rough time in what is already going to be a difficult election for them. Americans as a whole, across many different polls, support the ideas that Obama is putting forth for job creation; filibustering these things in the senate is reprehensible and your candidates are going to suffer for doing it.


I could make the front page of every newspaper in the country if I set fire to myself on the White House lawn, but I doubt anyone would suggest that I had done much to influence current events (other than the scheduling of White House visitor tours).

Yes, but could you do it for weeks at a time? I'd love to see ya try! Laughing Laughing

And, by no means is all of the attention they are receiving positive.

Polling data shows that majorities support their movement. Across practically every poll taken on the subject. You can't wave that away.

I'm certainly not interested in any sort of competition between OWS and the Tea Party. OWS has not been in existence long enough to have had the political influence the Tea Party has demonstrated, and so while a comparison is heavily lopsided in the favor of the Tea Party, it's of little value at this time.

We'll have to see how long it keeps going. But for right now, it's at the top of every newspaper and is the #1 political topic of the day. There's zero way that this works in the favor of you and your candidates.

I'm glad to see that you have been able to maintain a cheery optimism in the face of all the problems your guy has, but then you're the only one in this forum who seems to think that your "public" display of confidence in the Democrats means anything to anyone.

I couldn't care less what you think it means to anyone. The truth is that, absent some major turnaround, Obama is going to cruise to victory this Fall. You don't seem to realize that the GOP is doing everything they can to allow Obama to pin the bad economy squarely on them. And I know - know - that you don't think running an uber-millionaire like Romney in this environment is going to be a political winner, not even counting his myriad other faults.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 02:28 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

georgeob1 wrote:

Cyclo, the would-be thrasher of the idle rich, is whistling in the dark with even greater energy these days. Obama's days are numbered.

Your response to my post had nothing to do with the content of my post at all.
I think I characterized your post very accurately.

Cycloptichorn wrote:

Are you seriously not going to address the several analysts I linked to who predicted that it won't be long at all before solar eclipses all other forms of energy in terms of low cost per KwH? Yaknow, the ones you said I was 'making up?'
I scanned a couple of them. They were full of highly selective data, unsupported long range extrapolations & forecasts as well as deceitful references to distant forecasts as though they were current facts. I particularly enjoyed the headline in the Reuters piece that China plans to "double" it solar output in a year from one gigawat to two. That's the equivalent of adding ONE major powerplant in a country that is building hundreds of GW coal fired plants every year and which now has about 15 much larger nuclear plants under construction. You are very adept at searching the web for garbage that fits your preconceptions, but compartatively very ignorant of both the subject matter and the science and engineering behind it. In short your opinions (and web searches) aren't worth much.

Cycloptichorn wrote:

You're smoking something if you think any one of the crop of losers your side has put forward has a chance of beating Obama, who not only is far more intelligent than any of them, he's far more LIKED and has far more MONEY. That's not a recipe for a GOP victory.

I'll remember this tip from the uber-bombastic and omniscient one. Perhaps I'll dig it out after next year's election.
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 02:41 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

Are you seriously not going to address the several analysts I linked to who predicted that it won't be long at all before solar eclipses all other forms of energy in terms of low cost per KwH? Yaknow, the ones you said I was 'making up?'
I scanned a couple of them.

You should have read all of them, and thoroughly. But you can't be bothered with that ****, can you? None of it supported your argument, so you weren't interested in it - at all.

They were full of highly selective data, unsupported long range extrapolations & forecasts as well as deceitful references to distant forecasts as though they were current facts.

You're making that up. Right? I mean, that's the level of analysis you like to see in cases like this. Right?

I linked you to news pieces about analysts who were discussing the continuing drop in solar prices, and how this will affect the market in the long run. Several different ones - ones you said I 'made up.' I clearly did not. Your quibbling over their predictions now is simply bullshit dodging on your part - per your usual when you have egg on your face.

I particularly enjoyed the headline in the Reuters piece that China plans to "double" it solar output in a year from one gigawat to two. That's the equivalent of adding ONE major powerplant in a country that is building hundreds of GW coal fired plants every year and which now has about 15 much larger nuclear plants under construction.

This is why you should read **** instead of skimming it. From that piece:

The solar feed-in tariff, the price of solar-generated electricity, could drop below 0.80 yuan (12.5 cents) for each kilowatt-hour (kWh) by 2015, which would be on par with conventional coal-fired power tariffs by that time, according to s report by the Energy Research Institute, led by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

YOU stated that analysts weren't claiming that this was true, I provide you evidence that analysts ARE claiming this is going to happen, and you dance around rather than just man up and admit you were wrong when you accused me of 'making things up.' It's ******* pathetic, man, and every single person on this forum can see through your condescension act.


You are very adept at searching the web for garbage that fits your preconceptions, but compartatively very ignorant of both the subject matter and the science and engineering behind it. In short your opinions (and web searches) aren't worth much.

They are worth far more than your constant assertions, which have a value of zero. Perhaps less than zero, since they essentially represent a massive waste of time for everyone involved. You are frequently completely wrong and never, ever admit it. You're assertions are worth nothing.

Cycloptichorn wrote:

You're smoking something if you think any one of the crop of losers your side has put forward has a chance of beating Obama, who not only is far more intelligent than any of them, he's far more LIKED and has far more MONEY. That's not a recipe for a GOP victory.

I'll remember this tip from the uber-bombastic and omniscient one. Perhaps I'll dig it out after next year's election.

I hope you do. Nevertheless; all the things I wrote above are true, and Obama is comfortably leading all your candidates in practically every competitive state being polled, including FL and OH.

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 02:46 pm
Trouble in Paradise

The nascent new world order. Laughing
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 02:49 pm
It is getting interesting!

0 Replies
failures art
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 04:31 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Nyuk nyuk Finn. Late to the party again. As I described two weeks ago the scene in McPherson Square here in DC, the people in the drum circle are often not the ones doing the footwork. All the more reason it's absurd that this has become the caricature of the #Occupy groups.

You seem to poke fun as if this is a sign that the group will simply fall apart. I think you're simply eager.

Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 04:38 pm

Sorry for shouting, but i just wanted to get your attention. You posted . . .

georgeob1 wrote:
Cyclo, the would-be thrasher of the idle rich, is whistling in the dark with even greater energy these days. Obama's days are numbered.

To which i responded with . . .

Setanta wrote:
So what? What do you allege that Mr. Obama has to do with this movement?

Are you avoiding this because you don't have an answer, and were just spreading typical conservative manure?
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 05:01 pm
I wasn't addressing the relationship of Obama (if there is one) to the OWS "movement". Instead I was commenting on Cyclo's continued denial of the political challenges facing the Democrats & Obama in particular in the forthcoming election. I agree this isn't the subject of this thread, but Cyclo managed to get some of his posturing in it, and I commented on that.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 05:40 pm
@failures art,
failures art wrote:

Nyuk nyuk Finn. Late to the party again. As I described two weeks ago the scene in McPherson Square here in DC, the people in the drum circle are often not the ones doing the footwork. All the more reason it's absurd that this has become the caricature of the #Occupy groups.

You seem to poke fun as if this is a sign that the group will simply fall apart. I think you're simply eager.


Late to the party?

The article is dated 10/20/11, so either the writer is late or you're prescient.

I do see it as a sign that the group is likely to fall apart, but that's been my expectation all along. I don't find them boring yet so I'm not eager that they fade away, but you seem to be affronted by the thought that I might.

I don't recall your wishing the Tea Party well at any time, but I also don't recall my being annoyed at your dismissal of them. Now, if I could figure out how to turn OWS or OWSters into something like "tea bagger," and I insisted on using that term in the hope of irrating you, I would then understand your annoyance.

"Oysters" doesn't work, does it?
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 05:48 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
I think they carefully chose an odd nickname that couldn't easily be made fun of. Damn those crafty AdBusters!

In related news, the simple thought that these folks would show up today, was enough to force Eric Cantor to cancel a speech he was going to make. So, yeah. They matter at least a little.

Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 05:49 pm
It is not only not the subject of the thread--leaving aside that this is conjecture on your part, it's not even remotely related to the subject of the thread. Essentially, every one here is discussing apples, and you ran in shouting "Oranges!"
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 05:56 pm
"Percussion tax" is pretty funny Smile

How come they're banned from doing interviews? Or, is it just that one girl?
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 06:04 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

I think they carefully chose an odd nickname that couldn't easily be made fun of. Damn those crafty AdBusters!

You're probably right because you know that thousands of people have been trying to come with the OWS version of tea-bagger.

See, they gain a point for planning in the OWS/Tea party Contest but lose 2 points for lack of spontaniety.

I kind of like "OYSters" and may start to use it. It even has a tiny bit of NY Yiddish vibe to it.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 06:12 pm
As every modern revolutionary knows, there must be strong central control over the message.

I got a kick out of the woman who told one of the drummers that his tents and blankets and **** were the property of Comfort.

This is why OWS will not follow the Tea Party model and could end up as a 3rd party movement. All these facilitators running around with bullhorns want the movement to provide them with jobs.
failures art
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 06:24 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Well, you could join H20man and call us "#Occutards." Feel free.

Treat yourself.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 06:29 pm
@failures art,
That's uniquely H2oman. I'll leave it with him.

Would either of the following be acceptable to Oysters:

Occupiers or Occupants?

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