BillRM wrote:Damn it David I would love to get involve in dealing with this nut case claims
but I still see it as inappropriate to do so on this thread.
I 'm a big supporter
free speech for people of
ALL ages.
There is no age limit on the First Amendment ( nor the Second Amendment ).
BillRM wrote:And that also bring up another tropic, is it wise or not to allow 13 years olds
on a website where such subjects are cover among adults or not?
I see everyone in this forum as being equal to everyone else, regardless of age.
When I was that age, I fought against any societal interferences based on age. I have
not changed my libertarian state of mind.
BillRM wrote:Hell how many parents would be thrill with the idea of having strange adults
on the net telling their 13 years old daughter that she is correct that having children
out of wedlock is no big deal as our nut case had just done?
I gotta say, Bill with all respect and good will for u:
the 13 year old
already HAS her own idea on the subject
and reading the thread shows that
no one has had
ANY effect
in changing her mind on this point. She remains
Do u agree that no one has changed her mind??
BillRM wrote:For myself I would be outrage if that would occur to my step grand daughter at age 13
Most respectfully, your outrage,
or any emotion that u may experience, has
no effect upon
her First Amendment rights as a citizen,
the same as
HER emotions cannot change
YOUR rights either.
BillRM wrote:however thankfully I can not see her parents not monitoring their kids use
of the net far more carefully then the father seems to be monitoring this young lady use.
When I was a kid, a lot younger than 13,
I lived an autonomous life (mostly alone). I loved it.
I 'd be a hypocrit to turn around now and
denounce freedom for others
(unless thay are mentally ill). I support freedom of speech and freedom of inquiry for citizens of all ages.