Is dating someone who's a different race okay?

Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:11 am
Yes'm. You also wanted Reagan and Thatcher assassinated, that speaks the truth of what you are, what you want and how you believe it should be achieved.
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:12 am
Izzy is mad that the Contras hurt his Comrades, the communists.

You are a bald faced liar, Om. This is exactly what the Contras, under the guidance of the US did to the people of Nicaragua.

I don't mean to abuse you with verbal violence, but you have to understand what your government and its agents are doing. They go into villages, they haul out families. With the children forced to watch they castrate the father, they peel the skin off his face, they put a grenade in his mouth and pull the pin. With the children forced to watch they gang-rape the mother, and slash her breasts off. And sometimes for variety, they make the parents watch while they do these things to the children.

Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:14 am
I just said I felt disappointment that such attempts were unsuccessful, thousands of innocents died because of their policies. The bombing of Tripoli is a case in point.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:16 am
Okay, Sturgis, you have a hard on for Izzy, but does that mean that you should ignore the truth of the situation. Again, why are you silent about all the things that I mentioned in my previous post to you?

Why do you sit silent while a sick guy like OmSig spews his garbage condoning the slaughter of millions of innocents?
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:16 am
izzythepush wrote:
I'm not a communist, I'm a socialist, but there is no doubt with your support of Pinochet, you're a fascist.
OmSigDAVID wrote:
HOW do u reconcile that with my lust for a weak & feeble government
(in terms of domestic jurisdiction) and laissez faire capitalism ??????????
Is THAT what Mussolini wanted and what he enacted ??????????
WHAT is your definition of fascism ???
izzythepush wrote:
Fascism is where rich oligarchs militarise the working man, usually through fear of a bogeyman commie or raghead, so that the rich can get richer, and the divide between rich and poor grow ever bigger.
Izzy thinks that we are stupid enuf to believe
that fascism has NOTHING to do with dictatorships
& freedom-loving libertarian supporters of laissez faire capitalism can be FASCISTS !

Is that a liberal definition of fascism?

Maybe Hitler lied when he said:
" authority from the top down,
obedience from the bottom up ".

I thawt he was sincere about that.
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:23 am
I believe you're stupid enough to believe in a black and white world with good guys and bad guys. Your tea party rallies look very similar to what was going on in Germany in the 1930s.
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:28 am
Your post had nothing to do with what I was indicating to ITP and frankly, I didn't feel anything you babbled was sufficient to respond to. I may choose to amuse myself later with responding to those items; but, before that, I'd better answer Gracie's opening question (which I fully intend on doing later).
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:29 am
David wrote:
Izzy is mad that the Contras hurt his Comrades, the communists.
JTT wrote:
You are a bald faced liar, Om. This is exactly what the Contras,
under the guidance of the US did to the people of Nicaragua.

I don't mean to abuse you with verbal violence, but you have to understand what your government and its agents are doing. They go into villages, they haul out families. With the children forced to watch they castrate the father, they peel the skin off his face, they put a grenade in his mouth and pull the pin. With the children forced to watch they gang-rape the mother, and slash her breasts off. And sometimes for variety, they make the parents watch while they do these things to the children.

That is just communist propaganda. All lies.
See how much GOOD the commie prop will do u
in restoring your commie slave empire, Comrade JTT.

U lost the 3rd World War and FREEDOM WON
and I will LAFF at u Comrade Loser

HEARTY shall be the LAFFTER,
at the expense of all commies including JTT

Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:34 am
izzythepush wrote:
I believe you're stupid enough to believe in a black and white world with good guys and bad guys.
Your tea party rallies look very similar to what was going on in Germany in the 1930s.
Our Tea Party rallies are in support
of the laissez faire capitalism of Original Americanism.
Ours support freedom. The Germans in the 1930s did not.

See if u r able to understand this, Izzy:
FREEDOM and totalitarianism are not the same thing.

Can u grasp that ?

Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:35 am
You've taken a leaf out of J Goldman's book I see, and untimately you will be as successful as him in persuading people.
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:37 am
As you jumped on me for my take on the Reagan assassination I can only assume you'll also jump on Om Sig for his stance on the actual assassinations of JFK and RFK. You wouldn't want to be accused of hypocrisy now would you?
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:38 am
izzythepush wrote:
You've taken a leaf out of J Goldman's book I see,
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:38 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

See if u r able to understand this, Izzy:
FREEDOM and totalitarianism are not the same thing.

Can u grasp that ?

I understand doublespeak well enough.
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:44 am
izzythepush wrote:
As you jumped on me for my take on the Reagan assassination I can only assume you'll also jump on Om Sig for his stance on the actual assassinations of JFK and RFK. You wouldn't want to be accused of hypocrisy now would you?
As u have pointed out, I believe in a black and white world with good guys and bad guys.
This is true as an over-all evaluation,
tho I must admit that good guys have done some bad things
and bad guys have done some good things, also;
e.g., Hitler was a bad guy who dealt properly with the commies. That was a good thing to do.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:46 am
That is just communist propaganda. All lies.

The very next paragraph, OmSigLiar shows you to be both deluded beyond belief and, as if it wasn't already clear as a bell, a world class liar.

And this from a top CIA agent.

... the highest-ranking CIA official ever to leave the agency and go public. He ran a CIA intelligence-gathering post in Vietnam, was the task-force commander of the CIA's secret war in Angola in 1975 and 1976, and was awarded the Medal of Merit before he resigned.

This is nobody's propaganda. There have been over 100,000 American witnesses for peace who have gone down there and they have filmed and photographed and witnessed these atrocities immediately after they've happened, and documented 13,000 people killed this way, mostly women and children. These are the activities done by these contras. The contras are the people president Reagan calls `freedom fighters'. He says they're the moral equivalent of our founding fathers. And the whole world gasps at this confession of his family traditions.

Read Contra Terror by Reed Brodie [1], former assistant Attorney General of New York State. Read The Contras by Dieter Eich. [4] Read With the Contras by Christopher Dickey. [2] This is a main-line journalist, down there on a grant with the Council on Foreign Relations, a slightly to the right of the middle of the road organization. He writes a book that sets a pox on both your houses, and then he accounts about going in on patrol with the contras, and describes their activities. Read Witness for Peace: What We have Seen and Heard. Read the Lawyer's Commission on Human Rights. Read The Violations of War on Both Sides by the Americas Watch. [15] And there are many, many more documentations of details, of names, of the incidents that have happened.

Part of a de-stabilization is propaganda, to dis-credit the targeted government. This one actually began under Jimmy Carter. He authorized the CIA to go in and try to make the Sandinistas look to be evil. So in 1979 [when] they came in to power, immediately we were trying to cast them as totalitarian, evil, threatening Marxists. While they abolished the death sentence, while they released 8,000 national guardsmen that they had in their custody that they could have kept in prison, they said `no. Unless we have evidence of individual crimes, we're not going to hold someone in prison just because they were associated with the former administration.' While they set out to launch a literacy campaign to teach the people to read and write, which is something that the dictator Somoza, and us supporting him, had never bothered to get around to doing. While they set out to build 2,500 clinics to give the country something resembling a public health policy, and access to medicines, we began to label them as totalitarian dictators, and to attack them in the press, and to work with this newspaper `La Prensa', which - it's finally come out and been admitted, in Washington - the U.S. government is funding: a propaganda arm.

[Reagan and the State dept. have] been claiming they're building a war machine that threatens the stability of Central America. Now the truth is, this small, poor country has been attacked by the world's richest country under conditions of war, for the last 5 years. Us and our army - the death they have sustained, the action they have suffered - it makes it a larger war proportionally than the Vietnam war was to the U.S. In addition to the contra activities, we've had U.S. Navy ships supervising the mining of harbors, we've sent planes in and bombed the capital, we've had U.S. military planes flying wing-tip to wing-tip over the country, photographing it, aerial reconnaissance. They don't have any missiles or jets they can send up to chase us off. We are at war with them. They have not retaliated yet with any kind of war action against us, but we do not give them credit with having the right to defend themselves. So we claim that the force they built up, which is obviously purely defensive, is an aggressive force that threatens the stability of all of Central America.

We claim the justification for this is the arms that are flowing from Nicaragua to El Salvador, and yet in 5 years of this activity, there is no evidence of any arms flowing from Nicaragua into El Salvador.

We launched a campaign to discredit their elections. International observer teams said these were the fairest elections they have witnessed in Central America in many years. We said they were fraudulent, they were rigged, because it was a totalitarian system. Instead we said, the elections that were held in El Salvador were models of democracy to be copied elsewhere in the world. And then the truth came out about that one. And we learned that the CIA had spent 2.2 million dollars to make sure that their choice of candidates - Duarte - would win. They did everything, we're told, by one of their spokesmen, indirectly, but stuff the ballot boxes....
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:47 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
See if u r able to understand this, Izzy:
FREEDOM and totalitarianism are not the same thing.

Can u grasp that ?
izzythepush wrote:
I understand doublespeak well enough.
Y don 't u express your point of vu????
Then we can address it, instead of your being so slippery
in avoiding answers. No good comes from that.

Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 09:51 am
JTT, truely and sincerely:
Upon the basis of your years of posting,
I accept EVERYTHING that u say as being a lie,
a product either of malice or of your hopeless confusions.

That is all that comes out of u.

There is no reason
to trust the authenticity of anything that u post,
including: " this from a top CIA agent. "

Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 10:08 am
You are, Om, the, that's thee most apt example of a delusional person that I've ever come across, and there are some real top notch delusional folk on A2K.

The very post before this one, you have the temerity, [or more likely the senility] to say,

"Y don 't u express your point of vu????
Then we can address it, instead of your being so slippery
in avoiding answers. No good comes from that."

You get facts presented to you, information that comes directly from US government sources and off you go on your delusional flights.

How did you ever function as a lawyer? How do you function day to day? It's impossible for you to keep your lies separated from whatever small measures of reality you do deal in, so we get this hypocrisy, this delusion, this, I'm not quite sure, but it's major serious.

Note how the natural English plural of 'ad hominem' slipped right by you. Really, Dave, you are quite the joke. If your mensan buds saw you for what you really are, they'd turf you out of the club toute suite.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 11:36 am
Totalitarianism is when the state attacks an individual's freedom, like The Patriot Act did. BTW, your tea party chums in Arizona are acting in a totalitarian manner towards the Hispanics.
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2011 03:25 pm
izzythepush wrote:
Totalitarianism is when the state attacks an individual's freedom, like The Patriot Act did.
It is infinitely intrusive government, like the commies inflicted.
The nazis came fairly close to doing that.
The Patriot Act did not do that, tho I 'd have voted AGAINST
it, if I had the chance. It was not well conceived.

izzythepush wrote:
BTW, your tea party chums in Arizona are acting in a totalitarian manner towards the Hispanics.
U only show your ignorance qua totalitarianism.
Thay r only trying to get rid of them, or to keep them out.


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