Like I said, as a human being to each of us we are, you have already made a mistake in your assessment by saying that a woman can make choices while intoxicated - "any woman", is how you worded it. You did not say "my wife", so you have failed to draw a logical line to balance out this slippery slope. I am also showing you that I am willing to change my perception on anything that needs to be changed, as again, this is not a stable foundation anybody is standing upon - this is a controversy that is truly wild and opaque in nature. It dips into our animal senses, which makes it terribly difficult to understand what is right and what is wrong there, without getting self-righteous about sex being dirty and unclean at the same time.
That's the problem with people today. People treat people who have lost their footing with emotional backlash of their own personal fear and regression, instead of treating them as a friend they will help back up to the cliff they were scaffolding before. Everyone is on edge at some point in their life, but people never treat people with the respect they need to get through that edge - instead, they play god by judging you and pushing you around because you interfere with their morals. The thing is, morals are man-made - in the end, they are interfering with reality every day. It's best to understand where people come from, what they are saying, how it stacks up to actual situations aspect by aspect, instead of playing god by saying you are sure that you are right because, "I said so". This is a world we all share - we need to take responsibility for it, together.
I live in a world that is governed by natural forces which consume unnatural enforcers. I know the atomic warfare in each and everyone of us - it's important for me to understand my people on a subatomic level. It is imperative to understand that people that emotionally react aren't doing it for you - they are doing it for themselves - not because they want to, but because they are forced to by which forces aforementioned.
"Emotions are not reasons - emotions are reactions" elaborates on why people react the way they do emotionally, instead of "realistically".