GracieGirl wrote:I think it would be awesome to vote but I don't get alot of political stuff.
All u need to do
is read the newspapers or watch the news on TV.
That will bring u up to date.
GracieGirl wrote:I'm still a little confused about some stuff do maybe I shouldn't vote right now.
I worked in political campaigns when I was younger than 13.
I argued with
passionate intensity for the conservative-libertarian Individualist side, against liberalism.
I was
OUTRAGED at being disenfranchized.
It was more than obvious to me that most voters
(when I tried to convince them)
were far
less informed than I was, regardless of age.
U don 't have to be old to read a newspaper
or a book.
Citizenship begins at birth.
I have a hunch that if kids coud legally vote,
the results 'd
not be to my liking; the left woud benefit
and personal freedom woud
suffer, in the name of "the common good"
morally kids have the
right to participate in the legal system
that controls them; either that,
or thay have no
moral duty to co-operate.
IF government excludes children from the electorate (as it
then its
MORAL authority over them is only that of a schoolyard bully.
INSULTS children to ask them to pledge allegiance to
GracieGirl wrote:Haha! Maybe like 16 instead of 18! That would be awesome!