Is dating someone who's a different race okay?

Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:01 pm
Rockhead wrote:
or you two bozos could start a new thread about it...
U can work around us.
We won 't get in your way.
Maybe it will not last too long.

( Yea, u 'll say it already has. )
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:05 pm
Rockhead wrote:
aren't you british?

you don't know redneck from red-eye gravy...
Yea! Good point, Rocky.
I 'm a New Yorker.
Bill said that he was born in Pennsylvania.

Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:06 pm
you're both goobers.

and I'm a redneck.

now go start your own thread like a good little gun nut...
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:14 pm
Rockhead wrote:
you're both goobers.

and I'm a redneck.

now go start your own thread like

a good little gun nut...
R u accusing me of being unduly obsessed with Derringers ?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:17 pm
Children have the rights to be love and guided to successful adulthood by their parents without crazy people telling them on the internet to rebel from that guides long before they are able to stand on their own.

Lord is this the statement you are making a big deal over?

Parents do indeed have a legal duty to care for and protect and guide their children and that is our laws in many forms as we both know.

I could watch a child drowning in most states within arm reach and do nothing to save him or her and unless I was an adult with some special duties to that child break no laws.

Special duty as in being a parent of that child or a lifeguard for example.

The love comment was never met to be a legal imply requirement of parenthood and a little common sense by any reader would had known that.

You are being silly.
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:17 pm
or you two bozos could start a new thread about it...

Two OCD sufferers locked in deadly combat...

It's hopeless Laughing

We should all split and come back in a day or two to see how they are doing and if either of them is gasping for air.
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:18 pm
Those things r dangerous ( cute, but dangerous ).

U coud get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from them.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:19 pm
Why has this been allowed to go on so long? I truly do not get how... oh nvm beyond help
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:20 pm
firefly wrote:

or you two bozos could start a new thread about it...

Two OCD sufferers locked in deadly combat...

It's hopeless Laughing

We should all split and come back in a day or two to see how they are doing and if either of them is gasping for air.

Y don 't u just post AROUND us????
I don 't c a problem.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:22 pm
"Bill said that he was born in Pennsylvania."

I'm pretty sure you misheard him.

I think what he said was Transylvania...
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:25 pm
Genuinly find it astounding in this day and age that the likes of David can play straight despite their gay faces, it is astonishing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:40 pm
Children have the rights to be love and guided to successful adulthood by their parents
without crazy people telling them on the internet to rebel from that guides long before they are able to stand on their own.
BillRM wrote:
Lord is this the statement you are making a big deal over?
Yes, but I 'm not
really a Lord; this is Robert 's site, not mine.

BillRM wrote:
Parents do indeed have a legal duty to care for
Yes; to care for; food n shelter.

BillRM wrote:
and protect
Well, MAYBE:
IF a pack of dogs jumps on his kid
and a parent did not throw himself into the fray,
I don 't believe that he 'd be exposed to civil nor to criminal liability.

BillRM wrote:
and guide their children
and that is our laws in many forms as we both know.
"GUIDE"??? Really??
I never heard of any law requiring any parent to GUIDE
his children. Please identify what law it is
that u claim imposes THAT duty. I believe that there is no such law.

BillRM wrote:
I could watch a child drowning in most states within arm reach
and do nothing to save him or her and unless I was an adult with
some special duties to that child break no laws.
It is uncertain that a law requires a parent
to jump into water (unless he is a very good swimmer) to pull his kid out.
Many parents have done it sua sponte, on a voluntary basis.

BillRM wrote:
Special duty as in being a parent of that child or a lifeguard for example.
I think that depends on how good a swimmer the parent is.
No one can be required to commit suicide
nor to gravely endanger his own life against his will.

BillRM wrote:
The love comment was never met to be a legal imply requirement of parenthood
NO? Then what????

BillRM wrote:
and a little common sense by any reader would had known that.

You are being silly.
Any reader shoud NOT
infer, guess, nor surmise that u r thinking the same as HE is.
Your ideas might well be very different than his. Do u agree with that??

R there any people who disagree with u in this forum, Bill??

Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 10:43 pm
And then the Lord said, 'I am a figment of David's imagination'
and all the other settlers looked to him and said, 'yes indeed you are bullshit, if a girl can love an apple tree then two men can love each other'
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 11:02 pm
BillRM wrote:
Once more a child who refused to listen can be send by the parents to such things as boot camps in the middle of a desert, a private reform school or they can go to the family courts and declare them to be out of control and have the family courts deal with them.

Children do not have a choice in obeying their parents as the parents had the ability to have them lock up in one manner or another if they do not in a worst case situation.
Bill, I think it comes down to this:
there is something ignoble, shameful, and dishonorable
about meekly, humbly, bowing down to a bully. That woud be humiliating,
whether the bully is your cousin or your brother
or your uncle or one of your parents. In my opinion:
people shoud rise in defense of their honor and their dignity.

That is the HONORABLE, decent thing to do,
regardless of whether u r threatened.

If my uncle had been less honorable,
I 'd have been only an Englishman.

Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 11:10 pm
I wish he was an Englishman, he wouldn't be a prize twat.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 11:26 pm
Oh, BillRM has made all kinds of crazy assertions about what he thinks is legal parental authority, that you've asked him to back up by citing laws or statutes, and he hasn't been able to come up with a single one.

He's said things like...

A child have no freedom of speech against the wishes of his or her guardians...and no right to access any place on the net against the wishes of those guardians....

And I would try to take actions if adults would enter into conversations with my minor grandchildren over the internet of a nature that would cause problems with the family moral teachings...

Young minor children are under the direct control of their parents and or legal guardians and they have no rights to do such things as to access areas of the internet against the wishes of their parents as you had claimed. ..

A parent can send a non obeying child to a boot camp or private reform school that deal with trouble children or can petition the family courts to have the child declare out of control and placed in the juvenile justice system all for the “crime” of not obeying her or his parents.

He thinks his rather tyrannical conception of parenthood, and boundless parental authority, is supported by law--and it's not. That's why he can't provide you with the laws or statutes to back up the things he's saying--they don't exist.

If he thinks any act of disobedience by a child will allow a parent to haul that child into family court, have the child declared "out of control" and placed in the juvenile justice system, all of us would have landed in the juvenile justice system when we were children Laughing

Stop nit-picking with him. If BillRM can make statements as absurd as, "A child have no freedom of speech against the wishes of his or her guardians..." why are you even bothering to continue this? He doesn't know what he's talking about legally, and, as a lawyer, you know that, but you've still been asking him to cite specific laws or statutes to back up his assertions since, at least, page 13 of this thread, even though he has produced nada. What is the point? Is there any point?

It really is impossible to try to keep posting around the endless sparring match the two of you are having--which is unrelated to the topic of this thread--because the posts which are related to the topic become so buried by the two of you.

And, it's not like the interchanges the two of you are having at this point are at all meaningful or even interesting...

Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 11:37 pm
Gracie hasn't been here all day. Sounds like solid, mature judgement, to me.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 11:52 pm
Well, its part of my nature
to examine logic and to play with words.
I 've done it all my life, wherever I went. I found it to be fun.
I did that instead of baseball.

My sense of the situation is that it is (probably) almost over.

R u a lawyer, Firefly?

Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 12:31 am
I genuinely cannot understand how this moronic subject has not been stopped. **** my face is black, I never really considered it until playing this game, is just odd
Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 12:58 am
Racism, and racist attitudes were never confined to just the deep South in the U.S., they were just more obvious in that neck of the woods. And laws prohibiting inter-racial marriage in the U.S. were not completely struck down until 1967, which really isn't all that long ago.

I am aware of that Firefly.
While inter-racial dating is more common than it once was, and is generally viewed far more favorably than it once was, it still isn't very frequent, and it still can generate negative responses and reactions from others which can affect the couple involved--particularly in a high school. Identity issues are very prominent in that age group and there are strong peer pressures toward conformity, and peers subject each other to all sorts of judgments and forms of harassment, sometimes subtle, sometimes quite blatant.

I am aware of this too...but again, let's be real when we talk about why the young people might react this way as opposed to why an adult who is also a parent might react this way.
Yeah, the kids like to see everyone acting just like them - yes, and it's called peer pressure, and yes, it has a very strong influence on adolescent behavior.
But hopefully as one grows into adulthood and into their own skin and sense of individuality they develop the understanding that it's more important for a person to express his or her own personality, which means making their own decisions based on what they believe in or prefer as opposed to watching what their peers are doing and following suit.

This mother is an adult. She is a parent. Has she not learned yet that one person can't control who another person is attracted to or loves even if the other person is your own child?
And I'm sorry, but I have to say that putting parameters around and about who it is acceptable or desireable for your child to love based on the color of that person's skin sounds racist to me.
This boy Ty, goes to Gracie's school doesn't he? Unless he's bused in, that means he lives in the community. His father could be a lawyer just like Gracie's is. His mother might be a doctor for goodness sake.
They might all sit at the table and eat dinner together every night just like nice two-parent white families do.
Why is this mother automatically assuming that he doesn't come from a background similar to her daughter's? Because his skin is black - that must mean he can't, right?
Give me a BREAK. I don't know how else to tell you that I have worked in enough highschools to know that many of the black kids come from homes that are JUST LIKE the white kids homes - not all - but many.
So if a white parent automatically assumes that a black kid has got to come from a different and lesser (implied by the fact that she'd find it undesireable for her daughter to be involved with this boy on any serious basis) background based on the color of his skin - I'd call that biased and prejudiced.

And, while Gracie does live in California, a 2006 report by the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University found that California has the most segregated schools in the country--meaning that the races are not mingling all that much in the schools, possibly due to differences in income levels affecting residential patterns, or possibly due to racial groups choosing to cluster together in certain residential areas, or a combination of both. And Gracie has told us that the school she attends is overwhelmingly white, so an inter-racial couple in that environment is going to be unusual and is going to get noticed. And that does add a layer of social stress to their lives that a racially homogeneous couple might not experience. And Gracie has told us that this couple is already getting some reactions, like stares or remarks.

I didn't know this. I find it interesting and surprising. All I can tell you is that when we were thinking about where to move so that our children would likely feel the least exclusion and negative reaction due to their family situation, a black colleague of my husband's told him that California was the place he'd lived and felt most comfortable as a black person.

In terms of black people living in overwhelmingly white communities, and the comfort or lack of comfort they might feel, to my surprise I found that the racial make-up of our family was much less of an issue in Maine, which is almost 98% white, than in North Carolina, which has a much larger minority population.
I don't know how to explain this except to say that in Maine, there seemed to be many fewer people with negative or preconceived notions about black people than in other places I've lived.
This meant that one was viewed as an individual person and judged on his or her own behavior as opposed to representing a group.

If anything, I think that Obama's election has made some of those tensions more evident because I think some of the antagonism directed at him clearly smacks of racism.

How unfortunate (if this is true). I haven't lived in the US since Obama was elected, so I can't say if my observations tell me it is or isn't the case. But if you say it is, that's just so sad.

I'm not sure I'd view those black parents as being racist because they resist the idea of their children dating outside of their own racial group. Their attitudes may well be based on cultural issues rather than any traits or innate characteristics they are attributing to other racial groups.

Or actual FEAR for the safety of their black sons who choose to date white girls, which is an entirely different issue and more understandable than someone finding someone undesireable based on the color of his or her skin and less than the optimum, which she made clear when she asked her daughter, 'Can't you find a nice white boy to date - don't any nice white boys want to date you?', as if both her daughter and the person who had chosen to date her daughter were somehow deficient.


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