Is dating someone who's a different race okay?

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 03:34 am
sozobe wrote:
If you don't want that creep, stop tangoing with him. (Takes two.)

Note, I'm not saying you can't disagree. But there are ways to do it that are more succinct and less repetitive. You guys just keep getting into these endlessly long, pointless thread-busters.

OSD, I gave you a thumbs-up. Re: "I guess I 've been guilty of that [tediousness] in some of my posts qua the right to self defense." Yes.
I have noticed that some people (including myself)
have been caught up in the furtherance of some cause or other
that captures their attention. Maybe 4O years ago in NY,
we had a man named Vito Batista who was very obsessively
vocal against rent control. He got on TV a lot and got himself
elected to the State Legislature. I agreed with him, but not with
the incessant intensity of his position. I kidded him about it a little.

Maybe we have a slight touch of obsessive-compulsive disorder,
insofar as our idiosyncrasies r concerned (tho I have no repetitive
ritualistic behavior, other than propagating my beliefs).

I remember lying in bed at nite at age 3, with my mind locked on
memories of revolvers on the hips of NYC police that I 'd seen.
Sometimes I wonder as to the REASON for that.
No one ever told me to be concerned with that. It seems strange.
No one in my family has ever had much interest in this issue, pro nor con.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 05:12 am
Take not people I am replying to a comment that is labeling me as a danger to a child.

What I think is of greater concern is why two old men like Bill and Dave seem to be so obsessed with what a 13yr old girl posts. It's not healthy, I'd let your dad know about their interest if I were you. I wouldn't want my 13yr old talking to those two.

So let me get this straight you have no concern about her talking to Firefly who had encouraged her to hold the ideas that it is a good thing to have children out of wedlock but you do not wish her to talk to a man who tell her that it is a very bad idea indeed??!!!???!

I know there have to be some logical in your statement but I do not see it off hand.

However I agree with you that it might be helpful for her father to read her postings on this thread and people responses to them as even those he had three children out of wedlock according the her there is a good chance that he would not wish his daughter to follow his example.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 05:16 am
Being married out of wedlock is not necessarily harmful to a child. Violent porography depicting rape, torture and bestiality is very harmful, and anyone who is more concerned about a pervert's right to access such material over a child's right to be protected from such, is someone I would not want anywhere near my children.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 05:23 am
You are the one and the only one that I am aware of that bringing that subject up on this thread so off hand you seem to be far more of a danger to a child than anyone else here.

As must as I would love to go into details once more about your very sick and very distorts views of my positions on those subjects I am unlike you not going to do so on a thread started by a 13 years old.

Shame on you.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 05:25 am
izzythepush wrote:
Being married out of wedlock is not necessarily harmful to a child. Violent porography depicting rape, torture and bestiality is very harmful, and anyone who is more concerned about a pervert's right to access such material over a child's right to be protected from such, is someone I would not want anywhere near my children.
In America, children have been prohibited by law not only from seeing "rape, torture and bestiality"
but also from seeing photografy of normal, ordinary human sexuality.

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 05:33 am
You brought this up originally, attacking my country's supposed lack of freedom for banning such stuff. This ban came about after a sick individual decided to torture and kill his girlfriend in Brighton after viewing such filth. Until you posted your comments I have yet to meet anyone who does not agree that the ban is a good thing.

You also seemed unnaturally obsessed with Gracie, your postings seem way over the top. She had a very innocent question about dating, you have turned it into something else.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 05:38 am
izzythepush wrote:
If you like someone and they like you that should be all that matters.

What I think is of greater concern is why two old men like Bill and Dave seem to be so obsessed with what a 13yr old girl posts. It's not healthy, I'd let your dad know about their interest if I were you. I wouldn't want my 13yr old talking to those two.
U imply that I shoud have disregarded her, on the ground of her age.
I treat people with the same respect, regardless of age. I always have.
From your post, I surmise that U do not. Your post is very insulting to Gracie.
If u said that to ME at that age, or ANY age,
I 'd tell u off. The nerve of some people.

I have answered your posts, Izzy,
but u have yet to allege that I am "obsessed" with conversing with U.
I infer that u look down upon the minds of 13 year olds with disdain.
From that: I dissent.
I do not accept the concept that U are any better than the 13 year old is.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 05:44 am
Damn it David I would love to get involve in dealing with this nut case claims but I still see it as inappropriate to do so on this thread.

And that also bring up another tropic, is it wise or not to allow 13 years olds on a website where such subjects are cover among adults or not?

Hell how many parents would be thrill with the idea of having strange adults on the net telling their 13 years old daughter that she is correct that having children out of wedlock is no big deal as our nut case had just done?

For myself I would be outrage if that would occur to my step grand daughter at age 13 however thankfully I can not see her parents not monitoring their kids use of the net far more carefully then the father seems to be monitoring this young lady use.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 05:46 am
Of course I brought up the subject of censorship and lack of adult freedoms in your country but as far as I recall not on this thread that was started by a 13 years old!!!!!!!!!

If you wish to see a sexually sick man I would suggest that you do not need the internet or even a computer your shaving mirror would do nicely.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 06:19 am
BillRM wrote:
Damn it David I would love to get involve in dealing with this nut case claims
but I still see it as inappropriate to do so on this thread.
I 'm a big supporter free speech for people of ALL ages.
There is no age limit on the First Amendment ( nor the Second Amendment ).

BillRM wrote:
And that also bring up another tropic, is it wise or not to allow 13 years olds
on a website where such subjects are cover among adults or not?
I see everyone in this forum as being equal to everyone else, regardless of age.
When I was that age, I fought against any societal interferences based on age. I have not changed my libertarian state of mind.

BillRM wrote:
Hell how many parents would be thrill with the idea of having strange adults
on the net telling their 13 years old daughter that she is correct that having children
out of wedlock is no big deal as our nut case had just done?
I gotta say, Bill with all respect and good will for u:
the 13 year old already HAS her own idea on the subject
and reading the thread shows that no one has had ANY effect
in changing her mind on this point. She remains unaffected.
Do u agree that no one has changed her mind??

BillRM wrote:
For myself I would be outrage if that would occur to my step grand daughter at age 13
Most respectfully, your outrage,
or any emotion that u may experience, has no effect upon
her First Amendment rights as a citizen,
the same as HER emotions cannot change YOUR rights either.

BillRM wrote:
however thankfully I can not see her parents not monitoring their kids use
of the net far more carefully then the father seems to be monitoring this young lady use.
When I was a kid, a lot younger than 13,
I lived an autonomous life (mostly alone). I loved it.
I 'd be a hypocrit to turn around now and denounce freedom for others
(unless thay are mentally ill). I support freedom of speech and freedom of inquiry for citizens of all ages.

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:51 am
Put it another way Bill. Are there any women on A2K who don't think you're a creepy mysogenist?
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:51 am

I ran across this, from the late Congressman Sony Bono.
It serves as a good rebuttal to some complaints
set forth earlier in this thread:

" I'm glad I'm here just like you
And if I say a thing or two
That doesn't mean I'm all that mad
Or that I think this place is bad
We got a land and the land is free
And no one loves it more than me

But a man's got a right to talk about
What's on his mind

That doesn't necessary mean
He's a revolution kind

Destruction is near we heard the moans
But I got conclusions of my own
Have I got some kid I have to teach
That if somebody makes a speech
And what he said you don't agree
Just let him scream the man is free

These words all have been said before
By men who have to go to war
By men who cried and kiss their wife
By men who had to give their life
By better men than me
That's why this land we have is free "

[All emfasis has been added by David.]
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:52 am
You're the one who continues to engage with him.

I'd suggest you take Sozobe's post to heart.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:54 am
izzythepush wrote:
Put it another way Bill. Are there any women on A2K who don't think you're a creepy mysogenist?
Izzy accuses Bill of being a mindreader.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 08:07 am
That fine David however at 13 a person is under the legal control of his or her parents and at 13 years they are children with the right to the protection from strange adults who would try to give them and or support ideas/morals that the parents do not happen to share.

Even without a survey I would think most guardians of 13 years old girls would be less then happy to have a group of strange adults telling them that having children out of wedlock is indeed a great idea.

In any case it might made for an interest tropic thread................

As for as must as I hate the idea of censorship for adults or near legal adults I can see it being justify in the case of people in the age range of the young author of this thread.

Our nutty friend suggested that she raised the issue of our interactions and comments to this young lady to her father and if I could do so I myself would place her father on notice by emailing the whole thread to him.

Giving him the chance to express his ideas/views on the subject to her even if she seems to be assuming because he brought her into the world out of wedlock that he would wish to see his grandchildren brought into the world under the same conditions.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 08:39 am
BillRM wrote:
That fine David however at 13 a person is under the legal control of his or her parents and at 13 years they are children with the right to the protection from strange adults who would try to give them and or support ideas/morals that the parents do not happen to share.
I dispute that,
insofar as it woud interfere with freedom of speech,
except that any person is free to leave any conversation.
It is obvious that anyone can leave any thread in an on-line forum.
Whether the kid leaves or not is up to the kid,
except that if he is using another person's property (e.g., a "guardian")
the owner thereof can withdraw his property
from access of a non-owner.

BillRM wrote:
Even without a survey I would think most guardians of 13 years old girls would be less then happy
to have a group of strange adults telling them that having children out of wedlock is indeed a great idea.
If u read this thread, u will see that
the girl HERSELF had this idea.

The way u wrote that,
it sounds as if someone ELSE infected her mind
with that idea; that is NOT what happened, Bill

The happiness of guardians has no effect on the right
of a kid to research anything. That is what happens in a free country.

BillRM wrote:
In any case it might made for an interest tropic thread................

As for as must as I hate the idea of censorship for adults or near legal adults
I can see it being justify in the case of people in the range of the young author of this thread.
It coud be possible that a kid will think that YOU shoud not have freedom of inquiry.
Your opinion is as good as his; u have as much right to your beliefs as he does to his.

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 09:49 am
A child have no freedom of speech against the wishes of his or her guardians and no right to access any place on the net against the wishes of those guardians.

As a lawyer you of all people should know that fact.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 10:10 am
If u read this thread, u will see that
the girl HERSELF had this idea.

The way u wrote that,
it sounds as if someone ELSE infected her mind
with that idea; that is NOT what happened, Bill.

Strange that you did not quote this comment in my same posting: give them and or support ideas/morals that the parents do not happen to share.

It does not matter a bit if an idea is being given to a child or the child own idea is being supported by adults non-family members of that child that there is a very good chance that the parents would strongly disagree with.

Both are on the same level as far as being morally questionable.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 10:58 am
Mr. Bill said: So let me get this straight you have no concern about her talking to Firefly who had encouraged her to hold the ideas that it is a good thing to have children out of wedlock but you do not wish her to talk to a man who tell her that it is a very bad idea

However I agree with you that it might be helpful for her father to read her postings on this thread and people responses to them as even those he had three children out of wedlock according the her there is a good chance that he would not wish his daughter to follow his example.

Oh my god! No one is encouraging anything!! I didn't ask for advice or opinions on marriage!! I asked for an opinion on what my friends mom said about dating, something I can't even do right now!! If you wanna talk about marriage then start your own freaking thread and stay off of mine! And what's with the gross sex comments? Like, who wants to hear that?! Stop being a perv and stop trying to shove your stupid opinions down my throat! Your being annoying. Jesus. How many times do I have to say it? Do you have reading comprehension problems? I DON'T CARE ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT MARRIAGE! IM FREAKING THIRTEEN!! Do you get it now? I can't get married and if I don't wanna get married that's my decision and absolutely NONE of your business. I knowim being mean and I'm sorry but you seem to really not understand what I'm saying or your just ignoring me. Either way I hope you get it now.

Secondly, you don't know my dad and you don't know me so STOP acting as if you do! My dadis fine with the idea of me never getting married. He said it himself that marriage isn't all it's cracked up to be so back off about it. My dad had 3 kids in wedlock and he's fine with it and he doesn't regret it and he's a great dad.

If you don't think I should be here, well that's your problem. I really don't give a crap. I'm here, and I'm gonna keep posting until IM ready to leave. So you need to Like it or Get over it. I try not to insult you but then you say that I shouldn't be on the site just because I'm 13. What's your deal? That's ageism! I can't help when I was born and besides, I'm mature for my age and wayy smarter than Most 13 year olds. So you can take your opinion and shove it up your butt. Lots of people like me and theyreglad I'm here so what you say doesn't matter to me.

My dad monitors me fine and if he were to read this thread he'd probably be insulted by you! Do you realize how condescending and insulting some if your posts on MY thread are? Get over yourself dude!

In closing. I'm stuck in class and my day is really sucky. Thanks for making my mood worse pal!
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 11:04 am
Way to go, GracieGirl!
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