Yeah I know the evil side of me sometimes thinks that - however, I figure if you are a nasty person like that, well they can't be very happy if this is how they act.
I do hope though that this moving into our place has a better relationship with them. I honestly think for some reason she just doesn't like us so much that she is acting this way.
She did, when she first move, happen to mention that where she lived previously and this was a house, people did not like her. She said that people were buying houses/land in her previous neighborhood and building larger houses there and there's was a smaller older house.
I think they probably did not appreciate the way they like to leave trash about (husband leaves his cigar just sitting out in front of their place which is common area/she has left the dog's poopy bags/her flip flops/throws cigarette butts around/seen her just toss a gum wrapper on the ground, etc.) - we have just tried to ignore it now. So I only imagine how they kept their yard and I'd imagine she let her dog roam around - they probably didn't much like her dog peeing on their nicely kept lawns and bushes - I've caught him doing the same to a garden area we have cleaned up and planted.