I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. That was too harsh maybe. I didn't mean it but people like her deserve it, at least a little. She says mean and hurtful stuff about other people so I'm gonna say mean things about her. She should know how it feels.
Everything she says is just soo stupid. Shes posted racists threads and people have told her she's being insulting and she should stop but she keeps doing it. Like, enough already.

she doesn't care about what other people think or feel so I don't care if I hurt her feelings or say mean stuff to her.
I know what I'm saying sounds wrong or whatever and maybe I'm being bratty but I don't care. I shouldn't have said that I hope she dies, I didn't mean that but Im not sorry for saying I hate her. I hope she read it and I hope it hurt her feelings or upset her atleast a little. I'm sure she's said worst stuff to other people.
People like her justs makes me mad and annoyed and frustrated. I dont understand her at all. Ugh! Pamela with her dumb links and stupid statistics. It's funny how grownups like her think they know everything when they obviously know nothing at all.
Pamela I hope one day you realize how stupid and wrong you are and stop judging people by how they look, their race or their religion. None of that's important. What matters is what kind of person they are and how they treat other people. You cant judge someone by their race. Why are you soo bothered by anyone different from you? It makes me sad to think they're other people like you. I hope I never meet them and I hope that when I grow up people like you stop being so freaking stupid.
I use to think grownups knew everything. Guess I was wrong. Or maybe you just never grew up? Either way, sucks to be you.