Okay so today was a pretty awesome day at school. Yay!
But anyway, we were on Chapter 11: The Progressive Era in AP American History this week and we just finished (our test is on Monday) section 4: Suffrage At Last.
So we got to watch a really great movie called "Iron Jawed Angels" yesterday and today in class. Its about women fighting for suffrage (the right to vote) in America and everything. The two main women in the movie are Alice Paul and Lucy Burns and they are awesome! I really loved learning about the Progressive Era and stuff this week. It's really interesting and I LOVED this movie.
Iron Jawed Angels is AMAZING!! It's a true story too! I think that Alice Paul and Lucy Burns are soo freaking awesome. They went through a ton of crap fighting for women's rights and some parts of the movie we're just soo sad. (I get really emotional watching movies sometimes LOL) Like, I cried on the part when, After they force fed Alice Paul when she was trying to do the hunger strike and her mouth was bleeding and she was soo weak and on the part when all the women at the jail stop eating and start singing and Lucy Burns tries hard not to cry when they take Alice away and on the part when they had Alice admitted to the crazy hospital and the therapists/psychologist (whatever) was asking her questions and stuff. And on the part when Emily's husband (I dont remember her last name) threatened to take her kids away.
Gosh, It just made me wanna slap those guys in the face! LOL
I look at people like Alice Paul and Lucy Burns and I just think 'Gosh, I wanna be like them someday!' You know, strong and smart and I wanna fight for what I believe in no matter what and make a big difference in the world somehow. That movie and those girls were incredible! I'm really glad that I was born female after seeing that movie. LoL
I think that since women back then fought so hard for us to have rights and get a vote that
ALLwomen should vote at least once for God's sake. I definitely wanna vote when Im 18.
But yeah guys, that movie was AMAZINGGGGGG!!! Check it out if you havent already! It's on Youtube, here's the link:
Comments anyone?
What do you think of the movie? Favorite Part? Least favorite part? Got any other information or opinions on women suffrage? I'd love to hear it guys!